
extensionists News and Events

  • Focus on WSIS Forum 2018

    This year’s World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum was held on the 19-23rd of March 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland under the theme “ Leveraging ICTs to Build Information and Knowledge Societies for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ”. While each WSIS Forum is different, each edition is preceded by the Open Consultation Process that enable members to come up with an agenda. The final WSIS meetings is comprised of, Best Practices, WSIS Prizes, Special Tracks and High level panels. In 2018, the WSIS debate focused on how to achieve the sustainable development goals (...
  • Apply for WomenConnect Challenge

    The WomenConnect Challenge is open for applications, which can be submitted until the 4th of May 2018. We invite all eligible e-Agriculture CoP members to apply. Those seeking to apply should take notice of the following timelines March 28th, 2018 at 12:00 pm ET: RFA Question Submissions due April 2, 2018 at 10:00 am ET: Join the WomenConnect Questions Webinar or download recording May 4th, 2018 at 12:00 pm ET: Applications due This challenge comes amidst the discussion of the digital gender divide. It is accepted that technology is changing the world in a number of ways, for example...
  • This week, the Mobile Learning Week 2018 is in session

    Today the 29th of March to the 30th of March begins the UNESCO/ITU annual flagship ICT in education event surnamed ‘Mobile Learning Week’. The 2018 edition is held under the theme, “ Skills for a connected world ” and will examine the skills needed in and for a connected economy and would also focus on digital skills and competencies. Mobile learning week brings together "experts practitioners and policy-makers from around the world to share ideas and best practices on ways to use ubiquitous mobile technology to support learning for all, particularly disadvantaged communities"- UNESCO news ...
  • Drones in Agriculture, Free eBook Available

    ©CTA Agriculture has been one of the fastest adopters of drones and they are being implemented in the various agricultural practices. One of our colleagues discovered a free publication entitled, “ Drones in Agriculture: The Ultimate Guide to Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm ” which we share with all of you Title : Drones in Agriculture: The Ultimate Guide to Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm Author : DroneDeploy Publisher : TradePub.com Brief Review This publication offers practical help to farmers to implement drone solutions in their farms. Drone solutions have been used by...
  • CTA Policy brief focuses on weather information services for smallholder farmers

    The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has published a policy brief that emphasize the importance of weather data, and its derived services for agriculture and nutrition and challenges in dealing with weather data value chain. Farmers need access to accurate and localized weather information to make evidence based farm management decisions which includes when to plant or to apply fertilizer. The Policy brief outlines the benefits of open data and specifically offer example where open data is useful within the farming practices. However, for weather data to be of...
  • WSIS Forum 2018 provide a spotlight on how ICTs can help eradicate poverty and hunger

    The International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) headquarters was a busy location with more than 2,500 ICT experts from around the world arriving for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The theme of WSIS Forum 2018 is ‘Leveraging ICTs to Build Information and Knowledge Societies for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ’ and seeks to explore ways and possibilities that can help meet the sustainable development challenge. The UN Secretary General Mr. António Guterre set the meeting tone when he said, ‘in today’s digital world Internet access is imperative,...
  • Join remotely the Action Line C7 - Building a Framework for Digital Innovation in Agriculture (Session 278)

    The Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Telecommunication Union invite interested persons to join remotely the WSIS session 278 - Building a Framework for Digital Innovation in Agriculture . Details Date and Time 11:00–13:00, Thursday, 22 March 2018 Link to the meeting Webcast link Moderator James Azevedo Görgen - Digital Innovation and Development at FAO About this meeting The food and agricultural sector is going to face enormous challenges to feed the 9.6 billion people who will inhabit the planet by 2050, and food production must increase by 70% by 2050. Digital...
  • East Africa Digital Conference & Exhibition

    Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization and partners are organizing the East African Digital Farmers Conference. The conference will run from the 25 -27th of April 2018, at the Kenya Agriculture & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) grounds in Nairobi, Kenya . Image credit...
  • Call for articles on blockchain opportunities for agriculture

    This announcement is shared for informational purpose to the e-Agriculture Community as announced by CTA in dgroups . CTA is looking for articles for the forthcoming issue of ICT Update , which will deal with blockchain in agricultur e Blockchain can be defined as a digital ledger that allows storage and exchange of information in a decentralized, immutable, autonomous and trustworthy manner. It allows actors engaged in a transaction to quickly share information, which can include financial data, without a central authority. No single actor can damage the records. Blockchain technology is...
  • Can drones help reforest our forests?

    Forests are part of our ecosystem and they cover 30% of the earth’s surface. Forests provides lumber, provides fuel to cook and boil water, provide nutritious food, offer medicines, animal fodder and homes for animals and are a source of income for many. Due to climate change and unstainable human practices forests are fast disappearing. In the SDG framework, deforestation is regarded as a major challenge and the Sustainable Development Goal 15 . Here are some facts and figures Forests Around 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihood. This includes some 70 million indigenous...