
decision-makers News and Events

  • ICTforAg 2018 : An interesting agenda ahead

    ICTforAg 2018 annual conference brings together 300 practitioners and decision makers in agriculture and international development . This year’s edition seeks to focus on new ICT solutions that can boost the productivity of both smallholder farmers and agricultural markets systems. ICTforAg is supported by Abt Associates , DAI , FHI 360 , and RTI International . The conference will focus on three areas:- Market systems Technological innovation, and Crisis Response A glimpse of the agenda The agenda reveals that this edition will focus on real challenges faced by farmers and other stakeholders...
  • FAO's Digital Innovation highlighted in the 'Innovation in the UN – Quarterly Update'

    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has contributed its innovative initiatives with the broader 17 UN agencies on how it is using innovative technology and digital solutions to assure food security and end hunger in middle-and lower-income countries. This contribution was published by the UN Innovative Network (UNIN) in their Q2 Quarterly Update on Innovation . UNIN is an informal collaborative network of UN Agencies innovation teams, the teams seek to find new innovative approaches and technologies as well as challenges in developing innovative ideas. FAO’s...
  • e-Agriculture Good and Promising Practices Published

    Towards the end of 2017, the e-Agriculture Team at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) announced a call for Good and Promising Practices in Agriculture. We are happy to let you know some of the good/promising practices have been published and are available online via FAO publications . The good or promising practice are about the various use of ICTs for agriculture, livestock, fisheries or forestry or rural development in general. The following good and promising practices have been published, and some are still in...
  • Join the E-Consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting farmers from 4 to 8 June, 2018 on e-Agriculture

    GODAN, Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (KTBL) will hold an e-consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting smallholder farmers from 4 to 8 June 2018. To participate click here Data-driven agriculture is expected to increase agricultural production and productivity. It can help farmers adapt to or mitigate the effects of climate change. It can also bring about more economic and efficient use of natural resources,...
  • Status of E-Agriculture Implementation in Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia has just published a status report on the E-Agriculture implementation within selected FAO member countries in the region. This publication coincided with the FAO Regional Conference for the region and the report is a follow-up to the Regional Capacity Development Workshop on National e-Agriculture Strategies in Europe and Central Asia, organized by FAO and the GAK, non-profit organization of the Gödöllő Agricultural University and with the valuable participation of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This effort follows FAO’s role...
  • e-Agriculture Newsletter for April available!

    The e-Agriculture monthly newsletter for April 2018 has been published and sent to subscribed members. This months' newsletter focuses on WSIS Forum 2018, especially on the FAO's participation in this meeting. Some of the WSIS Forum 2018 outcomes for the Action Line C7: E-Agriculture include the #HackAgainstHunger , WSIS Prizes 2018 and the WSIS Action Line C7 activitie s. Most importantly, the newsletter promotes the publication, E-agriculture in Action: Drones for Agriculture . Most of our users will notice a change in the look and feel, this represents the new FAO website template. The new...
  • ICTforAg 2018

    This is a one-day conference that continues and builds on ICTfor Ag2015, 2016 and 2017 and brings together 300 thought leaders and decision-makers in agriculture and technology from the international development community and the private sector. The conference will examine how new innovations can...
  • New Publication : FAO-ITU E-agriculture in Action: Drones for Agriculture

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have published a new book E-Agriculture in Action: Drones for Agriculture. Details about this publication Title: E-agriculture in Action: Drones for Agriculture Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union Card page : http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/I8494EN PDF URL : http://www.fao.org/3/I8494EN/i8494en.pdf This publication comes amidst the increase in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) [also...
  • Article Review: Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Monitoring

    A recently published pre-print article details the usage of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for environmental monitoring. While the article was written within the specific armpit of a project, it raises interesting issues on the use of drones for data collection, ecosystems and river monitoring. The usage of drones, UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) continues to be widespread within agriculture. Drones are used in cropping, monitoring plants, pests control and many other areas including forest and environmental monitoring. A recently published pre-print article by a group of scholars...
  • e-Agriculture Twitter members clock 46,000

    The e-Agriculture Community of Practice now has 46,000 members, and invites you to follow us at @FAOeagriculture . By following us you have a chance to receive updates from us and our community of partners in real time, and also you are able to participate in various twitter chats from us and the community. Besides Twitter, one can also register on our platform to receive news, newsletter and various updates that we offer. Periodically, the e-Agriculture CoP also holds e-forum discussions , webinars and learning activities . We are also available on LinkedIn . Why not follow us today e-...