
Climate Smart Solution (CSS) News and Events

  • Can Artificial Intelligence help improve agricultural productivity?

    Highlights: AI use growing in agriculture AI is applied in some aspects of the farming practices Some examples of AI are offered by Thembani Malapela (FAO) When l reflected on the future of agriculture, l could not avoid thinking about the power of technology to solve problems bedeviling this sector. Climate change, population growth and food security concerns have pushed for innovative technological solutions to farming. Artificial Intelligence is emerging as part of the solutions towards improved agricultural productivity. In this item, l will look at what AI is, how it is used in...
  • How technology is combating Climate change in African agriculture?

    Seeds and Chips recently published a piece by Marco Gualtieri who proposes that technology is combating climate change in African Agriculture. In Africa, due to climate induced changes the availability of fertile land shrinks and this has sparked rural to urban migration. Ballooning urban population has skewed allocation of funds to cities and support for farming is slashed even further with an impact of lowering food production. The article also notes that there is a need to find sustainable methods in food and rural agriculture; keeping young dedicated people on the ground and then...
  • Digital Technologies for Resilience Workshop (Tech4Resilience) in review

    Digital Technologies for Resilience was the theme of a workshop organized by FHI 360 in Bangkok with funding and support from Rockefeller Foundation and USAID . The workshop intended to create a space and exchange mat for professionals who are using digital technologies to enhance resilience. The other objective was to help participants to scale up the digital technology for resilience efforts. “The workshop enabled actual collaboration… several actual project collaborations took place –with exchanging of MoUs and project proposals” noted one participant. The programme in retrospect The two...
  • Precision agriculture: A smart farming approach to agriculture

    The latest edition of SPORE magazine focuses on COP23 , however it has an article focusing on precision agriculture entitled, ‘Precision agriculture: A smart farming approach to agriculture’. The ability to use smart technologies could make today’s farmers manage their farming practices remotely. For this to happen these technology need access to data usually collected by satellites and drones. The ability of implementing sensors in the field, on animals and in the soil which transmit real time data allows for cost-effective and accurate means to predict and protect the growth of agricultural...
  • ICTs For Small-Scale Farmers: A Game Changing Approach to Climate Smart Agriculture in Latin America

    The UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) is hosted by the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and presided over by Fiji; signaling the return of climate change to the international agenda. This meeting comes just in time when the world is seeing climate induced catastrophies in many parts of the world. At this UN Climate Change Conference, nations will meet to advance the aims of the Paris Agreement and measure progress of its implementation guidelines. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is representing as a leader of the...
  • Kukua: Weather Data and forecasting services for local farmers in Africa

    Africa’s economy is based largely agriculture and most of them being smallholder farmers. One of the challenges these family farmers face is access to weather information and forecasting services. Lack of access to relevant weather information is due to lack of access of weather source information, dilapidated weather stations that fail to accurately provide reliable weather data, amongst many other reasons. Kukua is an initiative whose vision is to close Africa’s weather information gap by providing new weather station technology and improved weather forecast accuracy. Kukua seeks to...
  • Progressive Farmer, Smart Farming : AgTech Competition

    The Government of Andhra Pradesh, in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dalberg Advisors and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), invites applications for a Pitch Competition to identify technology-based solutions that solve agricultural challenges faced by small and marginal farmers in Andhra Pradesh'' . - read more In this competition there are four themes in which each submission can be made under:- Technology-enabled Rural Advisory Services (RAS) v2.0. Technology-enabled market linkages. Digital Financial Services for agriculture. Data mining for agriculture Who...
  • The 4th Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture

    The 4th Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture Date 28 November 2017 to 30 November 2017 Location Johannesburg, South Africa Description "The 4th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture (The 4th GSC-CSA)" takes forward the initiative on research and science started in...
  • SatSure uses big data analytics and satellite imagery to help farmers in the agricultural insurance sector

    SatSure is a data analytics company which integrates satellite, weather, and IoT analytics with the agriculture sector in order to help farmer's financial security and crop insurance. India is facing severe consequences due to climate change, such as droughts and floods. In the agricultural sector many insurance companies fail to provide the farmers with fair and timely compensation for losses incurred. There is also a lack of transparency in fixing the fair price for the produce. According to 33-year-old Abhishek Raju, founder of SatSure, technology must be used to mitigate both farm and...