
computers News and Events

  • MOOC:Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission

    Wageningen University & Research is offering an exciting M OOC on Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission . Learn how to prepare and execute a flight mission with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and how to use, process and understand the collected drone data for your own applications. Who is it for? Although the course was initially made for agriculture technicians, researchers or graduate students from multidisciplinary technical fields, everyone that aims to learn how to use an off-the-shelf small drone for generating a high-resolution image from a field, or...
  • How innovations are WFP’s allies in the fight against coronavirus

    The World Food Programme is scaling up operations in more than 80 countries with a little help from techies and creatives In a recent article , WFP has shared how the innovative use of technologies is helping the organization respond to the COVID19 pandemic. Technology and innovation have always been a key part of the WFP’s emergency response, but now, during a global pandemic, they are perhaps more critical than ever beforeWFP tapped its Innovation Accelerator to aid its response to coronavirus. Through the I nnovation Accelerator , WFP is supporting innovators and entrepreneurs around the...
  • Report on E- Consultation on ‘Youth Employment in Africa as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa’ published in French and Spanish

    The summary report on the online discussion, 'Youth employment in agriculture as a solid solution to ending hunger and poverty in Africa' is now available in English | French | Spanish The online e-consultation on Youth employment in agriculture as a solid solution to ending hunger and poverty in Africa was held on the 16th of July to the 10th of August 2018 on the FAO FSN Forum. The e-consultation took four weeks and saw participants from 33 countries who shared 90 contributions. This e-consultation was organized to gather views of youths (especially those who could not attend) the 20-21...
  • Challenge Call on the ‘Desert Locust’ at the Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020

    The ‘desert locust’ is one of the challenge calls at the Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 . The Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 is one of the satellite INSPIRE hackathons. The hackathon is organised in the frame of the IST Africa 2020 Conference. There are 9 challenges in this Kampala edition. The desert locust challenge comes when some parts of Eastern Africa are experiencing locust infestation since the end of 2019. The locusts have posed a great threat to the East African Societies, which largely dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods. Therefore, the team is inviting innovative...
  • Invitation to the Digital Innovation Dialogue: Session 8 Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership

    2nd March 2020 14:30-16:00 hours (Rome Time – CET) FAO HQ – Lebanon Room (D209) Remote participation : http://fao.adobeconnect.com/digital_innovation8/ [ Reserve space ] Web streaming : http://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5229/icode/ In 2019, CIO organized seven sessions of Digital Innovation Dialogue which saw more than 400 people participating. This 8th session is focusing on Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership and is the first Digital Innovation Dialogue in 2020. This Dialogue covers two important topics: (i) Farmer Digital Identity and (ii) Farmers' Data ownership , with a...
  • Invitation to Experience capitalization for continuous learning course

    This announcement is as published by FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia Together with the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS), the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia will co-organize a blended learning programme on experience capitalization for continuous learning. Good practices and innovations need to be continuously documented, shared, adopted, adapted, and scaled up. Instead of reinventing the wheel, FAO and its partners have developed a learning course to facilitate this process. Already tested and validated, the blended learning programme consists...
  • FAO hosts Digital Innovation Dialogue on blockchain for sustainability in agriculture

    Rome. 10 December 2019. The IT Division in FAO hosted the Digital Innovation Dialogue session on blockchain for sustainability in agriculture where Foodcoin, AgriLedger, Ripe and FAO presented their blockchain projects. The session was held amidst many blockchain-based solutions, which are being piloted in many sectors, and this technology is finding innovative uses in a wide range of applications. In agriculture, pilots are already being implemented in supply chains, land registrations and to provide digital identities for farmers. For sustainable agriculture development, blockchain...
  • Call for Good Practices in Digital Agriculture (or e-Agriculture) and Digital Agriculture Solutions

    Call dates: 14 November 2019 to 31 January 2020 The FAO Digital Innovation Team through the e-Agriculture Community of Practice is calling for submission of (i) Good Practices or Promising on the use of ICTs and digital innovations in agriculture , and/or (ii) Digital Solutions in Agriculture . The aim of the Call is to enable members to share experiences, solutions, lessons learned and recommendations on various digital agriculture-relevant topics from the members of the e-Agriculture Community of Practice and beyond. Selected Good Practices and related experiences will be published and...
  • Establishment of a Central Asian Animal Health Network (CAAHN)

    Participating countries: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan Organizers : FAO, through its regional office for Europe and Central Asia (REU), will function as the initial driver of this animal health network, which will serve as an umbrella under which laboratory and the...