
August 2017 News and Events

August 2017 News and Events

  • Cost-sharing initiative for the set-up of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) services for agriculture in six ACP countries

    Cost-sharing initiative for the set-up of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) services for agriculture in six ACP countries Text taken from CTA website Background Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)—or drones—allow capturing and analysis of agricultural data at high spatial resolution, including status of the land, crops and farm infrastructure contributing to more effective management. UAS operators are typically young entrepreneurs who invest in the equipment, learn the skills to use it, help analyse the data and interpret the findings for the benefit of farmers, their clients. Such services can help...
  • MITRA (Mobile Interventions and Technologies for Rural Areas) app provides advice on fertilizer needs and doses

    Mitra, which stands for Mobile Interventions and Technologies for Rural Areas, is an app providing advice on fertilizer needs and doses for farmers. The app is designed both for farmers and extension workers to advocate site-specific recommendations to farmers on fertilizer dose. Mitra is available both in English and Tamil, so that farmers themselves can access the information on macro and micro nutrient deficiency and remedial measures. The content is based on the latest research by the Department of Agriculture of the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, in...
  • "...mobile Apps alone as a tool don’t mean much, but coupled with essential information they can be a good innovation.." an Interview with Mr. Cezar Alvarez Santos

    e-Agricu lture team interviewed Cesar Santos Alvarez, Senior Information Technology Officer at FAO after his attendance to the WSIS 2017 and he shares his experiences and also sheds light on the on the Agricultural Services and Digital inclusion project in Africa. A proj ect that is piloting 4 new apps. "...mobile apps alone as a tool don’t mean much, but coupled with essential information they can be a good innovation.." an Interview with Mr. Cezar Alvarez Santos Tell us briefly about your recent work in ICTs for agriculture What I call ICTs for agriculture are agricultural digital services...