c) Land and water utilization and conservation
136. The Conference expressed its general agreement with the work program in the field of land and water utilization and conservation. It examined the details of work proposed in the more specific fields of soil survey and classification, water resources development, land use planning and conservation, land tenure and settlement, farm management and organization and agricultural engineering (farm machinery and implements), and expressed its satisfaction at the balance achieved between the various activities and the relative emphasis placed upon them. It, therefore, suggested that no specific changes be imposed upon this program as a whole. It noted with satisfaction FAO's co-operation with other international agencies concerned with water control and utilization, as recommended by the Economic and Social Council.
137. Many countries are launching major schemes of land reclamation and planned agricultural settlement. The success of such schemes is entirely dependent upon planning on the broadest scale, taking into account not only the requirements of urban planning as well as construction of roads, water facilities, utility works etc., but also the needs of the rural populations and the maintenance of the vital land and water resources for agriculture. This requires the integration of all the basic physical, ecological, social and economic factors in the area of settlement. The problems involved in settling uprooted families in new environments, usually under different farming conditions, are very complex and require a carefully planned approach which should be supported by many technical studies. The Conference, therefore, expressed its keen interest in strengthening the work on land settlement which would enable the Organization to assemble and disseminate information and to render assistance in this field.
138. Many countries are anxious to know in which areas land reclamation and irrigation projects are most promising for opening up new lands for increased agricultural production and new farming opportunities. Only competently conducted soil surveys, land classification according to agricultural use, capability, and careful appraisal of land and water resources relative to their prospects for economic suitability for development can give a reliable answer. It was noted that many governments have expressed interest in placing greater emphasis in their own countries on the assessment of the development potentiality of their land and water resources and the Conference agreed upon the fundamental importance of this part of the program of work. The Conference therefore stressed the need for continued and if possible expanded work in this field as well as on surface and underground water resources development, improvement of irrigation methods and better farm organization and management.
139. The Conference also emphasized the need for developing more systematic and practical work and training in the field of farm organization and management in many countries, and noted with satisfaction that a Regional Training Center in Farm Management for Asia and the Far East, in which problems of improving the efficiency of farming operations in rice-producing areas will be highlighted, was included in the Technical Assistance Program.
140. The Conference noted the work carried out and proposed in the field of farm machinery and the improvement of small farm implements, work which is found by governments to be very useful in developing farm machinery workshops and in training mechanics and farmers in the use, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment, with due regard to the economic and social impact of this work.
141. Attention was drawn to the fact that, in many countries, improvement of the agrarian structure is a starting point for economic development, and the Conference noted with satisfaction the work done in this field and the successful co-ordination of the efforts with those of the United Nations and other Specialized Agencies. Improvement of the agrarian structure is not only concerned with the redistribution of land, but comprises a broad range of objectives such as land consolidation, security of tenure, registration of titles, agricultural credit, advisory services, encouragement of co-operatives, transport, improved marketing, and promoting the welfare of farm people with primary consideration for the human and social aspects.
142. Note was taken of the joint FAO/ Italian project for the appraisal and evaluation of land reform measures in Italy. Such studies are essential in order to establish the basis for appropriate information on the impact of agrarian reform measures on agricultural, economic and social development. The plan to compile a multilingual glossary of selected legal terms with special reference to the field of land tenure was welcomed. The great importance of the land problems centers which were organized during the last three years in Latin America, the Far East and the Near East was generally recognized.
143. The Conference was gratified to learn that the Government of Mexico had created a Center on Land Problems and adopted the following resolution:
Center on Land Problems, Mexico
The Conference
Re-affirming its support of the principles of Agrarian Reform as approved by the Sixth Session of the Conference, by ECOSOC and the General Assembly;
Endorsing the activities in this field as outlined by the Director-General in the "Program of Work and Budget," in particular, regional or other workshops, seminars, and training centers;
Noting with satisfaction the establishment in Mexico of the Center on Land Problems created in accordance with recommendations of the American Seminar of Land Problems and in accordance with Resolution No. 32 adopted by the Seventh Session of the FAO Conference;
Requests the Director-General to obtain further information as to the extent to which FAO might co-operate with or use the facilities of the Center;
Invites Member Governments in Latin America and international organizations concerned, such as the OAS, to lend the Center continued support in its operation, and to take ad vantage of the Center's training and research facilities;
Recommends that in accordance with paragraph (ii) of Resolution No. 31 of the Seventh Session of the Conference and in the light of the information obtained concerning the Center, the Organization explore the possibilities for enlarging the scope of the Center to include the organization of training centers and other regional activities for the instruction of technicians in the field of improving land use and tenure in Latin America;
Requests the Director-General to give all appropriate assistance to the Center in the spirit of Resolution No. 32/03.
