
Posts on the topic "stakeholders"

Posts on the topic "stakeholders"

  • Women’s access to ICTs for Agriculture and reflections on CTA at the European Development Days 2018

    In the just ended European Development Days 2018, The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) sponsored a session on women’s access to ICTs for agriculture. Through this event and supporting women’s access to ICTs for agriculture, CTA is helping to close the gender gap and improve livelihoods. The question of ICTs and Women Within ICTs for development, this event comes heels after the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women and its review on the role of ICTs in empowering rural women and girls encapsulated in the CSW47 Agreed Conclusions . Meanwhile, despite...
  • Regional Training on the use of Drones Imagery and GIS for Agriculture

    This training is to build capacity among FAO-ITU member countries in the use of these emerging technologies and to equip them with the needed technical knowledge to fully utilize these technologies for agriculture (including forestry and livestock), early warning systems and disaster risk...
  • ICTforAg 2018 : An interesting agenda ahead

    ICTforAg 2018 annual conference brings together 300 practitioners and decision makers in agriculture and international development . This year’s edition seeks to focus on new ICT solutions that can boost the productivity of both smallholder farmers and agricultural markets systems. ICTforAg is supported by Abt Associates , DAI , FHI 360 , and RTI International . The conference will focus on three areas:- Market systems Technological innovation, and Crisis Response A glimpse of the agenda The agenda reveals that this edition will focus on real challenges faced by farmers and other stakeholders...
  • e-Agriculture webinar on Transformative Digital Extension delivery and smallholder farm marketing in Zimbabwe through the Kurima Mari Mobile app

    The e-Agriculture Team in conjuction with Welthungerhilfe, Zimbabwe and the Ministry of Land, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement (Midlands, Zimbabwe) invites interested persons to the webinar on "Transformative Digital Extension delivery and smallholder farm marketing in Zimbabwe through the Kurima Mari Mobile app " Details of the webinar The webinar details are as follows Date : Thursday 14th of June 2018 Time : 11:00 hrs (Rome Time) Registration : Click here About this webinar This webinar that will be jointly presented by Welthungerhilfe and the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural...
  • East African Digital Farmers Conference and Exhibition 2018

    The regional conference seeks to help farmers and other value chain actors to harness the benefits of technology and data, and drive the adoption of these digital tools by farmers. It bring together end users, service providers, disseminators, regulators, policy formulators, and technology...
  • The East African Digital Farmers Conference and Exhibition 2018 (EADFC)

    The regional conference seeks to help farmers and other value chain actors to harness the benefits of technology and data, and drive the adoption of these digital tools by farmers. It bring together end users, service providers, disseminators, regulators, policy formulators, and technology...
  • Launch of WeRobotics Online Training Academy

    WeRobotics has just announced the WeRobotics Online Training Academy to provide professional training on the use of drones by developmental agencies.The academy is co-managed with TechChange who have offered dynamic online training platform and in 2017 they trained over 7,000 people from 155 countries. On the other hand, WeRobotics has provided trainings to many professionals in the following organizations the World Food Program (WFP), UN Development Program (UNDP), UNICEF , Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), local universities and many national &...
  • Innovative solutions within digital-agriculture, highlighted in FAO Director General’s interview with Xinhua

    Along the sidelines of the 34th FAO's Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific in Fiji, Xinhua interviewed the Director-general of FAO Mr. José Graziano da Silva on the Belt and Road Initiative . The Belt and Road Initiative was proposed by China in 2013 and aims to ‘build trade and infrastructure networks connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient Silk Road trade routes to seek common development and prosperity. In his interview, Graziano ‘da Silva said that FAO has supported the initiative by having an umbrella program which identified four specific technical areas,...