
decision-makers News and Events

  • Fostering the digital transformation of agriculture through strategies: national and local perspectives

    Friday, 13 May 2022 at 9:00-10:00 (CEST), Hybrid (Lodz, Poland and virtual) Digital technologies are yielding new growth in the food and agriculture sector and in rural areas. Connectivity, mobile adoption, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies are opening doors to new opportunities. However, the digital technology dividends are not automatic. Some rural areas in Europe and Central Asia are still falling behind when it comes to the adoption of new technologies due to bottlenecks in the broadband infrastructure, affordability, awareness, digital skills and regulatory issues...
  • FoodTech Innovation Revolution: The 2022 Game-Changers

    The Data-Driven and Digital Team is excited to launch a new, monthly FoodTech Innovation Webinar Series! To register click here About the webinar FoodTech is the intersection of agriculture, food, and technology along the value-chain from harvest, storage, processing to distribution and retail...
  • Vision for the future: transition to digital agriculture

    Digital technologies impact the entire food system, everyone involved, and bring significant benefits to agriculture. They empower farmers to access information, markets, and finance, unlocking economic and employment opportunities and increasing efficiency and transparency across value chains. While digital technologies can bring a significant contribution to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, they also pose economic, social, and ethical challenges, with particular regard to the responsible use of data. Governments can play a critical role in creating the...
  • What’s cooking? Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System

    The Worldbank Group has recently published a new edition on “ Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System ” as part of the What’s Cooking series. The Agriculture and Food Series is intended to prompt public discussion and inform policies that will deliver higher incomes, reduce hunger, improve sustainability, and generate better health and nutrition from the food we grow and eat. This publication was supported by the members of the Digital Development Partnership, a program within the World bank. What’s cooking? Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System – an overview What’s Cooking:...
  • 2021 Digital Public Goods Alliance Report

    The Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA) recently published its 2021 Annual Report that surmise both the contribution from over 20 organizations working in the digital public goods ecosystem and the work of the DPGA itself. The report highlights these activities, and details some examples of the work done under the DPGA. The DPGA divides its work into 3 streams – (i) core activities which are driven wholly by the DPGA Secretariat, (ii) coordinated activities driven by stakeholders in partnership or close coordination with the DPGA Secretariat, and (iii) aligned activities driven by...
  • Impact Maker Program : Targeting MENA and Sub-Sahara region

    Berytech has partnered with Future Agro challenge (FAC), Agricatalyst innovations , FAO and FoodMakers -FAC- South Africa funded by SANAD TAF , for the second edition of the Impact maker program. In this context, the partners are calling for eligible ecosystem builders in the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa region to apply to the Impact Maker Program. The organizers are looking for ecosystem builders (incubators, accelerators, NGOs, for profit enterprises…) interested to strengthen their capacities of Impact Makers to support innovation and entrepreneurship in the agrifood sector, to join a 12-...
  • 2nd ICT4D Partners' Conference

    The ICT4D Conference, leading the international and cross-sector discussion on digital development since 2010, remains in the virtual space for 2022 . As the world fights the pandemic, we continue to offer various individual online events and content. Register the 2nd virtual ICT4D Partnerships...
  • Webinar : Data Governance In Agriculture: Including Farmers

    “Putting farmers at the center of a sustainable and equitable digital transformation of agriculture” is the core objective of the GFAR Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture. The initial partners in the Action, facilitated by GFAR, are: the Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technology Development ( FORAGRO ), the Confederation of Family Producers Organizations of the Expanded Mercosur ( COPROFAM ), Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition ( GODAN ) and AgGateway . In the context of this Action, GODAN is hosting a webinar that addresses...