d) Plant production and protection
144. The Conference, in giving its general approval to the program of work for plant production and plant protection, re-affirmed its support of the regional approach which had been adopted in connection with many of the regular and expanded technical assistance activities in these fields. Plans to extend work on the development of grazing and fodder resources to the tropical regions, and to intensify work in tropical agronomy, including tree crops for forage and human nutrition, were strongly supported. The Conference recommended that information on the results of research in these fields be collected and disseminated by the Organization through appropriate media and, where possible, making use of the services of Regional Offices.
145. In view of the importance of encouraging the wider adoption of modern plant breeding techniques and promoting the exchange of plant breeding material, plans for the continuation of the regional projects in maize, rice, wheat and barley breeding were endorsed.
146. Attention was directed to the need for the further strengthening of national seed production and certification services and FAO plans to continue to devote attention to these matters were commended.
147. The Conference recognized the contribution that the FAO World Catalogues of Genetic Stocks of Wheat and Rice are making to plant introduction and plant breeding programs and noted the projected catalogue of coconut varieties. In this connection, it suggested that, in view of the contribution that wild species can make to varietal improvement programs, this catalogue should cover the genus Cocos.
148. The value of the seed exchange and plant introduction services of FAO was recognized, but, in view of the danger of introducing diseases along with propagating material, attention was directed to the importance of adequate safeguards. In this connection, FAO was requested to assist governments on request in arranging for making use of national plant introduction and quarantine facilities in other countries.
149. Plant pests and diseases not only decrease crop yields, but also cause wastage in storage and transit, and reduce the marketing quality of the produce. The Conference recognized that unless plant pests were effectively controlled, there could be no lasting improvement in agricultural productivity and therefore recommended that high priority be attached to the plant protection activities of FAO.
150. Attention was directed to the ravages caused by rats, and in view of the serious wastage in potential food supplies and the danger to public health, the Conference recommended that FAO provide assistance on request to Member Governments in connection with rodent control.
151. Attention was again directed to the serious losses to cereal crops caused by the Senn-Pest (Eurygaster integriceps Put.) in the Near East countries, and in view of the importance of these crops in the diet and economy of peoples in the region, the Conference adopted the following resolution:
Control of Senn-Pest
The Conference
Recognizing the important losses caused to growing cereals, especially wheat and barley, by the Senn-Pest (Eurygaster integriceps);
Noting that such losses may lead to the total destruction of these crops in several countries of the Near East;
Considering that these cereal crops are the main source of food and a major source of agricultural income in these countries;
Stresses the importance of the economic control of this pest;
Requests the Director-General to give due consideration to the initiation of a region project for the control of the Senn-Pest:
(i) by establishing a working party for a co-operative study of the means of reducing the losses caused by the Senn-Pest to these essential crops, and
(ii) by providing for this work such Technical Assistance funds as may be available.
