
Posts on the topic "Audiences"

Posts on the topic "Audiences"

  • Season's Greetings from e-Agriculture

    We enjoyed working with you and sharing news related to ICTs for Agriculture in 2017. We wish you happy holidays. We invite you to review a selection of some of our 2017 activities e-Forum Discussions The Role of ICTs in Sustainable Crop Production Intensification (SCPI) of horticulture crop based system (mainly fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers) e-Forum on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition e-Forum discussion on the Agriculture Open Data Package - AgPack.info e-Agriculture Webinars e-Agriculture Newsletters e -Agriculture Learning activity on drones in agriculture Good and...
  • Digital Agriculture: Feeding the Future

    Technology has been applied in various fields and new concepts are emerging in some areas to accommodate this infusion. The concept of digital agriculture is a fairly new one; what does this mean? According to the Project Breakthrough , Digital Agriculture is defined as “the use of new and advanced technologies, integrated into one system, to enable farmers and other stakeholders within the agriculture value chain to improve food production” In their discussion of this concept, they noted that with a digital agriculture system is one that gathers data periodically and accurately which is...
  • European Union funds digital research and innovation for agriculture to tackle societal challenges

    The European Union avails 100 million euros funding for digital research and innovation that is made available under The Horizon 2020 work programme 2018-2020 which ( inter alia ) seeks to advance the development and uptake of digital technologies in agriculture and rural areas. Digital technologies in agriculture pitch very high on the European Union’s agenda, for example the European policy makers recently at the Digitising agriculture and food value chains conference outlined policy developments in agricultural research and innovation and stated how digital technologies can bring forward...
  • French version of the course on Experience Capitalisation for Continuous Learning (#Cap_Exp)

    The French version of the course on Experience Capitalisation for Continuous Learning (#Cap_Exp) is now available online and is hosted on the FAO E-Learning Centre . One can access the FAO E-Learning Centre and register and be able to have a free access to the e-learning module through this www.fao.org/elearning/#/elc/fr/course/EXCAP There us also an option to download the module for offline access to the training materials on ones computer or mobile device (268 MB) About the course Experience capitalization is a systematic, interactive and participatory process through which an experience is...
  • Launch of the WSIS Forum 2018 Open Consultation Process

    Following the successful holding of WSIS Forum 2017, ITU has opened up the WSIS Forum 2018 consultation process. The Open Consultation Process OCP is a multistakeholder preparatory process where entities are actively engaged to ensure broad ownership and further improvements of the forum. The...
  • How Drone Technology Is Bringing Environmental Benefits To Farms

    (This article was inspired by the recent blog post ‘ Drones in Agriculture ’, posted on 22nd August) Whist we mostly take it for granted, we depend on the farming industry for the food we eat, and therefore for our very survival. A vast proportion of the earth’s land mass is farmland, and farming...
    Posted by Justin Fox on
  • Internet of Things (loT) for Agriculture Webinar Series: "IoT: the Internet of Tractors"

    The World Bank Agriculture Global Practice is pleased to invited interested persons to the next webinar entitled, "loT: the Internet of Tractors". The webinar will be held on Tuesday, August 22 at 9 a.m EDT. About the webinar Rapid urbanization, aging farm populations, and depleting rural labor resources pose serious threats to our global food security. As rural labor resources come under continued pressure, tractors are the answer. When available, tractors can work 40x faster and be significantly less expensive than off-farm labor. Most farmers, however, can't afford to own their own...
  • Read the e-Agriculture No.2 Newsletter

    The e-Agriculture Team announces the 2nd Newsletter in 2017 . This issue provides a quick update of the planned e-Agriculture Capacity Development activities. In the coming months the e-Agriculture team will develop several capacity development activities mearnt to increase the knowledge of ICTs to its members, track new and emerging trends. To kick start the activities, FAO and CTA have launched the " Call for good and/or promising practices on the use of ICTs in Agriculture ". Read more Browse the newsletter for further ICTs news round up from e-Agriculture, its partners and the broader...
  • International Girls in ICT Day : 27 April 2017

    Today marks the International Girls in ICT Day 2017, which is celebrated yearly on the 4th Thursday in April. The day is organised by ITU ; the UN Women has also issued a commemoration statement. What is Girls in ICT Day? This is an initiative that was backed by all International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Member States in 2014. The the aim was to create a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider car​eers in the growing field of ICTs, enabling both girls and technology companies to reap the benefits of greater female participation in the ICT sector...