
Posts on the topic "researchers"

Posts on the topic "researchers"

  • Digital Cooperation Survey

    The Secretariat of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation has shared the Digital Cooperation Survey to interested persons to gather views on how to improve digital cooperation across sectors and regions. The surveys comes after the widespread use of digital technologies across regions and disciplines. The preamble acknowledges that ‘digital technologies have enabled profound changes in societies around the world, empowering people, allowing them to communicate cheaply, and spurring new businesses’. The survey calls participation from, individuals, governments, the private sector, civil...
  • Humanitarian Hackathon

    The Humanitarian Hackathon is a two-day event, taking place in Egmont Palace. It is designed to create technology-driven solutions for the most pressing humanitarian challenges. International and Belgian humanitarian organisations, donors, large companies, startups, scientists and engineers will be...
  • Invitation to GODAN Webinar on "Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain for Agriculture"

    The Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), invites interested person to join the webinar on 23rd January 2019. They published the following details To register Click this link https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4323913435173576193 About the webinar Blockchain has the potential to provide answers to a number of issues in agriculture, from farmer IDs to smart contracts, from traceability and improving certification, digital payments, insurance, consumer feedback and improved logistics. For example, to improve traceability in agriculture value chains, a decentralized...
  • High Level Panel – Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2019

    Utilizing the Power of Digital Innovations for youth, smallholders and family farmers. The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is organized by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Germany) and is hosted by the European Commission and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO is sponsoring a high level panel on, Utilizing the Power of Digital Innovations for youth, smallholders and family farmers Background to the highlevel panel The world faces unprecedented challenges affecting the sustainability of agriculture and the livelihood of millions of...
  • "The use of ICTs for agriculture is a multi-stakeholder initiative..." an interview with FAO's Gerard Sylvester

    e-Agriculture interviews Mr. Gerard Sylvester (Knowledge and Information Management Officer) who is based at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Gerard has worked over the years in the area of e-Agriculture and recently co-organised the E-agriculture Solutions Forum 2018 with ITU and partners. Gerard sheds insights on a number of issues in ICTs for agriculture and especially the support to the formulation of the FAO-ITU E-Agriculture National Strategies . Gerard is published in ICTs for agriculture and a publication on "Blockchains" is in the press. Q1: could you briefly...
  • EIP-AGRI Seminar 'Multi-level strategies for digitising agriculture and rural areas’ in session

    The EIP-AGRI seminar “ Multi-level strategies for digitising agriculture and rural areas ” roared into life today and seeks to provide a platform that will stimulate debate on digitisation of agriculture and rural areas – combining European, national, regional and local levels. This event is organised by the EIP-AGRI network with the contribution of the European Network for Rural Development and of the Broadband Competencies Offices Network and is supported by the Flemish Rural Network . The seminar is held in Antwerp, Belgium starting today, Wednesday 12th of December and concluded on the...
  • Digital disruption in agriculture

    Perhaps the name sounds negative, but not until you dig deeper. The rate of technology change has affected many people, processes and sectors. With regards to agriculture, our colleagues published an article, ' digital disruption in agriculture ’. They premise that, the pace of digital disruption over the last two decades has been breathtaking, transforming every sector of the global economy, including agriculture. By using diverse technologies – smartphones, GPS, satellite imagery, big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things – farmers can optimize crop growth and farm...
  • How blockchain can help smallholder farmers

    by Imaran Haider The agricultural business has revolutionized in recent years but still faces multiple handles. The supply chain has been faced with the non-transparent, inefficient and noncommunicating network made up of processes, data, actors, and products. Disconnection and lack of transparency...
    Posted by Imran Haider on
  • Winner of RFI’s Challenge App Africa announced

    Serge Auguste Zaonogo from Burkina Faso won the Radio France Internationale (RFI) Challenge App Africa for his invention ‘Saagga’ - an electronic mapping system that optimizes irrigation in the agricultural sector, permitting management while on-the-move. In a recent article , FAO noted that in addition to the prize, Serge Auguste Zaonogo will be offered an Internship with FAO in one of its innovation units. The RFI Challenge App Africa aims to support and promote the integration of new, innovative technologies in the field of sustainable development in Francophone Africa. Read this news here...
  • Join the Youth as drivers of Innovation: Interactive Event

    You are invited to participate in the interactive session with youth during the first International Symposium on agricultural innovation for family farmers. The event, organized in collaboration with Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD), is bringing together youth representatives and innovators around the world – both online and in-person – to interact with experts, present the key drivers behind their innovations, share their ideas and contribute their inputs to the outcomes of the symposium. Among the participants are four YPARD members: Nikki Pilania and Alpha Sennon (...