152. The Conference considered the action taken by the Organization since the Seventh Session in supporting national and co-operative action against the current desert locust plague. It recognized that the success of this project, particularly in regard to the co-ordination of the international campaign in the Arabian Peninsula, was an outstanding example of the value of the regional approach. It therefore adopted the following resolution:
Locust Control
The Conference
Having regard to the dangers to world food resources from the depredations of locusts during their recurrent plagues; and
Considering that, to reduce these dangers, a common objective is at present the continued development and maintenance of strong competent national and international control organizations, and the proper co-ordination of their activities;
Notes with satisfaction the increasing participation by Member Governments in cooperative anti-locust operations and the effective measures taken by the Organization to establish, encourage and support such co-operation, which gas already succeeded in limiting crop damage;
Authorizes the Director-General
(i) to pursue his policy of co-ordinating international measures against the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria, Forsk), particularly in the Arabian Peninsula, and against the Central and South American locusts, (particularly Schistocerca paranensis, Burm.),
(ii) to extend this policy towards encouraging more closely co-ordinated studies of the Moroccan locust (Dociostaurus maroccanus, Thnbg.) and, within the budgetary means available, such other species of locusts as may require co-ordination of international control measures,
(iii) to initiate steps to formulate a long term policy of research and investigations designed for the prevention of future are desert locust plagues, having regard to the recommendations of the FAO Technical Advisory Committee on Desert Locust Control;
Requests the Director-General
(i) to encourage governments of such countries as may be threatened by desert locust plagues to build up as quickly as possible their own national organizations with the help of FAO and other interested agencies and to augment their contributions to the campaigns against the desert locust in the Arabian Peninsula in order that the demands upon the Organization's resources may thereby be gradually reduced over a reasonable period of time,
(ii) to continue to apply to the project Technical Assistance funds so as not to impair the effectiveness of the current Arabian campaigns until the countries in the Arabian Peninsula are in a position to assume responsibilities to cope with the problem within their borders, in cooperation, if necessary, with other interested agencies,
(iii) to take such steps as lie within his competence to obtain adequate national or regional allocations from ETAP funds and other available sources during each of the years 1956 and 1957 sufficient to support, not only expenditure on the international campaign in the Arabian Peninsula, but also for the training in desert locust control work, particularly through fellowships and exchange of technical personnel, for equipment, insecticides and supplies for the use of countries concerned and to support research on the desert locust, particularly through existing research centers;
Commends the establishment by the Director-General of the FAO Desert Locust Control Committee in accordance with the recommendations of the Working Party on Desert Locust Control at Rome 13-17 September 1954. It considers, however, that in addition to the following terms of reference recommended by the Working Party:
(i) keeping, the desert locust situation under review,
(ii) co-ordinating the desert locust control campaign in the Arabian Peninsula, and
(iii) co-ordinating desert locust control campaigns in other portions of the desert locust area, when such additional co-ordinating activities are considered desirable by the Committee,
its functions should include:
(iv) promoting the co-ordination of national and international policies towards preventative measures of desert locust control;
Recommends that, in view of the developments in the desert locust control project since its inception and the establishment of the FAO Desert Locust Control Committee, the functions of the FAO Technical Advisory Committee on Desert Locust Control, established by the Sixth Session of the Conference in 1951, should now be defined as:
providing the Director-General with technical and scientific advice on the desert locust situation and on the measures required to keep it under control.
e) Animal production and protection
153. The Conference, being of the opinion that livestock breeding and feeding together with disease control were of major importance in improved agricultural production, expressed its agreement with the Program proposed for 1956 and 1957.
154. With a view to further assisting countries to prepare and promote a wellbalanced livestock program, which in turn would provide the protective foods required for the better nutrition of their people, it called attention to the following:
(i) While much progress has been made in the control of the major epizootic diseases, the Conference noted with satisfaction the program for the controlling of those debilitating diseases and parasitic infestations, which considerably lower livestock production.
In order to facilitate the continued improvement in the situation regarding the control of animal diseases and with a view to assisting countries which are importing livestock for both breeding and human nutritional needs, the importance of implementing the contractual arrangement between FAO and OIE for the reporting and dissemination of information on diseases was stressed.
(ii) While the importance was appreciated of livestock and poultry nutrition in the over-all program of livestock production, the need was stressed for more information on improved nutrition using local feeds and industrial by-products which could be economically produced. It was noted that in many countries the greatest production of animal feed was derived from grass and grassland products but that there was a great need for dissemination of knowledge of better methods of grassland management and forage conservation to provide adequate feed over adverse seasons. Similarly, it was considered that there was a need for FAO to collect information on the latest developments in animal and poultry feeding and to make such information available to member countries. The Conference endorsed the suggestion that the above points should be incorporated into an over-all program for livestock nutrition.
(iii) In appreciating the difficulties encountered in finding suitable breeds of livestock for some areas, emphasis was laid on the further collection and dissemination of information on reactions of livestock and of breeds of livestock under various climatic conditions. To facilitate this, FAO should continue its work on the cataloguing of breeds of livestock in the various areas.
(iv) The importance of joint action with UNICEF and the International Dairy Federation in the fields of dairy production, consumption and distribution was recognized. FAO's responsibility in assisting the dairy industry in the various member countries was stressed with particular reference to the production aspect of the problem. The Conference endorsed these joint activities with other international organizations and felt that they should be continued and strengthened wherever possible.
(v) The existing project in collaboration with European Association for Animal Production for the compilation of a Glossary of Animal Husbandry Terms was generally commended and the need to complete this work was stressed.
