
resilience News and Events

  • EM-DAT: The International Disaster Database

    The Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) was created by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) , a leading repository of information on the impact of disasters, in 1988. The Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) is a free database containing worldwide data on the occurrence and impact of over 20,000 natural and technological disasters from 1900 to the present day. The main objective of the database is to help by giving data instruments for humanitarian action at national and international levels. The initiative aims to be a basis for vulnerability assessment and to...
  • FAO Myanmar promotes the use of drones to enhance disaster risk reduction

    FAO Myanmar is promoting the usage of drones to enhance disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management in the agriculture sector. The project is conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI) of Myanmar and the Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University (MAEU) of the Ministry of Education. A training of 30 experts of the newly established MOALI Drone Mapping Team on the application of drone mapping technology for didaster risk reduction in agriculture was organized. “By using drones we will be able to update the maps, measure the fields and...
  • Abalobi, an app to help small-scale fishermen in South Africa monitor catches

    Abalobi, which is Xhosa name for fishermen, is as a mobile application for the small-scale fishermen to let them produce their own knowledge on fishing and build resilient communities in the face of climate change. There are currently 30,000 artisanal fishers along South Africa's coastline making their living from the sea and living on a thin line between commercial and subsistence fishing. The innovation of Abalobi is the fact that small-scale fishermen can record what they caught, when, where, using what method and how much they sold the fish for. All that information is stored in the app...
  • Join us for a webinar on land and water data collection using low cost smartphones in Somalia!

    Monday 5 th of June – 15h CEST (1 hour) – Webinar on land and water data collection using low cost smartphones in Somalia The Somalia Water and Land Information Management project (SWALIM http://www.faoswalim.org ) is one of the few UN development programmes to have information management as its primary mission, using technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and remote sensing mapping and data collection with mobile devices and modern web applications. Managed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), SWALIM has been able to successfully introduce...
  • The Yield app uses sensing systems to help farmers improve yields in Australia

    The Yield is an Internet of Things (IoT) Australian product company that aims to use technology to improve yields in agriculture and aquaculture. The Yield combines wireless sensor networks and localised data to inform farmers and growers on the best decisions to make regarding their yelds. The Yield uses Sensing+, a microclimate sensing system for agriculture which measures data from different points around the farm and provides hyper local predictions based on the farm's growing conditions by using data analytics and artificial intelligence. Watch The Yield's presentation video: Credits:...
  • How Digital Technology Is Changing Farming in Africa

    In a recent article on Harvard Business Review, Ndubuisi Ekekwe explores how digital technology is poised at providing a solution to increase farm productivity in Africa. In this article he reviews the food challenges affecting Africa such as weather changes, rural-urban migration that deprives farming communities of young people and deforestation amongst many challenges. While African governments have employed many policy instruments to improve farm productivity, yields are still marginally improving. The article notes that African entrepreneurs are interested in how farmers work and how...
  • GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System

    The Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) was created by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) as a response to the generalized food crisis of the early 1970s. Over the years, GIEWS has established itself as one of the world’s leading source of information on global food security. The GIEWS website provides access to food security related information at global, regional and national levels in the form of reports, country analysis and web-based tools dor data analysis. A subscribtion option has also been created for users to get the latest...
  • Seven reasons why Mexico is ready to become a global leader in ICT for agriculture initiatives

    The GSMA mAgri Programme forges partnerships between mobile operators, technology providers and agricultural organisations. Although it has enourmous potential, Mexico seems to have been left out by ICT for agriculture initiatives. This article presents seven reasons for which Mexican agriculture should invest in ICT related projects to lift farmers out of poverty and into the 21st century. 1. The needs of Mexican farmers are huge 3.9 million farmers out of 5.3 million in Mexico earn of less than USD 1,000 per year. 61 per cent of Mexican farmers live in poverty. The reasons for this...
  • Radio Monsoon aims to ensure safety reigns among fishermen in south India

    In India’s southern state of Kerala, because of overfishing and climate change, fish stocks are rapidly decreasing. In order to catch more fish, fishermen are forced to go out into the open sea with their small boats, risking life especially during the monsoon season. Radio Monsoon radio station provides a low-tech forecast service to encourage 30,000 families to fish more safely. Radio Monsoon’s forecasts are disseminated through social media, loudspeakers placed in harbours and through a phone line supported by an internet server. The weather data is based on India’s Meteorological...