
e-Agriculture Newsletter Issue #8,2018

NewsletterIssued on 19.11.2018
Monthly Newsletter

e-Agriculture Newsletter Issue #8,2018

Focus on the #HackAgainstHunger/Africa (Online version)

In August, FAO hosted #HackAgainst Hunger/Africa in Kigali, Rwanda, to identify and develop youth-led innovative digital solutions that have the potential to transform food and agriculture. The innovation challenge brought together 24 young entrepreneurs from 7 African countries. 

The hackathon was a side event of FAO’s Regional Conference on Youth Employment and ICTs in Food and Agriculture as a Solid Solution for Ending Hunger held at the Kigali Convention Centre in Rwanda on 20-21 August 2018. 

FAO selected 24 finalists from 7 countries who presented the most original, sustainable, and impactful digital innovations. Young entrepreneurs and hackers from Benin, Uganda, Zambia, Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, and Rwanda came together in Kigali for 2 days to accelerate their ideas alongside FAO and public and private sector experts at ICT Chamber’s KLab.

 A jury panel of FAO experts and African entrepreneurs selected the top 3 winners who presented the most innovative, scalable, impactful and financially sustainable proposals in the thematic areas of youth employment and ICTs in food and agriculture.  

The winning solution, AgriPredict, harnesses the power of AI to forecast the probability of pest invasions, provides an integration with Facebook’s chat bot, and introduced the #coolfarmers social media campaign. More info

Publication : Tracking poverty and hunger through DIGITAL INNOVATION

This publication explores the role and contribution of ICTs to growth and socio-economic development of countries. Furthermore, it explores the potential of ICTs and digital technologies to accelerate the achievements of Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No poverty) and 2 (Zero hunger) within the context of rural areas. More info

VIDEO: Unleashing the potential of Africa's youth through innovation in agriculture

Digital innovation is opening up new possibilities in Africa’s farming and employment sectors, with huge potential to reduce poverty and hunger – and change the face of Africa. This video explains how FAO is partnering with local farmers and innovators to develop and pilot four new mobile apps. More info

The report on online discussion on Youth Employment in Agriculture as Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa

The e-Agriculture team in-conjunction with FAO Regional Office for Africa held an online discussion on Youth Employment in Agriculture as Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa, which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Security and Nutrition platform (FSN Forum) from the 16th July to 10 August 2018. 

The discussion was organized to gather views on the issue in advance of the 20-21 August regional conference. The major thematic areas of the conference focused on youth and entrepreneurship; digital innovation, and the future of work in the rural economy. 

Contributors emphasized the potential that young people can bring to agriculture and rural livelihoods, however, it was also noted that youth needed greater guidance, knowledge and logistical support as they engaged in what can be an extremely challenging endeavour. 

The youth raised some issues which were tabled at the conference, these included but are not limited to, financing, agriculture-friendly curricula; post-harvest losses, region-specific information; rural access to digital solutions, and alternative livelihoods in agricultural/rural areas. 

The full report of the consultation will be made available soon to participants and e-Agriculture community members. More info

Blockchain use in Agriculture

ICT Update focuses on Blockchain applications for Agriculture

Blockchain or distributed ledger technologies are relatively new technologies and have been adopted in a number of sectors. The recent ICT update explains what blockchains are and their applications in agriculture. More info

Emerging Opportunities for the Application of Blockchain in the Agri-food industry

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) have published a new book on the application of Blockchain in the Agri-food industry. More info

Is food value chain development on the verge of a blockchain revolution?

The three panelist from Wageningen Economic Research, the social enterorise Moyee Coffee and the World Food Programme discussed the opportunities and challenges associated with blockchain a recent webinar. More info

What is Blockchain technology

Blockchain has been a buzz word recently, but what is blockchain? Perhaps what comes to one's mind is Bitcoin, Crypto-currencies etc. An article by Michael Kern provides some background information about this technology. 

Not so long ago, the e-Agriculture received a contribution blog from Amity that summarised the background to blockchain technology, the types of blockchains and their use and the challenges and the future of blockchains. More info

FAO E-Agriculture related news

FAO-ITU Event : E-Agriculture Solutions Forum 2018

To support the use of proven e-agriculture solutions and services, FAO-ITU will be conducting a 3 day E-agriculture Solutions Forum (15-17 November, 2018). Venue : Nanjing, China.

This 2nd ESF brings together stakeholders to showcase solutions, strengthen a Community of Practice, accelerate innovation, and to find ways scale up implementation of proven local solutions. More info

FAO's Regional Expert Consultation on Knowledge Sharing for Agricultural Innovations

An expert FAO consultation was held in Hungary on the 10th to the 13th of September 2018 on knowledge sharing for agricultural innovations applicable for smallholder and family farmers in Europe and Central Asia.This comes after two major calls for FAO to support Agricultural Innovations Systems (AIS) and develop capacities in Europe and Central Asia. More info

FAO to support development of national E-Agriculture strategy for Pakistan

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with International Telecommunication Union (ITU) brought together national stakeholders engaged in agricultural service development and delivery in Pakistan for the workshop towards the support of a national E-Agriculture Strategy. More info

E-Agriculture Call for Bloggers

Did you know that you can blog on e-Agriculture? Why not share your opinions and experiences in the use of Information Communication and Technology issues in agriculture? 

Our community would welcome impact cases in the use of these technologies and their impact to rural communities and women, girls and the youth. Our guest guidelines are available here  More info