
FAO’s work on dryland forests and landscapes was highlighted during the fifth Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW)


FAO’s work on dryland forests and landscapes was highlighted during the fifth Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW) in Agadir, Morocco. There, nine countries (Algeria, France, Iran, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey) endorsed the Agadir Commitment that would establish a new Regional Mediterranean Initiative on Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) to restore at least 8 million hectares by 2030.

Morocco hosted this year’s event in March 2017, which focused on the restoration of Mediterranean forests and landscapes. Presentations included an overview of experiences mapping and lessons learned from restoration in the Mediterranean, and the Global Drylands Assessment.

The Mediterranean Forest Week is held every two years to bring together members of the research community, policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders to discuss common areas of interest.

The Dryland Restoration Initiative Platform (DRIP) — an interactive web portal — was also launched at this event. DRIP offers and online tool to support practitioners, project managers, policy-makers and decision-makers in compiling and analysing data. It also helps in capturing and sharing lessons learned from restoration initiatives, thus advancing the monitoring and assessment of these initiatives globally.

Fifth Mediterranean Forest Week website

FAO Silva Mediterranea website

Proceedings of the MFW (Forêt Méditerrannéenne)