
rural development News and Events

  • Regional Forum on e-agriculture for Central and South-East Europe Agenda

    The regional forum on e-agriculture for Central and South-East Europe began on the 13th of November 2017. The forum is themed, “ Precise and integrated response for sustainable farming and inclusive food systems ” is being held in Novi Sad, Serbia. The agenda of the event is available here , and is comprised of an opening ceremony, high-level roundtable discussions and parallel sessions. Some of the themes to be discussed, Sustainable intensification of agricultural production ICTs assisted Food Systems ICT assisted Climate Smart Agriculture Empowerment of smallholders and family farmers...
  • e-Agriculture Learning Activity Drones Webinar: Community Monitoring of Forests in Indigenous Territories in Panama

    WHEN: Friday 20 October 4PM Central European Summer Time - 9 AM Panama To enter the room use the following Adobe Connect link: http://fao.adobeconnect.com/e-agdronespanama/ In the framework of the e-Agriculture learning activity on drones , that runs on the e-Agriculture platform from 16 to 27 October, e-Agriculture is organizing a series of live webinars with different speakers addressing different aspects on the use of drones in agriculture and rural development. If you would like to receive notifications of all the webinars and the information of the activity you can register here Maria...
  • New partnership between ITU and FAO to bolster ICT innovation in agriculture

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will strenghten their partnership to boost the the usage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in agricultural development and by doing so, supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals . FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and ITU Secretary General Houlin Zhao signed on September 18th in New York a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote the development of e-Agriculture policies...
  • EQUALS Partners call for the empowerment of women and girls through digital technology

    "Empower women and girls through digital technology" was the call to action in the high-level multi-stakeholder meeting of EQUALS Partners that took place on 16 September in New York City on the eve of United Nations General Assembly meetings. EQUALS is a global initiative founded by a network partnership of businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, foundations, academia, media and individuals around the world working together to bridge the digital gender divide. The main areas of work of EQUALS are: Addressing the divide between men and women’s access to digital tech resources...
  • GIS and Remote Sensing for agricultural resource management course

    GIS and Remote Sensing for agricultural resource management Course Date 28th August – 01st September 2017 Location Indepth Research Training Centre, Nairobi, Kenya Description For optimum utilization of available agricultural land resources on a sustainable basis, timely and reliable information...
  • Digital Green provides agricultural information through locally produced videos

    Digital Green is a non-profit development organization that disseminates agricultural information to rural communities using digital video. The platform partners with local actors (public and private sector as well as civil society organizations) to share knowledge on agricultural practices, livelihoods, health and nutrition, using locally produced videos. Digital Green uses local social networks to connect farmers and experts, the thrill of appearing on screen motivates farmers, and homophily is exploited to minimize the distance between teacher and learner. Digital Green is currently...
  • Farm Fresh Gambia: Marketing local products through an e-commerce platform

    Farm Fresh is a Gambian social entreprise that helps market smallholder farmers’ local products through an e-commerce platform. It was established in 2014 and is the first online food store and delivery service in Gambia. The platform markets and sells online fresh and locally grown vegetables, fruits and processed food items in partnership with farmers across the country. By doing so, Farm Fresh ensures a regular source of income generation for farmers. Currently, Farm Fresh has more than 200 local products on the website, also allowing Gambians from the Diaspora to order fresh and healthy...
  • iGrow marketplace connects farmers, landowners, investors and crop buyers to create a complete supply chain for organic food

    Millions of underemployed skilled farmers and millions of hectares of underused arable land exhist all over the world, especially in developing countries. At the same time, the demand for high-quality organic food increases daily. According to FAO , our food production will have to increase dramatically to feed a growing population that will reach 9.7 billion in 2050. iGrow is a marketplace that helps underemployed farmers, under-utilized land, and investors to produce high-quality organic food and sustainable incomes through cloud-based agricultural management software. The online platform...
  • Four new videos on agriculture and nutrition have been posted on Access Agriculture

    Four new videos on four different areas (mango seedlings, making soumbala from soya beans, sheep & goats, and pumpkins) have been posted on the platform www.accessagriculture.org . They are currently available in English and French for the one on soya while in English, French, and Bangla for the other three. They are freely downloadable, also in 3gp format for mobile phone viewing. Four new videos Grafting mango seedlings : The benefit of grafting is that from grafted trees we can get fruits within two to four years. ​ Making condiment from soya beans : In West Africa, women prepare a...
  • FAO launches four new agricultural service apps in Africa

    FAO, along with several partners, is involved in the implementation of ICT initiatives in Africa The majority of family farmers in developing countries live rural areas and in most cases don't have access to technology and digital agricultural services. Through the use of ICTs, farmers have more access to information on markets, weather and nutrition. The digital service project is part of FAO's Digital Strategy and is aimed at people in the field, local governments, community leaders and extension workers. The project aims to develop four apps designed to help farmers have better...