
decision-makers News and Events

  • 粮农组织赞扬以知识共享促数字农业发展的首次贡献

    粮农组织电子农业平台旨在促进沟通与创新,现已发布中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019—2025年)》 在近期召开的全球粮食和农业论坛(GFFA)上,71个国家的农业部长赞赏了建立国际粮食和农业数字化理事会的 相关工作进展 。2020年2月7日,粮农组织在其电子农业平台上发布了中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019-2025年)》,便于各界参阅分享。 中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019-2025年)》已上线粮农组织 电子农业网站 。现有 英文 和 中文 两种版本。 粮农组织总干事屈冬玉表示:"数字化已成为农村转型的重要驱动力,为农民创造了新的机遇。感谢中国愿意在粮农组织的平台发布其国家规划,与世界分享经验和良好实践。希望其他国家也能加入进来,推动全球对话,促进数字农业发展。 "国际粮食及农业数字化理事会旨在提供粮食和农业领域数字化的战略性政策建议,分享最佳做法,交流各国观点和经验以促进国际合作,该理事会正在筹备中。 应2019年全球粮农组织会议上各国农业部长的要求,粮农组织和伙伴国际组织编写了设立理事会的 概念说明 ,之后该文件将交于粮农组织理事机构审批。数字化理事会将推动各方就规范达成共识,并最终降低成本、提高效率、缩小世界数字鸿沟。 宽带 进 村 粮农组织的电子农业平台发布中国国家规划仅是知识共享进程的第一步。该规划为技术和大数据的使用提供了指导方针和实施要点。例如,...
  • Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020

    The news is shared as announced in listservs The INSPIRE Hackathon is a collaborative event for developers, researchers, designers and others interested in open data, volunteered geographic information and citizen observatories. The main driving force for the INSPIRE Hackathon is provided by experts from existing EU projects, and its primary objective is to share knowledge and experience between the participants and demonstrate to wider audiences the power of data and information supported by modern technologies and common standards, originating from INSPIRE, Copernicus, GEOSS and other...
  • International Forum on Innovation in Agri-Food Systems to achieve the SDGs

    FAO along with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in partnership with other International Organizations, are organizing the forum to discuss innovative approaches, investments and technological tools and resources to tackle the challenges facing the...
  • Invitation to Experience capitalization for continuous learning course

    This announcement is as published by FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia Together with the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS), the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia will co-organize a blended learning programme on experience capitalization for continuous learning. Good practices and innovations need to be continuously documented, shared, adopted, adapted, and scaled up. Instead of reinventing the wheel, FAO and its partners have developed a learning course to facilitate this process. Already tested and validated, the blended learning programme consists...
  • The project "Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground" shortlisted for WSIS 2020

    by Giacomo, Rambaldi The project “ Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground ” has been nominate d for voting under the category AL C7. E-agriculture at the World Summit on the Information Society – WSIS Prizes 2020 . You are welcome to register with the WSIS community and cast your vote. Follow this link: http://bit.ly/WSIS2020-vote-now to know more on how to access the voting platform. The deadline for voting is 24 January 2020 . The voting period opened on the 21st of December 2019 and will close on the 24th of January 2020. About the Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground By...
  • WSIS Forum Photo Contest 2020

    WSIS is inviting you to picture how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs ) are playing an enabling role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participate in building a collage of ICT for Sustainable Development photographs from around the world. Send photos of your projects, people, and organizations that are leveraging the power of ICTs to make difference. Deadline for submissions: 3 February 2020 The three winning entries in the WSIS photo contest will be awarded and presented at the WSIS Forum 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition the winners will be invited...
  • FAO hosts Digital Innovation Dialogue on blockchain for sustainability in agriculture

    Rome. 10 December 2019. The IT Division in FAO hosted the Digital Innovation Dialogue session on blockchain for sustainability in agriculture where Foodcoin, AgriLedger, Ripe and FAO presented their blockchain projects. The session was held amidst many blockchain-based solutions, which are being piloted in many sectors, and this technology is finding innovative uses in a wide range of applications. In agriculture, pilots are already being implemented in supply chains, land registrations and to provide digital identities for farmers. For sustainable agriculture development, blockchain...
  • Invitation - Digital Innovation Dialogue on Blockchain for Sustainability in Agriculture

    INVITATION TO DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE: Session 7 Blockchain for S ustainability in Agriculture 10 December 2019, 14:00-15:30– Sheikh Zayed Centre, FA O Headquarter Remote Participation http://fao.adobeconnect.com/digital_blockchain/ Webcast address http://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5184/icode/ Blockchain-based solutions to existing challenges are being piloted in many sectors and this technology is finding innovative uses in a wide range of applications. In agriculture, pilots are already being implemented in supply chains, land registrations and to provide digital identities for...
  • Submit your application to speak for the 12th ICT4D Conference

    With next year’s 12th ICT4D Conference confirmed to take place on April 21 – 23 in Abuja, Nigeria - please note that there are now only just under 2 weeks for you to submit your speaker application . Deadline December 14, 2019. The event is an excellent platform to emphasize your position as a visionary ICT leader and gives you the opportunity to join 800+ attendees for 3 days of networking and knowledge sharing around the use of digital technology for development and humanitarian aid. Check out the 2020 conference tracks here . If you have already started your application, be sure to...