

Technologies Blogs

  • Combining IoT and Predictive Analytics in Agriculture

    The Agricultural sector is moving towards data-driven transformations. Farmers and traders are moving towards technological advancements, adopting data analytics and smart farming technologies. Issues in Agricultural Business One of the most important and great pain points in agricultural business...
    Posted by Akshay Shambharkar on
  • Energy Smart Agriculture

    Energy is needed in all steps along the agrifood chain: in the production of crops, fish, livestock and forestry products; in post-harvest operations; in food storage and processing; in food transport and distribution; and in food preparation. Direct energy includes electricity, mechanical power,...
    Posted by Malovi Antony on
  • eLearning Africa: Could ICTs be the Key to Ending Hunger in Africa?

    Education and technology can play an important role in ending hunger and malnutrition in Africa once and for all. That is the view of leading experts in communications technology and food security, who will be attending a special session on malnutrition at this year’s eLearning Africa conference (...
    Posted by Katarina Snak on