
2017 News and Events

2017 News and Events

  • Can ICTs be used to protect forestry resources?

    In this article, you will Learn about the possibility of using ICTs to combat illegal logging Review some Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) that have been used elsewhere Appreciate some few cases from LAOs, Cameroon and Greece where ICTs have been used to combat illegal logging. In the beginning of the year, l wrote a piece focusing on ICTs and Forestry management in general. Additionally, for more information on how ICTs can be used to improve forestry governance, see Module 14 of the ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook . However, in this present piece l would like to focus on...
  • UNESCO to partner with ITU for Mobile Learning Week 2018

    This event is reported here as announced and their text re-used UNESCO is pleased to announce that it will partner with ITU, the United Nations specialized agency for ICTs, to organize Mobile Learning Week 2018 under the theme 'Skills for a connected world'. The event will examine how governments...
  • Unlocking the power of Apps in agriculture

    According to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has projected that the number of mobile subscription stands at 7.74 billion now exceeds the global population. Similarly, the number of apps were reported to be on the increase , for example, as of March 2017 the number of apps available for download on Android stood at 2.8 million apps while Apple’s Apps store recorded 2.2 million apps. While the figures for apps related to agriculture is not readily known, the verity is that equally numbers are on the rise. This has led many to predict that mobile technologies are poised to...
  • A virtual market platform for farmers

    Most farmers in developing countries face the challenge of marketing their produce and most often meet the unpredictable market prices. How can technology help these farmers? We came across the innovative The Maano- Virtual Farmers’ Market (VFM) which is an app-based e-commerce platform designed with farmers needs in mind. This app is the product of World Food Programme’s Innovation Accelerator, an initiative to support potential innovative solutions to solve hunger. In this case, the VFM seeks to provide a transparent, open and trustworthy space for smallholder farmers and buyers to...
  • Israeli technology to transform Indian agriculture

    The Indian Economic Times reports that Indian agriculture is set to benefit from adopting Israeli technology. In India, agriculture is facing various challenges such as lower productivity, erratic weather patterns amongst the many ills. The most critical issue is the critical shortage of fresh water, yet the agricultural sector accounts for nearly 84-85 percent of water drawn from fresh water sources. The news reports that the ‘India – Israel Agriculture Project”, Centre of Excellences were established to help Indian farmers to adopt the latest technologies which includes micro irrigation...
  • Drones, Satellites and Food Security: VAM Talks episode 13

    Drones are being used in various fields and agriculture is not an exception. Drones are also known as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and in agriculture there have been used initially in pest control and land use monitoring. T he World Food Progamme (WFP) has been using drones and satellites within the context of food emergency situation. A recent publication on WFP VAM, a SoundCloud of audio recordings, discusses how drones and satellites help in WFP’s work. Two experts are on the interview Sarah Muir, VAM remote sensing analyst, Haidar Baqir, IT engineer, and Ariona Aubrey from WFP's legal...
  • 10th Conference on ITC4D in Zambia

    This week the 10th edition of the ICT4D Conference takes place in Lusaka, Zambia. Through different thematic tracs participating organizations will share how they are using innovative technology sollutions to increase the impact of their work. They can count on a diverse audience of technical...
  • Estonia, Rwanda ICT entrepreneurs to create network

    Rwanda and Estonia are reported to have started to create a professional network between ICT entrepreneurs that could benefit these countries bi-laterally. This follows a working visit by the President of Estonia Her Excellency Kersti Kaljulaid who expressed interest in ICT oriented partnerships in Estonia and Rwanda. She held talks with Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and visited K-Lab (a center that provides an open space for IT entrepreneurs to collaborate and innovate). More information about the visit here ICTs in agriculture : The Rwanda situation This visit of the Estonian...
  • The Future of Farming and the role of ICTs

    Anyone interested in technology, particularly new ICTs, and agriculture would agree that the two are daily entangling very well. Despite advances in technology and farming practices, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) reported (that while there is more than enough food produced in the world, about 815 million people go hungry (approx. 1 in 9 persons). The world still need to increase agricultural productivity, eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition. It is projected that the global population would rise to 10 billion by 2050, hence the imminent challenge will...
  • Innovation, Technology, and Development: Africa Can Leapfrog

    How can Africa leapfrog its development to match the world average? This question has been dogging many in the developmental spheres; and has been dwelt with recently by the Investing in Africa Forum (IAF). IAF is an initiative set up as a global platform for multilateral cooperation and promoting opportunities to increase investment in Africa and was established in 2015 by the China Development Bank . To date the Chinese government, the World Bank Group and several African countries has committed themselves to this cause. Under this framework of Leapfrogging Africa’s development, six topics...