
AGRF 2022 Summit

Rwanda, Kigali

AGRF 2022 Summit

The AGRF, Africa’s premier forum for driving the food and agriculture agenda in the continent, will host its 12th annual summit under the theme Grow. Nourish. Reward – Bold Actions for Resilient Food Systems from September 5-9, 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda.

Side Event: Harnessing Agtech for resilient food systems

The ambition of increasing agricultural productivity, enhancing food security in Africa continues to be threatened by a series of bottlenecks. Weather variability manifesting in the form of erratic rainfall patterns, crop pests, disease outbreaks and unforeseen shocks place huge burdens on the continent’s agricultural system, disrupting economic well-being and livelihoods.

There is a suite of innovative tech services with potential for addressing agri food systems challenges, but scaling up remains a challenge. Other solutions include strengthening rural transformation through schemes such as the Digital Villages Initiative (DVI) that FAO, governments and other partners are supporting. This session provides a forum for discussion of sustainable climate-smart innovations, agtech entrepreneurship, and wide-scale effective delivery in Africa, by drawing on experiences and best practices from the continent and beyond. Focus will be put on success stories, gaps, lessons learned and viable partnerships for resilient systems in line with Africa’s Agenda 2063.