
January 2018 News and Events

January 2018 News and Events

  • Leveraging ICT innovations to support farmers and farmers’ organisations

    CTA publishes a policy brief that seeks to concertize policy makers on the need of smallholder farmers to be included (in technological innovations) and to empower them to leverage information and communications technology (ICT) innovations for greater productivity and efficiency. In the western world, farmers can now use their smartphones, and other emerging technologies, to remotely monitor their equipment, crops and livestock and better control farming practices and productivity. However, the typical African smallholder farmer is still unable to effectively use these technologies due to a...
  • WSIS Prizes 2018 reminder

    WSIS Prizes continues to serve as the unique opportunity for ICT4D, also including ICT4SDG, to be internationally recognized for efforts in using the ICT for making social impact. WISIS is inviting contributions to the WSIS Prizes contest in 2018 by submitting your ICT projects and join us in evidence-based policy making, advancing Sustainable Development Goals. ITU Official Call for Submissions in all UN languages are available here [ AR ] - [ ZH ] - [ EN ] - [ FR ] - [ RU ] - [ ES ] All Stakeholders are invited to Submit entries online by 10 January 2018 . As you are already aware, all...
  • Saving the harvest: The story of the Smallholder Farmers Rural Radio

    Many smallholder farmers in many part of Africa produce fruits and vegetables alongside their stable food – such as cereals, tubers and roots. Yet farmers are losing more than 50% of their crops due to lack of cold storage. The Food and Agriculture Organization the United Nations estimates that one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption (approx. 1.3 billion tonnes) gets lost or wasted. Therefore, there is a need for post-harvest handling facilities for both horticultural produces and also for cereals. For ten years, Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu has been producing radio shows for...