
big data News and Events

  • The Inspire Challenge

    The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agricultur e has announced “ The Inspire Challenge ” which calls upon partners, universities, and others to use CGIAR data to create innovative pilots projects that can be scaled up. The winning teams will receive $100,000 to put their ideas into practice and the teams will be given 12 months to implement small-scale proof of concepts pilots to demonstrate viability. “We’re looking for novel approaches that democratize data-driven insights to inform local, national, regional, and global policies and applications in agriculture and food security in real time...
  • Invitation to the Interest Group in Agricultural Data (IGAD) Pre-Meeting P12 in Gaborone, Botswana

    Interested e-Agriculture CoP members are invited to the Botswana Research Data Alliance (RDA) Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) meeting in Gaborone, Botswana on the 5 -6th of November 2018. The Theme of the meeting is " Data Collection in Africa: State of the Art, Challenges and Solutions " Overview of the events On November 5 , the IGAD community members will organize a one-day meeting dedicated to the theme “How agriculture in Africa can benefit from data collection”. During this day, IGAD would like (i) to explore data collection practices in Africa and challenges associated to it...
  • aWhere: providing weather-based tips for smallholder farmers

    Location specific and timely advice to improve productivity and climate resilience among smallholder farmers Farmers in developing countries have a challenge of accessing localized weather data. Recently the e-Agriculture Team at FAO and aWhere published a Promising Practice that explains how aWhere can provide weather-based data and tips for smallholder farmers. aWhere delivers agricultural intelligence to farmers, crop consultants and researchers all over the world. How does aWhere achieve this? “The company aims at making agronomic and weather data available to farmers through...
  • Digitalisation in agriculture: perception survey

    The Technical Centre for Agriculture (CTA) is holding a survey to better understand and support the access and use of ICTs and digitalization in agriculture, with a particular interest in women. CTA has asked e-Agriculture to share the link to the survey within the Community of Practice, to gather as much responses as possible, from a wide variety of stakeholders. Completing the survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes. You can access the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/TBPZPG7 The link can be shared with other interested parties and stakeholders. Answers will remain confidential...
  • Update your e-Agriculture Profile

    We are glad to let you know that the newly redesigned e-Agriculture website is now online. In line with these changes we are inviting our users to log in into their profile and update their information, including adding the picture if they so desire. This personal detail will be important when we hold e-forum and other discussions. The most important aspect of e-Agriculture platform is to stimulate and hold discussions in various aspects of the application and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in solving hunger and malnutrition and also improving agricultural...
  • Invitation to the AGRIS Webinar : AGRIS for Agricultural Information Data providers Webinar

    The AGRIS Team at the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) , together with the Information Training & Outreach Center for Africa (ITOCA ) , are pleased to invite you to attend a FREE online Webinar on: AGRIS for Agricultural Information Data providers Details of the Webinar Title AGRIS for Agricultural Information Data providers When: Friday, 6 April 2018 - 1400 – 1445 Hrs SAST ( South Africa Time to Local Time Conversion ) Target Audience The webinar is open to Existing and Potential Agricultural Information Data Providers in Africa Participation : Anyone...
  • CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture: Transforming rural livelihoods with the power of information

    CGIAR launched the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, a new initiative that aims to convene researchers to use big data in order to help improve food security, resilience in the face climate change as well as encouraging rural development. Big data are immense stocks of information collected in computers worldwide, and it can be a potential resource for planning and decision-making. Applied to agriculture and rural development it can help give robust responses to some of the most important challenges of our time: climate change, food insecurity and environmental degradation. For this...
  • TaroWorks Webinar: The Future of ICT4Ag

    TaroWorks Webinar: The Future of ICT4Ag Date Wednesday, June 14. 10:30a EDT / 2:30p GMT Description For years, the big need in mobile agriculture was “mobile data collection,” or digitizing paper forms. That need has essentially been filled with countless mobile data collection tools that each have...
  • Analyzing Radio content : Uganda Radio Application

    The United Nations Global Pulse is an initiative that focus on Big Data. The Pulse Lab Kampala , in Uganda has developed a prototype application that makes it possible to analyse in real time public discussions on the radio. This tool is unique in that it applies speech technology in three Ugandan languages (Ugandan English,Luganda and Acholi) - through a collaboration with academics at Stellenbosch University in South Africa who taught computers these three languages. In Uganda, there are over 250 FM radio stations and most of them are community radio stations. These stations have a popular...