
Posts on the topic "ICT and Agricultural processes"

Posts on the topic "ICT and Agricultural processes"

  • Digital Agriculture Knowledge Sharing - AGRF Side Meeting

    The African Green Revolution Forum is underway in Accra, Ghana and the FAO E-Agriculture team is participating and facilitated a parallel session on Establishing the International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture, on the 3rd of September and the FAO CIO director also spoke on the Panel Discussion on Evidence-Based Leadership and Data Systems on Tuesday, 3 September from 14:30 – 16:30 On the 4th of September, FAO team is invited to attend and participate to the Digital Agriculture Knowledge Sharing side event, which will see practitioners such as CTA, Dalberg, GSMA, MaMo Panel and...
  • World Food Programme - Innovation Accelerator

    The WFP Innovation Accelerator identifies, supports and scales high-potential solutions to hunger worldwide. Innovation is important in order for WFP (and other agencies) to deliver on the mandate to end hunger. The Innovation Accelerator offers financial support, training and access to WFP partners and technical experts. Selected teams get an opportunity to develop their projects and receive up to US$ 100 thousand. The 2019 Programme Dates There were 3 cohorts in 2019 and very soon the 3rd cohort will close on the 8th of July 2019 and all eligible start-ups are encouraged to apply. The...
  • Read the Digital Technologies in Agriculture and Rural Areas Report

    A new publication by FAO that maps the adoption and use of digital innovations and technologies in agriculture has been published. The full report can be downloaded in the following links The full status report in English, link http://www.fao.org/3/ca4985en/ca4985en.pdf , The briefing paper in six UN languages through links below: http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887zh/ca4887zh.pdf (Chinese): http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887es/ca4887es.pdf (Spanish): http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887ru/ca4887ru.pdf (Russian) http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887fr/ca4887fr.pdf (French) http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887ar/ca4887ar.pdf (Arabic)...
  • The GSMA Innovation Fund for Digitisation of Agricultural Value Chains

    The GSMA has announced GSMA Innovation Fund for eight grants of £220,000 each to support projects for 24 months duration. The GSMA Innovation Fund for Digitisation of Agricultural Value Chains aims to scale digital solutions for the agricultural last mile and improve smallholders’ financial inclusion, livelihood and climate resilience. Grants are available across two categories of application Applications for funding across both categories are assessed through a two-stage application process. Concept Note: The first step will be to submit a Concept Note, which outlines the project objectives...
  • Call on digital innovations for agriculture in the Europe and Central Asia region

    FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia has launched a call on digital innovations for agriculture in that region. The call aims at collecting lessons learned and recommendations for the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) or digital innovations in the sectors of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry or rural development. Selected innovations will be disseminated on online platforms, social media and will be part of an online FAO publication on the use of digital technologies for agriculture in Europe and Central Asia. Topic The innovations you wish to...
  • FAO’s regional expert consultation on knowledge sharing for agricultural innovations

    An expert FAO consultation was held in Hungary on the 10th to the 13th of September 2018 on knowledge sharing for agricultural innovations applicable for smallholder and family farmers in Europe and Central Asia. This comes after two major calls for FAO to support Agricultural Innovations Systems (AIS) and develop capacities in Europe and Central Asia. The first was the 39th session of the European Commission of Agriculture (ECA) and the 41st session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC), which urged FAO to continue its efforts on knowledge sharing on policies and good practices...
  • AgroPad: A real-time on location and chemical analysis of the soil or water using AI

    The IBM Research, Brazil announced the AgroPad loT prototype that is AI-powered technology that will help farmers’ health check soil and water. This technology comes at a time when farmers have to send their soil and water samples to a lab for environmental and other chemical analysis. This is often expensive and time-consuming and in most cases out of reach for smallholder farmers. The advantage of empowering farmers with soil and water analysis is that they can perform environmental analysis on their farm and with the results they obtain make decisions that can help increase their crop...
  • Digital for Development (D4D)

    The Royal Museum for Central Africa will organise an award ceremony and an innovation fair on Thursday 4 October 2018. The innovation fair will be a hotspot for networking and exchanging ideas on digital advances in research and startup activities. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet a range...
  • ADB launches the Coding for Employment Program

    Unleashing Africa's Next Generation of Digital Innovators The African Development Bank together with The Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, and Facebook have launched the Coding for Employment Program during the African Innovation Summit in Kigali, Rwanda. The program will prepare the youth for tomorrow's jobs through a demand-driven Information and Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum and then match graduates directly with ICT employers. This comes inline with African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Jobs for Youth in Africa (JfYA) strategy (2016-2025) . The bank targets that by 2025, the...
  • Cracking the Nut 18

    Cracking the Nut 18 : Promoting Agricultural Technology Adoption and Resilience Cracking the Nut 18 conference focuses on encouraging the uptake of new technologies for agriculture and access to finance in a way that promotes resilience. This two-day event will bring together approximately 300 of...