
capacity development News and Events

  • Developing Apps: Building and Sharing Knowledge Workshop

    A workshop called “Developing Apps: Building and Sharing Knowledge” will be held from July 31th to August 4th 2017 in FAO HQ in Rome, Italy, as part of the development of four new agricultural service apps delivered by FAO in the framework of the “Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Africa” project, funded by FMM. The workshop will bring together young developers from Rwanda, Senegal and from FAO HQ to share knowledge and build capacity. The objective, at the end of the 5 day-workshop, is that the participants will have exchanged each other’s vision and contributed with their own...
  • Digital Green provides agricultural information through locally produced videos

    Digital Green is a non-profit development organization that disseminates agricultural information to rural communities using digital video. The platform partners with local actors (public and private sector as well as civil society organizations) to share knowledge on agricultural practices, livelihoods, health and nutrition, using locally produced videos. Digital Green uses local social networks to connect farmers and experts, the thrill of appearing on screen motivates farmers, and homophily is exploited to minimize the distance between teacher and learner. Digital Green is currently...
  • e-Agriculture webinar: Farmer-centered design

    When: Friday 28 July - 9 AM EST – 10 AM EDT – 4PM CEST To register fill in the form by clicking here Human-centered design or user-centered design is at the core of the Principles for Digital Development : guidelines to help development practitioners to integrate best practices into technology...
  • Upcoming e-Agriculture webinar: Farmer-centered design - recommendations for e-agriculture practitioners

    When: Friday 28 July - 9 AM EST – 10 AM EDT – 4PM CEST Direct link to the webinar: http://fao.adobeconnect.com/eagfcdesign/ To register fill in the form by clicking here Human-centered design or user-centered design is at the core of the Principles for Digital Development : guidelines to help development practitioners to integrate best practices into technology enabled programs. The concept of user- or farmer-centered design has been around for more than a decade but still raises a lot of questions. Far too often, an application is designed far away from its beneficiaries or users and does...
  • GIRLS IN ICT DAY 2017 THAILAND: Digital Skills For Girls - Target Employment

    GIRLS IN ICT DAY 2017 THAILAND: Capacity building program Digital Skills For Girls - Target Employment Date 17-21 July 2017 Location TOT Academy. Nonthaburi, Thailand Description ​​As part of the 2017 International Girls in ICT Day celebrations (ITU initiative backed by all ITU Member States aimed...
  • ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook: Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions

    Realizing the potential of ICTs in developing countries' agriculture, the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (ARD) of the World Bank in collaboration with InfoDev (part of the World Bank Group) embarked in an effort to explore and capture the expanding knowledge and use of ICT tools in agrarian livelihoods. The ICT in Agriculture e-sourcebook is intended to offer agriculture and other development practitioners a set of tested solutions, good practices, and methodologies, along with promising applications, that enable them to leverage ICT and harness innovation for more effective...
  • Four new videos on agriculture and nutrition have been posted on Access Agriculture

    Four new videos on four different areas (mango seedlings, making soumbala from soya beans, sheep & goats, and pumpkins) have been posted on the platform www.accessagriculture.org . They are currently available in English and French for the one on soya while in English, French, and Bangla for the other three. They are freely downloadable, also in 3gp format for mobile phone viewing. Four new videos Grafting mango seedlings : The benefit of grafting is that from grafted trees we can get fruits within two to four years. ​ Making condiment from soya beans : In West Africa, women prepare a...