(vi) The Conference noted that many countries had expressed the need for guidance in furthering their plans for establishing educational facilities in veterinary services and animal husbandry, and, stressing the need for this fundamental part of their national programs, had requested FAO to provide the necessary guidance and assistance, on either a national or a regional basis. Until such time as the necessary facilities are available, the awarding of fellowships in animal husbandry was considered of great importance.
(vii) The importance of progeny testing systems was noted: FAO should continue to review and compare these systems and as soon as possible make the information available to member countries.
(viii) Many of the problems confronting livestock improvement programs, in particular disease control, recognize no national boundaries; the regional approach to such problems was therefore stressed.
f) Agricultural institutions arid services
155. The Conference recognized that effectively co-ordinated systems of agricultural research, extension and education were fundamental to agricultural development. Without adequate government services in these fields, many worthwhile technical and developmental projects now under way in member countries cannot fully achieve their ultimate objectives of improved agricultural productivity and better rural living. Particular attention was drawn to the following points which should be considered in implementing the program of work:
(i) A continuing and well-supported program of agricultural research is one of the fundamentals of agricultural development in any country. Many countries lack the necessary funds to conduct research, especially of a basic or fundamental nature. The Conference therefore recommended that inter-country co-operation should be encouraged in basic research and on problems of mutual interest involving applied research, in order that limited national funds and staff might be employed most effectively. Recognizing that agricultural extension services and institutions of higher agricultural education cannot be effective without the support of adequate research programs, the Conference recommended that FAO continue to emphasize activities aimed at promoting, assisting and coordinating this phase of national programs.
(ii) The Conference again stressed the importance of agricultural extension services. The Director-General and member countries were urged to give full support to efforts in this field. Attention was drawn to the need for advising governments on extension work. The Conference appreciated the emphasis given by FAO to the adaptation of the organization and methods employed to the cultural, economic and institutional conditions prevailing in a country. Adequate facilities and teaching materials are required if extension advisers are to work effectively. Special attention was drawn to the need for developing a close working relationship between the farmer and extension worker. Regional training centers must be encouraged to supplement national training programs if the personnel needs of expanding extension services are to be met. The Conference therefore emphasized the value of regional development centers and recommended continuing support of regional and national training centers. In this respect, use could be made of short training courses organized regularly in one or a few countries in each region.
(iii) The importance of agricultural education was emphasized not only for providing technically trained personnel for expanding services, but also, through vocational training, for raising the technical competence of farmers generally. The Conference noted the increasing demand for technical assistance in this field, and approved the action of the Director-General in initiating regional surveys to assess the adequacy of existing facilities in relation to needs. With a view to co-ordinating this work the Conference recognized the need for strengthening FAO's activities in the field of agricultural education.
(iv) Effective organization and administration of essential governmental and non-governmental services were recognized as essential for implementing technical programs. Technical progress in agriculture is often impeded by the lack of an administrative organization to initiate, plan, co-ordinate and finance work in research, education and extension. It was, therefore, recommended that member countries give increasing attention to this problem and that the Director-General, upon request, give all possible assistance in improving the structure of these services to agriculture. This may be done through national and regional studies, direct advice and assistance to individual governments, panels of expert consultants, and through regional development centers.
156. While approving generally the program of work in the field of rural welfare, the Conference expressed the view that all measures taken to promote the welfare of rural people were of far-reaching importance to the social and economic stability of a country. At the same time it agreed that with the limited resources available, it was preferable for FAO to continue to concentrate on selected aspects of rural welfare.
157. It strongly emphasized that co-operatives can form the basis of rural development. It was stressed that there was a place for co-operative development at all levels although in some countries the development of co-operatives to their full efficiency might require time and skilled supervision. It was pointed out that the co-operative technique was adaptable to a variety of circumstances, and that encouragement of co-operatives need not await general economic and educational advancement.
158. In referring to the importance of rural credit the Conference agreed that cooperatives were among the best media of providing credit on reasonable terms to small farmers. It also noted that in certain countries measures to improve the agrarian structure had been greatly facilitated by the formation of co-operatives.
159. The special study to be undertaken on cooperatives in relation to land use was welcomed. In this connection, the Conference drew attention to the fact that there were large areas of land of low category unsuitable for individual farming which could, however, be satisfactorily utilized on a controlled cooperative basis, for example for grazing and tree production.
