
knowledge management News and Events

  • e-Agriculture webinar: Farmer-centered design

    When: Friday 28 July - 9 AM EST – 10 AM EDT – 4PM CEST To register fill in the form by clicking here Human-centered design or user-centered design is at the core of the Principles for Digital Development : guidelines to help development practitioners to integrate best practices into technology...
  • Upcoming e-Agriculture webinar: Farmer-centered design - recommendations for e-agriculture practitioners

    When: Friday 28 July - 9 AM EST – 10 AM EDT – 4PM CEST Direct link to the webinar: http://fao.adobeconnect.com/eagfcdesign/ To register fill in the form by clicking here Human-centered design or user-centered design is at the core of the Principles for Digital Development : guidelines to help development practitioners to integrate best practices into technology enabled programs. The concept of user- or farmer-centered design has been around for more than a decade but still raises a lot of questions. Far too often, an application is designed far away from its beneficiaries or users and does...
  • e-Agriculture webinar on the Agricultural Open Data Package

    When: Session 1: Monday 10 July 2017 at 10 AM CEST/ Rome Session 2: Monday 10 July 2017 at 4PM CEST/Rome Duration: 1 hour e-Agriculture, the Food and Agriculture Organizaiton of the United Nations (FAO) and the Global Open Data on Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN ) are organizing a webinar to introduce interested individuals to the Agricultural Open Data Package (AgPack) . The Agricultural Open Data Package (AgPack) is a resource for governments to to take the next step in publishing open data they have generated or collected . The AgPack suggests 6 policy areas where open data can support...
  • e-Agriculture webinar: Remote control of water pumps with mobile phones in India

    Date: 30th of June – 3.30 PM CEST – 7PM IST Topic: Nano Ganesh is a mobile-based remote controller for water pumps. This innovation features an electronic hardware based remote control system, operated by a mobile phone with mobile​signal connectivity at both ends. It serves as an interface between...
  • Join us for our next e-Agriculture webinar: How mobile phones changed water irrigation in India

    Connect with this direct link to Adobe Connect: http://fao.adobeconnect.com/eagremotecontrol/ How Mobile Phones changed water irrigation in India - Remote Control of Water Pumps with Mobile Phones - the experience of Nano Ganesh When: 30 th of June – 3.30 PM CEST – 7PM IST Topic: Nano Ganesh is a mobile-based remote controller for water pumps. This innovation features an electronic hardware based remote control system, operated by a mobile phone with mobile​signal connectivity at both ends. It serves as an interface between the high voltage starters of the waterpumps and the low voltage GSM...
  • Webinar e-Agriculture: Experience Capitalization and Good Practices

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the e-Agriculture Community of Practice (COP) are launching a call for good and promising practices on the use of ICTs for Agriculture .The call aims at...
  • Seven reasons why Mexico is ready to become a global leader in ICT for agriculture initiatives

    The GSMA mAgri Programme forges partnerships between mobile operators, technology providers and agricultural organisations. Although it has enourmous potential, Mexico seems to have been left out by ICT for agriculture initiatives. This article presents seven reasons for which Mexican agriculture should invest in ICT related projects to lift farmers out of poverty and into the 21st century. 1. The needs of Mexican farmers are huge 3.9 million farmers out of 5.3 million in Mexico earn of less than USD 1,000 per year. 61 per cent of Mexican farmers live in poverty. The reasons for this...
  • Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

    Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop Date 8 May, 2017. 09:00-16:00 Location Sida Headquarters, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm, Sweden Description The aim of this workshop organized jointly by SIANI and SLU Global is to develop ideas and tools to engage the african...
  • Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

    By the year 2050, the world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion: demand for food will grow dramatically. Following a present trend, 2/3 of this population will be concetrated in big cities. In sub-saharan Africa, the number of 15-24 year olds will dramatically increase. The challenge at this point is to engage the youth in Africa to work in agriculture and develop its potential. The problem is that young generations living in rural areas prefer to migrate to big cities in search for a stable job instead of trying to develop the rural areas in which they grew up. The aim of this...
  • Good and promising practices on the use of ICTs for Agriculture

    The e-Agriculture Community of Practice and its partners are constantly looking for good and promising practices on the use of ICTs for Agriculture to share lessons learned and recommendations from ICT for Agriculture innitiatives all around the world with the members of the Community of Practice and beyond. You can find the selected promising and good practices and related information on Experience Capitalization and the documentation of good and promising practices on this page of the e-Agriculture platform. e-Agriculture is always happy to receive your proposals for good and promising...