Dryland Forestry

Field visit - 12 September 2023

Site summary

Yarmouk Reserve 

The Yarmouk Reserve is located in the northwestern part of the Kingdom of Jordan on the borders of the Golan Heights. It was established on January 6, 2010 and is managed by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature. The area of ​​the reserve is about 20 square kilometers. The reserve contains four plant patterns, with 547 species recorded.  

The most important plants in Yarmouk Reserve are the deciduous oak, which is the national tree of Jordan, in addition to the Atlantic birch and the white willow. 

The Yarmouk River includes 18 species of mammals, 119 species of birds, and 19 species of reptiles. 

Umm Qais “Wall”  

Umm Qais is located in northern Jordan, 28 km north of Irbid, on a magnificent hill that rises 364 meters above sea level. Its history dates back to 2400 years ago when it was one of the ten cities of the Roman Empire. The site provides an insight into the Roman Empire in Jordan and the Ottoman era. It overlooks the Jordan Valley, Lake Kinneret, and the Golan Heights.  

Umm Qais has a distinctive archaeological and architectural heritage. 

The city includes many monuments: 

  • Southern Theatre 

  • The Byzantine Church 

  • Eastern runway 

  • Markets and stores 

  • Roman Baths Complex 

  • Basilica Church 

  • Arched shops 

  • Nymphaeum