160. The Conference stressed the importance of establishing or developing small scale rural industries, particularly those concerned with the processing of agricultural products as supplementary occupations for farming populations during seasons of underemployment.
161. It considered that the assistance rendered to countries in surveying rural conditions was important and should be continued. It also noted that, subject to sufficient information being available in time, the European Rural Life Meeting would be convened in 1957. In this connection, the Conference noted the particular interest of the Associated Country Women of the World as expressed by their observer.
162. With a view to guiding the Director General in his forward planning of activities, the Conference, while unanimously of the opinion that the existing general program trend should be sustained, indicated a number of desirable developments and fields of endeavor. It requested the Director-General to consider these in formulating the Organization's program of work in the field of agriculture for the years 1958 and 1959. It realized that for those suggested projects which could be carried out under the Technical Assistance Program, an earlier implementation might be expected within the overall regulations governing this Program. In this connection, it noted with satisfaction the plans of the Director-General to achieve a still closer integration between the Regular and the Technical Assistance Programs.
163. In considering the Technical Assistance activities of the Organization in the field of agriculture, the Conference noted particularly the heavy workload which falls upon the regular staff of the Agriculture Division at Headquarters owing to the size of the Technical Assistance operations in relation to the size of the Regular Program. It expressed the hope that means could be found to provide additional staff under the Technical Assistance funds so that a reasonable share of the Headquarters servicing could be provided under these funds.
164. The Conference realized that the problems with which agriculture in the world is faced in its endeavour to improve productivity are manifold and often extremely complex. A number of these problems, however, are to a great degree similar in regions with comparable ecological and environmental circumstances. Therefore, it is of primary importance that, with a view to making the most efficient use of the means at their disposal, governments join forces on a regional basis for the solution of a selected number of common major problems. The Organization should, wherever and whenever possible, endeavor to promote, guide, and, upon request, co-ordinate the action of governments to this effect, it being realized that active interest and participation by governments is essential for the success of any regional action.
165. Of particular importance in this respect are the fields of plant protection and animal disease control; diseases and pests do not recognize national boundaries. An Organization such as FAO is particularly well adapted to carry out over-all co-ordinating functions in the joint attempts of countries to control diseases and pests on a regional basis. The establishment of further Region al Plant Protection Conventions as provided for in the International Plant Protection Convention, such as that recently proposed for South East Asia, should he actively pursued by the Organization.
Also, the attempts to arrive at regional co- operation in combating: animal diseases, through the establishment of regional commissions. committees or working parties, should, if possible, be strengthened. In this connection, the Conference was gratified to learn of the support that is being given by FAO to assist the Central American countries which recently set up a regional organization for the control of plant and animal diseases.
166. In order to ensure the success of FAO's efforts on the regional approach and also to enable it to increase its services to individual member countries, the Conference requested the Director-General to consider the possibilities of strengthening over-all work in plant protection. In the field of animal disease control, further attention should be given in cooperation with OIE to the control of debilitating diseases and particularly the control of parasites. Also, in order to provide the necessary personnel for the control of animal diseases and improvement in animal production, the Organization should give increased guidance and help to countries and regions in the establishment of educational facilities. As an interim measure, and as a supplement to national educational programs, attention should be given to the organizing of training centers and to the granting of fellowships in these fields under the Technical Assistance Program.
167. The Conference, having already stressed the importance. of horticulture, requested the Director-General to consider the possibility of steadily and materially expanding the work of the Organization in this field, and particularly assisting governments in improving their research facilities. Thus the Organization would be in a position to render more assistance particularly to countries in tropical areas where there is a need for changing the often predominant pattern of monoculture with its associated dietary problems. Special stress was also laid on the importance of proper conservation and processing methods to ensure the retention of the nutritive and protective value and the better utilization of horticultural products.
168. Furthermore, the Conference drew attention to the desirability of initiating and/ or strengthening work in the following fields:
(i) A study of the possibilities of reducing water losses through evaporation, seepage and misuse in semi-arid and arid regions. Furthermore, consideration should be given to the reclamation and development of arid zones, including not only technical aspects but also the legislative measures necessary to encourage agriculture in such areas. The availability of adequate meteorological data and of regular information on weather conditions is of utmost importance to agriculture. The Conference therefore recommended continuing cooperation between FAO and WMO with a view to fostering collection and interpretation of meteorological data by governments in a manner most useful to agriculture.
