
Posts on the topic "biodiversity"

Posts on the topic "biodiversity"

  • 10 Key elements to enhance technological innovation for the Paris Agreement

    In 2015, many countries adopted the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , there by committing to a vision of a low- carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable future for all. The world events leading to and after the signing of the agreement have shown that climate issues are becoming a reality; for instance, 2016 was the hottest year on record with the average global temperature at almost 1 degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels. Under the Paris Agreement, countries have developed nationally determined contributions (NDCs), national adaptation plans and mid-...
  • How technology is combating Climate change in African agriculture?

    Seeds and Chips recently published a piece by Marco Gualtieri who proposes that technology is combating climate change in African Agriculture. In Africa, due to climate induced changes the availability of fertile land shrinks and this has sparked rural to urban migration. Ballooning urban population has skewed allocation of funds to cities and support for farming is slashed even further with an impact of lowering food production. The article also notes that there is a need to find sustainable methods in food and rural agriculture; keeping young dedicated people on the ground and then...
  • Use of mobile phone in rural area for agriculture development.

    In most developping countries, agriculture is the main source of the population’s income. Lack of acces to relevant informations leads to low yields, famers stress and low income. Nowadays Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have the potential to transform agriculture in rural area...
    Posted by Yves Stephane NGALEU on