
2017 News and Events

2017 News and Events

  • Harvesting startup is hiring a full time remote sensing scientist

    Harvesting is a Silicon Valley based growing startup driving financial inclusion for farmers. Harvesting uses cutting edge remote sensing & machine learning based approach to help large financial institutions lend small farm holders. Harvesting is now looking for a full time remote sensing scientist to join its growing team and drive its mission. Requirements: Degree in physical geography/Geomatics or allied fields Must have done extensive research on cropland monitoring, crop yield models, crop type detection in Semi-arid regions, which is published in reputed publication Must have...
  • Satellite Monitoring: An Innovative Solution for Water Management

    In Kenya, in the region of Turkana County, a severe drought is threatening people's livelihoods and livestock. Agricultural production is close to none as the rainy season going from March to June remained a vain hope. The nearest borehole is sometimes walking days away and not all of the population is fit enough to make it, so many were forced to relocate. However, Turkana County happens to have a large source of ground water. The problem is that if a well breaks, the reparation time is too long. Repairs used to come after a notification through mobile phone, but the majority of villagers...
  • September 2017: AGRIS has exceeded the threshold of 9 million records!

    This announcement is as originally announced on AIMS AGRIS team at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) takes this opportunity to inform all interested parties that in September 2017 AGRIS has exceeded the threshold of 9 million records ! (9,025,192 records). AGRIS team continues to work on consolidating the AGRIS (INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR THE AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) platform and its services to provide better access and visibility to the information resources that are being disseminated through AGRIS. AGRIS content (which comes from than...
  • Stories from the field: Going to scale with ICTs for agriculture

    ICTs in agriculture have a huge potential: they can increase agricultural yields or help farmers get a fairer price for their produce. Farmers now have access to farm mapping, weather data, marketing tools, financial credit, advice from extension workers, and social networks thanks to SMS applications, mobile banking and satellite data. However, there are some limits to the reach of ICTs in rural areas: poor internet connectivity, high illiteracy rates and the inability of pilot projects to go to scale due to the lack of long-term funding or not having measures for their sustainability. This...
  • Spore Magazine issue no. 186: Big data and climate insurance: Redusing risks and maximizing revenues

    The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has recently published the issue Number 186 of Spore magazine , which focuses on Big data and climate insurance: Redusing risks and maximizing revenues. Spore Magazine aims to give the reader a global perspective on agribusiness and agricultural development. The topics covered in this issue include the role of ICTs in enhancing agricultural productivity, creating jobs and increasing incomes for young farmers, and the role of ICTs in climate smart agriculture and early warning systems. The following articles are of interest:...
  • Turning Data into Decisions in AgriFood

    Turning Data into Decisions in AgriFood Date Wednesday 22 November 2017 Location SCI, London, UK Description Harnessing the power of Big Data to generate new insights, practices and products is one of the key priorities of today's AgriFood supply chain. Numerous sensors and connected devices are...
  • How to enable smallholder farmers to use ICTs?

    In this blog post, Ajit Maru describes all the requirements an ICT product has to have to be usable for the farmer: the hardware, the software, connectivity, skills, content, security and safety in use, privacy and a profitable and productive environment. But, he points out, some problems can rise up: for example, in many countries women are frowned upon or even prohibited to have a smartphone. Another problem is the cost: for a smallholder farmer in India earning about INR 60.000 per year, a smartphone costs no less than INR 5.000, and connectivity costs around INR 100 per month. According...
  • World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17)

    World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17) Date 9 to 20 October 2017 Location Buenos Aires, Argentina Description The conference is convened to consider topics, projects and programmes relevant to telecommunication development. The theme of WTDC-17 is "ICT for Sustainable Development...
  • World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17) to take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 9 to 20 October 2017

    The World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17) will be convened in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 9 to 20 October 2017. The conference is convened to consider topics, projects and programmes relevant to telecommunication development. The theme of WTDC-17 is "ICT for Sustainable Development Goals". WTDC-17 forum represents a unique opportunity for the international community to gather together and discuss the future of the telecommunication and information and communication technologies sector and its contribution to social and economic development. Go to the Event page Source: ITU
  • World Bank Group, ITU and CPMI launch ‘Financial Inclusion Global Initiative’

    The World Bank Group, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched a new global programme to advance research in digital finance and accelerate digital financial inclusion in developing countries: the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative. The program is composed of two different but complementary work streams: operational and knowledge. The operational work stream supports governments in improving access to financial services and digital financial inclusion...