(ii) As opportunity permits, the FAO World Catalogue of Genetic Stocks could be extended to other crops, particularly such tropical crops as sorghum, oil-seeds and cotton. Consideration could also be given to the possibility of circulating to governments from time to time information on improved varieties of crop plants, especially tropical crops. In view of the importance to agriculture. The Conference therefore recommended continuing comany countries, the Organization was requested to consider the possibility of undertaking a survey of the procedures adopted in national plant introduction services, including methods of screening and selection, with a view to assisting in establishing or strengthening such services. Further, with a view to improving methods of introducing promising varieties of crop plants into member countries, the Conference requested the Director-General to study the possibility and feasibility of establishing an international plant exchange system and to report to a future session of the Conference. The importance of work on the conservation of stored products, especially in rural areas in the tropics, was emphasized, and FAO was requested to aid in the dissemination of information on pest infestation control.
(iii) In the field of animal production, attention should also be given if possible to smaller animals other than those usually included in the term livestock and poultry, since such small stock in many areas is a major source of protein for rural populations. The collection and distribution of information on antibiotics and hormones in livestock feeding should also be considered.
(iv) Under the heading of increased attention to agricultural institutions and services, the Director-
General could consider the inclusion of a project on evaluating the effectiveness of various systems of extension and studying the effect of these systems upon agricultural production.
169. The Conference recommended that governments seriously attempt themselves to take over projects of the Organization at the moment when these have reached a stage where the co-ordinating function of FAO is no longer indispensable. The Director-General was requested to review continuously the status of projects and to invite the co-operation of Member Governments to this effect. Furthermore, the Conference felt that in certain cases it might be possible to reduce the frequency of technical meetings of commissions, committees and working parties, after the initial stages during which it is necessary to call annual meetings in order to launch the projects properly.
Agriculture and forest land uses in watershed management
170. In discussing agricultural and forest land use problems in watershed management, the Conference emphasized their extreme importance.
171. The Conference took note of a letter presented by the Observer to the Conference for the International Union for the Protection of Nature, pointing to the desirability of considering the consequences of large-scale river engineering works on the natural flora and fauna of affected areas.
172. As the result of its discussion on watershed management, the Conference strongly drew the attention of governments to:
(i) the fact that the management of watersheds was a basic activity in agricultural and forest production;
(ii) the fact that the aims in watershed management were directed toward the application of soil conservation and the control and use of water;
(iii) the importance of conservation practices in the use of lands for agriculture, grazing and forestry. The consequences of overgrazing and mismanagement of range lands and the disappearance of plants valuable for forage production and soil conservation, can be devastating;
(iv) the seriousness of shifting cultivation in both the agriculture and forest economies, particularly of tropical areas;
(v) the tremendous magnitude of the problem of watershed management. FAO could only furnish advice and guidance in this field and the real action on corrective measures must be taken by governments;
(vi) the fact that this is an international problem and that international co-operation is often required;
(vii) the highly variable conditions around the world and the need for research in watershed management and hydrology as well as for education programs to aid individual landowners;
(viii) efforts by FAO to organize training centers and related educational activities for the benefit of technicians concerned with watershed management. In this connection, it was noted that such a training center was planned for the Far Eastern region in 1957 and that India had generously offered to serve as host country for the center.
173. The Conference recommended that the Organization, in continuing its studies on watershed management and related problems, draw Up a specific program indicating priorities for implementation by governments and by FAO, in order to achieve tangible improvements.
174. While accepting the great importance of watershed management in flood prevention and control and adopting the following resolution, the Conference recognized that there were other objectives in watershed management, for instance the elimination of stream pollution including siltation, the improvement of navigation, and the development and improvement of domestic and industrial water supplies.
175. Inter-divisional Consultations 'Fine Conference commended the inter-divisional approach to this subject adopted by the Organization.
176. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Flood Control
The Conference
Realizing that floods in certain regions constitute a recurring and serious threat to the productivity and general economy of those regions; and
Recognizing that action by individual countries in the regions cannot be sufficiently effective;
(i) that FAO encourage on a regional basis work in improving watershed management to reduce or prevent flooding in the affected areas,
(ii) that FAO render such technical assistance as may be necessary and possible to implement such work,
(iii) that these activities be co-ordinated with the flood prevention and control work of other appropriate national and international agencies.