Лесное хозяйство в засушливых регионах

Young activists are speaking out about the urgency of reducing carbon emissions, and they are leading change within their own communities. Indeed, for every young leader pictured on a magazine cover, thousands more are working daily for causes like climate justice, racial and gender equality, and sustainable development change. 

We are initiating a new storytelling series on WeCaN women champions, to get to know the protagonists of this network:  the everyday invisible heroes, with desires, dreams and knowledge, that they utilise through activism, projects, campaigns and tireless day-to-day work. This storytelling series showcases the WeCaN women's professional journeys, challenges and successes, as well as their major contributions to action. By recognizing the significant role of women and girls around the different dryland regions, we can increase the impact and effectiveness of their involvement. By doing do, we are promoting female leadership, showcasing eloquent role models and advocating for a more egalitarian and sustainable society for all.  

Read our WeCaN women champions' stories...