
information management News and Events

  • Radio Monsoon aims to ensure safety reigns among fishermen in south India

    In India’s southern state of Kerala, because of overfishing and climate change, fish stocks are rapidly decreasing. In order to catch more fish, fishermen are forced to go out into the open sea with their small boats, risking life especially during the monsoon season. Radio Monsoon radio station provides a low-tech forecast service to encourage 30,000 families to fish more safely. Radio Monsoon’s forecasts are disseminated through social media, loudspeakers placed in harbours and through a phone line supported by an internet server. The weather data is based on India’s Meteorological...
  • CTA Handbook: An ICT Agripreneurship Guide

    ICTs are pivotal for the future of agriculture. As they are finding an ever important space in most sectors of everyday life, agriculture should't be an exeption. ICTs can help in many ways producers and particularly smallholders in their livelihoods and development. In particular, ICTs can be an essential tool for young people aspiring to create their own agricultural business. As most of them have grown with these tools, they are more eager to use them in their worklife as well. This handbook published by the CTA is a guide designed for aspiring ICT entrepreneurs to instruct them with the...
  • Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

    Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop Date 8 May, 2017. 09:00-16:00 Location Sida Headquarters, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm, Sweden Description The aim of this workshop organized jointly by SIANI and SLU Global is to develop ideas and tools to engage the african...
  • Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

    By the year 2050, the world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion: demand for food will grow dramatically. Following a present trend, 2/3 of this population will be concetrated in big cities. In sub-saharan Africa, the number of 15-24 year olds will dramatically increase. The challenge at this point is to engage the youth in Africa to work in agriculture and develop its potential. The problem is that young generations living in rural areas prefer to migrate to big cities in search for a stable job instead of trying to develop the rural areas in which they grew up. The aim of this...
  • Join the Webinar! Literature Research on Nutrition - Browsing AGORA

    This announcement is reproduced and shared on e-Agriculture as published on AIMS View this announcement in French View this announcement in Spanish AGORA team is pleased to announce three upcoming webinars in English, French and Spanish about how AGORA can be browsed to facilitate information searching in the area of nutrition research . AGORA’s main purpose is to improve the quality and effectiveness of agricultural research, education and training in low- and middle-income countries. AGORA/Research4Life provides free or low cost access to peer-reviewed journals (to date, 9,000), datasets...
  • Good and promising practices on the use of ICTs for Agriculture

    The e-Agriculture Community of Practice and its partners are constantly looking for good and promising practices on the use of ICTs for Agriculture to share lessons learned and recommendations from ICT for Agriculture innitiatives all around the world with the members of the Community of Practice and beyond. You can find the selected promising and good practices and related information on Experience Capitalization and the documentation of good and promising practices on this page of the e-Agriculture platform. e-Agriculture is always happy to receive your proposals for good and promising...
  • New information service to help farmers control pests

    The PRISE (Pest Risk Information Service) project forecasts pest outbreaks based on earth observation providing risk forecasts and early warnings in order for smallholders to take action and avoid crop losses. The project has been awarded £6.38 million (or 7,9 million USD) in funding over five years by the UK Space Agency . CABI CEO, Dr Trevor Nicholls, said, “An estimated 40 per cent of the world’s crops are lost to pests. This impacts the ability of smallholders living in poor rural communities to feed their families." The project will also be based on Plantwise, a CABI program combining a...
  • m-Omulimisa, the mobile extension officer

    In Uganda, the spread of agronomical information is quite challenging, and the number of extension officers cannot meet the growing demand from farmers who often need immediate assistance. Thanks to innovations in information technology, mobile and web-based platforms are proving to be a huge help. m-Omulimisa provides smallholder farmers with real-time farming information and solutions written in local languages via mobile technologies. Farmers can use their phones to ask questions in languages that they understand, and receive understandable feedback from extension officers in the region...
  • WeFarm: Connecting Small farmers without internet

    There are about 500 million small-scale farmers on Earth, and most of them live on less than $1 a day. They’re often separated from larger population centers, or lack the means to educate themselves on specialized farming methods. Internet connections might be less common in the developing world, but mobile technology is pervasive. Today, 90% of smallholder farmers are able to access a basic mobile phone. In Africa especially, people have turned directly to mobiles instead of owning first personal computers. WeFarm is a peer-to-peer (P2P) knowledge sharing platform for small-scale farmers in...
  • Mdiet: The app of the Mediterranean Diet

    Mdiet is an application designed for smartphones and tablets providing essential knowledge on the Mediterranean diet. What is the Mediterranean diet?, which kind of food does it include exactly?, what are its recipes? Mdiet provides an answer to all these questions. The human right to access to food, established in 2000 by the Millennium Summit of the United Nations , goes through proper nutrition for good health. The Mediterranean Diet is an essential element to achieve these goals and that is why it was declared an Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO in 2010. The 300 type foods...