
early warning systems News and Events

  • Launch of WeRobotics Online Training Academy

    WeRobotics has just announced the WeRobotics Online Training Academy to provide professional training on the use of drones by developmental agencies.The academy is co-managed with TechChange who have offered dynamic online training platform and in 2017 they trained over 7,000 people from 155 countries. On the other hand, WeRobotics has provided trainings to many professionals in the following organizations the World Food Program (WFP), UN Development Program (UNDP), UNICEF , Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), local universities and many national &...
  • FAO develops a mobile phone app to monitor Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Africa

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has developed a new mobile phone application FAMEWS (Fall Armyworm Monitoring & Early Warning System) mobile app in English and French). The FAMEWS will help farmers and extension officers to collect and record information when scouting fields and checking pheromone traps for Fall Armyworm (FAW). The easy to use and intuitive app is meant to be used by countries affected by the FAW in Africa. Collected data can, once an internet connection is established, be transmitted to a centralized cloud by national FAW focal points before...
  • Ethiopian herders get automated weather stations

    Image credit : Panos/SciDev.Net Ethiopian herders have been provided the automated weather stations which are providing them with reliable climate information; armed with this information they can weigh up risks and make preventative decisions – reports SciDev.Net . The Automated weather stations (AWS) are reported to be part of the Market Approaches to Resilience (MAR) project led by the NGO Farm Africa in three Ethiopian regions which are seeing an increase in climate variability. A total of 25 solar –powered AWSs have been installed since 2015.There are other challenges those that the MAR...
  • ICTs For Small-Scale Farmers: A Game Changing Approach to Climate Smart Agriculture in Latin America

    The UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) is hosted by the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and presided over by Fiji; signaling the return of climate change to the international agenda. This meeting comes just in time when the world is seeing climate induced catastrophies in many parts of the world. At this UN Climate Change Conference, nations will meet to advance the aims of the Paris Agreement and measure progress of its implementation guidelines. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is representing as a leader of the...
  • Farmerline, the company with the mission to transform farmers into successful entrepreneurs

    Farmerline is a social software company with the mission to transform millions of farmers into successful entrepreneurs. Farmerline connects farmers to markets, finance, weather forecast, new farming tips, inputs dealers and equipment services. Farmerline has an information service that sends SMS and voice messages on weather forecasts, market prices, new farming techniques, agrochemical applications, and finance directly to the mobile phones of farmers in local languages. Through their mobile phones, farmers can also connect to global markets and buy farm inpunts and services. Farmers using...
  • AMAN App: Digital early warning system to control poultry diseases in Egypt

    AMAN (Avian-Diseases Monitoring and Awareness Network) mobile app and web platform has been developed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a communication tool for early warning, reporting, monitoring and awareness services for small poultry farmers in Egypt (a country with 2.5 million small poultry farms). Through the AMAN app, a rapid, real time, efficient and highly open and confidential communication channel is guaranteed, allowing for an effective and immediate action during the occurrence of a poultry disease outbreak from detection, reporting and response...
  • FAO launches four new agricultural service apps in Africa

    FAO, along with several partners, is involved in the implementation of ICT initiatives in Africa The majority of family farmers in developing countries live rural areas and in most cases don't have access to technology and digital agricultural services. Through the use of ICTs, farmers have more access to information on markets, weather and nutrition. The digital service project is part of FAO's Digital Strategy and is aimed at people in the field, local governments, community leaders and extension workers. The project aims to develop four apps designed to help farmers have better...
  • FAO Myanmar promotes the use of drones to enhance disaster risk reduction

    FAO Myanmar is promoting the usage of drones to enhance disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management in the agriculture sector. The project is conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI) of Myanmar and the Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University (MAEU) of the Ministry of Education. A training of 30 experts of the newly established MOALI Drone Mapping Team on the application of drone mapping technology for didaster risk reduction in agriculture was organized. “By using drones we will be able to update the maps, measure the fields and...
  • Join us for a webinar on land and water data collection using low cost smartphones in Somalia!

    Monday 5 th of June – 15h CEST (1 hour) – Webinar on land and water data collection using low cost smartphones in Somalia The Somalia Water and Land Information Management project (SWALIM http://www.faoswalim.org ) is one of the few UN development programmes to have information management as its primary mission, using technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and remote sensing mapping and data collection with mobile devices and modern web applications. Managed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), SWALIM has been able to successfully introduce...