
Data, Technology and Women’s Economic Empowerment


Data, Technology and Women’s Economic Empowerment

Grameen Foundation is partnering with with Cisco and Accenture to host a Twitter chat on technology and women's economic empowerment. Interested individuals are invited to participate in this tweeterchat.

  • TITLE: Data, Technology and Women’s Economic Empowerment
  • DATE: Jan 30, 2019
  • TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

Join Grameen Foundation, Cisco and Accenture for a Twitter chat on harnessing data and technology to advance women's economic empowerment. We will discuss issues such as designing products to meet women's needs, data privacy and control and the role of female agents.

Sign up here to receive a reminder on the morning of the chat: ow.ly/AoY330njhXi . To join the discussion, tweet @GrameenFdn using the hashtag #HerBreakthrough