
2018 News and Events

2018 News and Events

  • UN Women and WFP harness blockchain technology for Crisis Situations

    In a recent press release, UN Women and the World Food Programmw (WFP)have announced that they are breaking new ground by using blockchain to assist Syrian refugee women participating in UN Women’s cash for work programmes at the Za’atari and Azraq refugee camps in Jordan. Before adopting this technology, WFP has been doing cash transfer to refugees via third-party financial service providers such as banks. However, through blockchain, UN women and WFP are exploring the possibility of providing female refugee with cash back at WFP-contracted supermarkets or pay for thier purchases directly...
  • UN Secretary-General’s Strategy on New Technologies

    The UN Secretary General has announced a new strategy on technologies which is meant to define and guide the United Nations system in the use of technologies like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, blockchain and robotics for the attainment of the 2030 Agenda. The Strategy on New Technologies sets out 5 principles and 4 Commitments to build internal capacity, advocacy and dialogue, cooperative frameworks and norms, and member state support. The strategy has identified four strategic commitments for the UN and also the wider UN system. In quote, he stated that “These combine elements of...
  • Data to End Hunger

    The Government of Kenya, the Government of Ghana, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation organized the high-level side...
  • FAO’s regional expert consultation on knowledge sharing for agricultural innovations

    An expert FAO consultation was held in Hungary on the 10th to the 13th of September 2018 on knowledge sharing for agricultural innovations applicable for smallholder and family farmers in Europe and Central Asia. This comes after two major calls for FAO to support Agricultural Innovations Systems (AIS) and develop capacities in Europe and Central Asia. The first was the 39th session of the European Commission of Agriculture (ECA) and the 41st session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC), which urged FAO to continue its efforts on knowledge sharing on policies and good practices...
  • FAO to support the development of national e-agriculture strategy for Pakistan

    From Islamabad : In an effort to identify a roadmap for the national e-agriculture strategy in Pakistan, two day consultation workshop was organized in Islamabad. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with International Telecommunication Union (ITU) brought together representatives from the ministries of National Food Security and Research, Climate change, provincial departments, National Disaster Management Authority, telecommunication companies and private sector stakeholders engaged in agricultural service development and delivery in Pakistan for...
  • 2nd Digital Technologies for Resilience Workshop 2018

    This 2nd edition workshop is organised by FHI 360, with a grant funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, to support resilience practitioners and the broader development community to identify digital technologies that have the potential to enhance resilience outcomes, particularly in Asia
  • Drones and Fly week

    International Data Week (IDW) will be co-located with SciDataCon, CODATA and Research Data Alliance’s (RDA) 12th Plenary in Gaborone, Botswana, November 5-8, 2018. IDW is set to be a unique gathering of data professionals from all corners of the earth. Since many have begun to use drones/RPAS/sUAS1...
  • Funding call : Development Innovation ventures

    Do you have an idea that can solve peoples’ problems, such as end hunger, malnutrition and poverty eradication? Are you willing to transform those bright ideas into global solutions? If yes, the opportunity has arisen with the Development Innovation Ventures (DIV), the USAID’s open innovation program that tests and scales creative solutions to any global development challenge. DIV recognized that innovative solutions come in many forms - whether a product, technology, service, or application of a creative business and delivery model. DIV is an open door to USAID - anyone, anywhere can apply...
  • The latest UN Innovation Quartely Update available

    The UNIN ‘Innovation in the UN’ Update #03/2018 has been published and it highlights the innovation activities of the UNIN members . In the lead story, UNIN reports that it was tasked to lead the development of an innovation toolkit to promote more innovation in the UN. The toolkit, which is being developed in collaboration with Deloitte, will contain an innovation self-assessment tool and modules on Strategy, Architectures, Partnerships, Culture and Monitoring & Evaluation. The Food and Agriculture Organization joins other 17 agencies with contributions of its innovations, which include...
  • Call for Proposals: Boosting Decent Employment for Africa’s Youth

    The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Dutch Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies, and the International Labour Organization ( ILO) have launched a call for concept notes for research to boost decent employment for young African men and women. The call supports action-oriented research that will help design effective and innovative interventions to develop soft skills and digital skills among youth and offer apprenticeships and mentorships in Africa. Nested within the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, the call aims to provide key insights,...