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... and other publications in demand


Soil Surveys for Land Development

Sufficient of the techniques of soil Classification and mapping are outlined so that the mode of operation, the type of equipment involved and the Cost of the work Can be accurately assessed. Maps in color. Good bibliography. 1953, 110 pp.. (E) $ 1.00, 5s.

Using Salty Land

Second printing of English edition available. 1948-50 pp., tables, charts, references 6 0.50, 2s 6d.

Weed Control by Growth-Regulating Substances

Third English printing. 1951,:36 pp.. 5 illustrations, 2 tables (EFS) $ 0.60, 2s. 6d

All three editions of this short book have Hold rapidly and the Spanish and French editions have been serialized many times in the agricultural press.


Agricultural Development and Rural Reform in Denmark

FAO is now giving considerable attention to land tenure problems. This monograph covers not only the subject of land tenure, but also several aspects of agricultural development in Denmark closely associated with this subject HO that it can be considered as a significant contribution to the work of FAO in this nerd. 1953, 320 pp. (E) $ 3.00, 15s.

Consolidation of Fragmented Agricultural Holdings

A general analysis of the cause and effects of fragmentation and of preventive and remedial measures, supported by authoritative national studies of the problem contributed by Denmark. Ireland, Switzerland and France. 1950, 100 pp., 2 maps, 3 tables, (EFS) $ 1.00, 5s.

Communal Land Tenure

Sir Gerald Clauson K.C.M.G., the author of this paper, was until recently a high official in the British Colonial Office in London. The paper is one of a group of connected studies on land tenure and related subjects to be published as part of the FAO programme of agrarian reform. 1953, 58 pp., (EFS) $ 0.50, 2s, 6d.

Cadastral Surveys and Records in Rights in Land

Sir Bernard Binns, K.B.E., author of this paper, was for five years head of the Department of Settlements and Land Records in Burma, and was also for two years, as Financial Commissioner, responsible for the whole land records administration of which the Land Records Department was an integral part. 1953, 68 pp.. (EFS) $ 0.50, 2s, 6d.

Inter - Relationship between Agrarian Reform and Agricultural Development

This booklet is intended to show the influence that various types of land tenure and agrarian reform may exercise on agriculture development. It also tries to indicate the close complementary relationship between agricultural and industrial development. 65 pp., $ 0-75 3s, 9d.


Water Laws in the United States of America

A selected reference list of publications with some reproductions, basic excerpts and a list of contents of special interest relating to water laws, irrigation, conservation, drainage and flood overflow protection for agricultural lands, 1950, 164 PP. multilith (E) $ 1.00, 5s.

Water Laws ID Italy

Italy's legislation in this particular field has been chosen because of its long irrigation history, its background of Roman Law and customs which have been instrumental in shaping the laws of many modern countries, and because Italy possesses a simple and complete system of water lawn. February 1953. iv + 2.5 pp. 25c, 1s, 3d.

Digest of Plant Quarantine Regulations

This edition revised the 1949 edition. bringing it up to date to August 1952. December 1952. vi + 164 pp. (EFS) $ 2,00, 10s.

Land Settlement for Agriculture

This paper attempts to outline the process of agricultural settlement and resettlement, to describe the various considerations and difficulties which may arise in connection with these operations. 1951. 40 pp. (EFS) $ 0.50 2s, 6d.

Cereal Breeding Procedures

This short handbook by Professor J. 13. Harrington of the University of Saskatchewan, deals with the practical operations of a breeding program for wheat, rice and other small grains. viii + 124 pp. (EF) $ 1.25, 6s, 3d.

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