
News and Events

News and Events

  • GHANA E-Agriculture Programme Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Republic of Ghana

    Vision The vision of the Ministry is a modernised agriculture culminating in a structurally transformed economy and evident in food security, employment opportunities and reduced poverty. read more at www.mofa.gov.gh Mission MOFA’s Mission is to promote sustainable agriculture and thriving agribusiness through research and technology development, effective extension and other support services to farmers, processors and traders for improved livelihood. The Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) Information Communication and Technology Unit has implemented the E-Agriculture Programme which is...
  • ICT Applications for different crops and horticulture

    We are working in the field of Agro Electronics since 25 years in India with major thrust on ICT for Irrigation by the brand, Nano Ganesh- A Mobile Based Remote Control System for the Water Pumps. During the course of this big time phase, we came across so many challenges faced by the farmers and they sought for the solutions. In all the ways, ICT was a major solution to solve their problems. I am listing and describing briefly how ICT is a magic for the farmers in sustainable crops. It may be interesting and entertaining to while reading few of unbelievable ICT applications we have provided...
  • Training in W2.0 to support vegetable production

    Congolese horticultural farmers learn how to produce quality vegetables required by supermarkets. They receive information on the rational use of plant protection products, composting and horticultural practices through various ICTs. A few organizations in the country are using ICTs to provide farmers with climate or marketing advice. These include CIAAD, CSAYN and CARITAS. The rural radio (RTNC), for example, in collaboration with two of its partners in the broadcasting system, supports the production of an interactive radio series, every morning from 5:30 am to 6:00 am. The objective was to...
  • Success Stories on Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture and Rural Development - Second Edition

    There are more than 570 million farms in the world of which over 500 million are family-owned. These smallholder farmers are confronted by many challenges – climate change, natural disasters, loss of biodiversity, increasing food price volatility, inefficient supply chains and others. Information and Communication Technologies can help smallholder farmers confront these challenges and improve their livelihoods. For instance, ICTs can increase access to financial services for rural communities, helping to secure savings, find affordable insurance and ultimately improve their well-being...
  • Geodata to control potato late blight in Bangladesh (GEOPOTATO)

    Late blight (Phytophthora infestans) is the most common and highly destructive, fungal disease in potato, tomato and other solanaceae crops in Bangladesh. Annual potato yield losses due to late blight have been estimated at 25-57%. Late blight can be controlled but only by frequent and costly applications of fungicides. Moreover, the degree of control heavily depends on the timing of the fungicide application in relation to local weather conditions, crop development and disease pressure. So, the efficiency of late blight control can be improved considerably by informing farmers in time about...
  • Hurudza Case Study:Paprika Growers' Scheme 2016-17

    Agricultural Reference Bureau Value Chain Linkages Management Background When Zimbabweans talk about being into farming, the crops that spring to mind are typically; maize, sorghum, pearl millet, soya beans, wheat and tobacco, plus different types of livestock. On the horticulture side, one finds; onions, tomatoes, brassicas and peas. Not much is said about paprika, or “red gold”, as it is sometimes referred to. However, Zimbabwe’s climate is very well suited to growing high-quality paprika, as it is relatively drought resistant, and so has the potential to be a high-profit margin crop for...
  • Sustainable intensification of strawberry production in the West Bank and Gaza Strip using computerized control system (WBGS)

    Greetings from Jerusalem and many thanks for keeping us in the loop. It is definitely a great opportunity to participate in the e-Agriculture platform on this important topic. A short answer to question No 2, comments are welcome: Sustainable intensification of strawberry production in the West Bank and Gaza Strip using computerized control system (WBGS ) In the WBGS, farmers are achieving a threefold increase in yields with only 70 percent of the water use compared to traditional greenhouse production by growing hanging strawberries. The strawberries are grown in soil-less media using a...
  • Smart agriculture and beyond

    Smart agriculture is essential in tackling many of smallholders problems with their cultivations and for their development. Smart agriculture is an approach that helps to guide actions needed to transform and reorient agricultural systems to effectively support development and ensure food security. Agriculture sector accounts for more than half of total employment in South Asia, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) . The Punjab province in Pakistan has 5.2 million farming families and 28 million acres of cultivable land spanning over 23,000 villages. Given the enourmous...
  • First webinar GODAN Working Group on Capacity Development

    First webinar GODAN Working Group on Capacity Development Date Wednesday 15 March 2017 15:00 CET Description The GODAN Working Group on Capacity Development has organised a webinar that will give an overview of the activities of the working group (WG) and the webinar will also explain how one can...
  • IFDC Training Program on "Linking farmers to markets In Africa"

    IFDC Training Program on "Linking farmers to markets In Africa" Date May 15-19, 2017 Location ERATA Hotel Ouagadougou Avenue, Okponglo, East Legon P.O. Box KIA 9968 Airport-Accra, GHANA Description The objectives of this five-day program are to discuss the theory behind the different principles and...