
Voicing Women and Civil Society – WeCaN's journey at UNCCD COP 15
16 May 2022
Women must join forces and fight desertification: that is the key message from Dunia Baroud El-Khoury, a member of FAO’s WeCaN initiative, at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification’s (UNCCD) COP15 in Abidjan.
Dunia spoke on behalf of Civil Society Organizations, including her own - the Women’s Association of Deir [...]

WeCaN woman champion Asha Elkarib: Despite trials and tribulations, progress finds its way in Sudan
09 May 2022
Meet Asha Elkarib, a women’s rights defender from the Sudanese Organization for Research and Development (SORD) and a focal point member for FAO’s WeCaN in Sudan.
Talking from Sudan via WhatsApp last month, Asha was interviewed for the WeCaN April feature. Sudan is currently beset by political unrest and has been [...]

Twenty WeCaN members complete training session on women’s advocacy, gender and climate
29 April 2022
WeCaN members completed the first of a series of training sessions on Friday, designed to boost women’s leadership and advocacy at high-level climate change dialogues.
The first training session of the series focused on ‘Connecting the dots between Gender Equality, Women's Representation and Advocacy’. It was run by Ilaria Sisto, FAO [...]

Making Every Voice Count for Adaptive Management Initiative: capturing best practices and sharing knowledge in dryland regions
22 April 2022
The ‘Making Every Voice Count for Adaptive Management’ (MEV-CAM) initiative has launched into action, collecting important knowledge from communities on the ground in dryland areas.
Led by the Dryland Forestry team at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funded by the South-South Triangle Cooperation program, MEV-CAM [...]

WeCaN woman champion Kaossara Sani urges: "Climate justice now! Stop talking, take action!"
08 March 2022
WeCaN Young Woman Champion for Sahel Region
Young activists are speaking out about the urgency of reducing carbon emissions, and they are leading change within their own communities. Indeed, for every young leader pictured on a magazine cover, thousands more are working daily for causes like climate justice, racial and gender [...]

Launch of the “Making Every Voice Count for Adaptive Management” (MEV-CAM) Participatory Video trainings
07 March 2022
The theory of change that includes better integration between the local community and decision makers has proven to bring about better tangible results. Shifting towards participatory systems that engage different stakeholders, including the local communities in the decision-making process, was found to be better than solving acute problems on the [...]

Climate action after COP26: Gender responsiveness from local to global
23 December 2021
On Monday, December 20, 2021, FAO’s Dryland Forestry team hosted the webinar “Climate action after COP26: Gender responsiveness from local to global” as part of the Forestry Technical Network (FTN) series. The FTN is a network aiming to ensure a high standard of technical expertise through the promotion of innovative practices [...]

Second Session of the COFO WG: Innovative forestry approaches needed to boost food security in drylands
25 November 2021
Boosting the capacity of forests and agrosilvopastoral systems in drylands to alleviate poverty and contribute to food security was the focus of an expert meeting during the second session of the Committee on Forestry's Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems this week.
Drylands cover 41 percent of the world’s [...]
What did you wish for International Day of Rural Women?
22 October 2021
Women everywhere are fundamental reservoirs of knowledge, expertise and skills. Even more so, rural women, possess finetuned capacities and understandings that are essential to sustaining food systems and preserving the environment, offering innovative tools to progress forward. On 15 October 2021, International Day of Rural Women, members of the WeCaN Community of Practice were asked to speak their [...]
WeCaN Unite Champions from Dryland regions: WeCaN first Workshop - 29 September 2021
30 September 2021
The new WeCaN Community of Practice for women in dryland regions kicked off its first workshop yesterday, 29 September 2021, welcoming nearly 50 members from across the globe! What initially started as eight countries quickly emerged into sixteen across 4 regions, over the course of just three months, and are identified as: Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Nepal, Palestine, Sudan, Tanzania, [...]