
financial inclusion News and Events

  • 粮农组织赞扬以知识共享促数字农业发展的首次贡献

    粮农组织电子农业平台旨在促进沟通与创新,现已发布中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019—2025年)》 在近期召开的全球粮食和农业论坛(GFFA)上,71个国家的农业部长赞赏了建立国际粮食和农业数字化理事会的 相关工作进展 。2020年2月7日,粮农组织在其电子农业平台上发布了中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019-2025年)》,便于各界参阅分享。 中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019-2025年)》已上线粮农组织 电子农业网站 。现有 英文 和 中文 两种版本。 粮农组织总干事屈冬玉表示:"数字化已成为农村转型的重要驱动力,为农民创造了新的机遇。感谢中国愿意在粮农组织的平台发布其国家规划,与世界分享经验和良好实践。希望其他国家也能加入进来,推动全球对话,促进数字农业发展。 "国际粮食及农业数字化理事会旨在提供粮食和农业领域数字化的战略性政策建议,分享最佳做法,交流各国观点和经验以促进国际合作,该理事会正在筹备中。 应2019年全球粮农组织会议上各国农业部长的要求,粮农组织和伙伴国际组织编写了设立理事会的 概念说明 ,之后该文件将交于粮农组织理事机构审批。数字化理事会将推动各方就规范达成共识,并最终降低成本、提高效率、缩小世界数字鸿沟。 宽带 进 村 粮农组织的电子农业平台发布中国国家规划仅是知识共享进程的第一步。该规划为技术和大数据的使用提供了指导方针和实施要点。例如,...
  • Digital Agriculture Knowledge Sharing - AGRF Side Meeting

    The African Green Revolution Forum is underway in Accra, Ghana and the FAO E-Agriculture team is participating and facilitated a parallel session on Establishing the International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture, on the 3rd of September and the FAO CIO director also spoke on the Panel Discussion on Evidence-Based Leadership and Data Systems on Tuesday, 3 September from 14:30 – 16:30 On the 4th of September, FAO team is invited to attend and participate to the Digital Agriculture Knowledge Sharing side event, which will see practitioners such as CTA, Dalberg, GSMA, MaMo Panel and...
  • AFDB launches Africa Digital Financial Inclusion Facility (ADFI)

    The African Development Bank and its partners on the 13th of June, 2019 launched the Africa Digital Financial Inclusion Facility (ADFI) , designed to aid safety and expansion of digital financial transactions in Africa. The Fund, launched at the Bank’s Annual Meetings in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Government of Luxembourg, as initial contributors. The fund will deploy $100 million in grants and $300 million in the form of debt from the Bank’s ordinary capital resources by 2030, to...
  • Call for Applications for the first edition of its Arab Women Leaders in Agriculture

    The International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), has launched the Call for Applications for the first edition of its Arab Women Leaders in Agriculture, Awla Fellowship . The Call is open to Arab women researchers from the MENA region, with a strong and demonstrable interest in national, international and global agricultural challenges. The theme of the first Awla Fellowship being " The role of women in agriculture prosperity ". Candidates must be able to present professional and academic credentials in the field of agriculture. Watch the video about the call below The Call for...
  • ‘WorldBank Group to support Africa’s digital transformation’

    In an opinion piece on CNN Business , the WorldBank Group CEO and interim presidents noted that automation and artificial intelligence (and other disruptive technologies) could revolutionize the industrialized world, and with great potential to the developing world. O n her tweeter account , Ms Kristalina Georgieva noted in order to support Africa’s digital transformation, the WorldBank Group will invest $25 billion between now and 2030 and is aiming to mobilize $25 billion more from the private sector. How can African countries leapfrog themselves for this challenge? In the above mentioned...
  • ICT Update 90 focuses on Women and Digitalization in Agriculture

    In sub-Saharan Africa and indeed in most of the developing world, women form a greater part of the agricultural labour force. There is potential of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to include women fully in the agricultural systems. The recent ICT Update 90 focuses on Women and Digitization in Agriculture and chronicles the work that The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has done within the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). The interventions deal with CTA’s contribution to rural economies, the growing advancements in digitization and lessening...
  • CTA Project 'Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the ground' showcased

    The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTAs) project, ‘ Transforming Africa’s Agriculture: Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground ” was this week showcased at FAO headquarters in Rome, at the IFAD Governing Council Meeting. Besides the stand display, there was a presentation on the last day where drones for agriculture were presented. This project was nominated for the WSIS Prizes 2019, category AL C7 – E-agriculture , whose voting is underway at the time of writing. About the project CTA is assisting African start-ups in acquiring capacity to deliver Unmanned...
  • Innovative insurance service for farmers based on satellite data gets commercial follow up in Uganda

    In sub-Saharan Africa, smallholder farmers are vulnerable to risks associated with changing weather patterns. In Uganda, the SUM-Africa project provides satellite based drought Index Insurance to protect farmers. The SUM-Africa project is supported by the G4AW program of Netherlands Space Office (NSO) and recently a Dutch Company (EARS) signed a long term contract with Uganda Agro Insurance Consortium (AIC) to continue this service. What are agricultural index insurance? Agricultural index insurance products are linked to an index, such as temperature, rainfall, crop yield or...
  • E-Agriculture in Action: Blockchain for Agriculture

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have recently published a title called, ‘ Blockchain for Agriculture, Opportunities and Challenges ’ as part of the E-Agriculture in Action series publications. This is part of the collaboration of working together of the two UN Agencies to work together to promote the use of sustainable information and communication technologies (ICTs) in agriculture. The focus of the publication is on blockchain technology in agriculture. The aim of the book is to demystify the technology,...
  • GFFA 2019 Communiqué stresses support to farmers through digital innovation

    The agricultural ministers of 74 nations who attended the just ended the 11th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, held during the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture issued a communique that affirms support to farmers through digital innovation. The statement acknowledge the projected increase in world’s population amidst the current hunger level of, over 821 million 9 people in the world who are suffering from hunger. The ministers called for digitalization in agriculture, innovation and smart solutions in increasing agricultural production and commitment to the goals of the 2030...