
Posts on the topic "Italy"

Posts on the topic "Italy"

  • Call for Applications for the online course on Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development

    Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations together with the Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO) are pleased to call for applications for a new online course “Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development”. There is an exponential growth in data accompanying the digitalisation of agriculture through the proliferation of mobile technology, remote sensing technologies and distributed computing capabilities among others. The effective management of this data will open up new...
  • FAO hosts the Workshop(s) on Geospatial Technology

    Geospatial technology is an important topic for all FAO staff across all technical areas because it now plays a fundamental role in supporting sustainable and climate resilient agricultural practices to ensure food security. This two part workshop was organised under the Digital Innovation Dialogues an initiative by FAO CIO Division to increase FAO staff knowledge and capacity and support them in fulfilling their mandates. The workshop (s) was held on the 17th of September 2019, in FAO HQ in Rome, Italy. In her opening address, Ms. Meng Zeng, FAOs Information Technology Officer, noted that...
  • Establishing the International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN is participating in the on-going African Green Revolution Forum and is sponsoring a session entitled, “ Establishing the International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture ” which will be held on the 3rd of September 2019. The session will discuss the establishment of the International Digital Council and selected AGRF participants have been invited. The Background Today, there are more than 7 billion people on the planet, a figure that is expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. Overall food production needs to double in a relatively short...
  • FAO-ITU E-agriculture In Action: Big Data for Agriculture

    In continuation of the efforts to promote sustainable ICTs for agriculture and to share knowledge on emerging technologies that holds great promise for agriculture, FAO-ITU have released the next in the series of E-agriculture in Action publication. About the Big Data for Agriculture publication Entitled the E-agriculture in Action: Big Data for Agriculture this publication tries to highlight the ecosystem needed to support data driven agriculture with the help of case studies from leading organizations. Title : E-agriculture in Action: Big Data for Agriculture Card page : http://www.fao.org/...
  • Launch of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

    The special event will launch The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019 report, presenting the latest estimates for food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition at global and regional levels. The report’s findings are an important yardstick to measure the world’s progress towards...
  • World Food Programme - Innovation Accelerator

    The WFP Innovation Accelerator identifies, supports and scales high-potential solutions to hunger worldwide. Innovation is important in order for WFP (and other agencies) to deliver on the mandate to end hunger. The Innovation Accelerator offers financial support, training and access to WFP partners and technical experts. Selected teams get an opportunity to develop their projects and receive up to US$ 100 thousand. The 2019 Programme Dates There were 3 cohorts in 2019 and very soon the 3rd cohort will close on the 8th of July 2019 and all eligible start-ups are encouraged to apply. The...
  • Read the Digital Technologies in Agriculture and Rural Areas Report

    A new publication by FAO that maps the adoption and use of digital innovations and technologies in agriculture has been published. The full report can be downloaded in the following links The full status report in English, link http://www.fao.org/3/ca4985en/ca4985en.pdf , The briefing paper in six UN languages through links below: http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887zh/ca4887zh.pdf (Chinese): http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887es/ca4887es.pdf (Spanish): http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887ru/ca4887ru.pdf (Russian) http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887fr/ca4887fr.pdf (French) http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887ar/ca4887ar.pdf (Arabic)...
  • The Third African Union - European Union Agriculture Ministerial Conference

    FAO welcomes the 3rd AU-EU Agriculture Ministerial Conference in FAO HQ, Rome on the 21st of June 2019. The conference is co-hosted by the African Union Commission and the European Commission. The AU Commissioner for Agriculture and rural economy, Ms Josefa Sacko and her counterpart the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and rural development, Mr. Phil Hogan are expected to attend. The African Union (AU) – European Union (EU) ministerial meetings take place on an ad hoc basis to monitor the progress achieved between summits, and to advance cooperation between both continents in certain fields...
  • The FAO Digital Agriculture Transformation Seminar ends

    The curtain came down for the FAO Digital Agriculture Transformation Semina r on the 13th of June at FAO headquarters. The seminar was attended by several hundred participants and included government ministers, representatives of civil society and the private sector, non-governmental organizations and others. The FAO Director General had the pleasure to invite Mr. Chang-Gyu Hwang, CEO, Korea Telecom (KT) who opened the seminar with an impressive summary of the possibilities that digital technologies have for agriculture, and what KT has done and is doing. The two day event saw the first day...