
farmers News and Events

  • Vision for the future: transition to digital agriculture

    Digital technologies impact the entire food system, everyone involved, and bring significant benefits to agriculture. They empower farmers to access information, markets, and finance, unlocking economic and employment opportunities and increasing efficiency and transparency across value chains. While digital technologies can bring a significant contribution to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, they also pose economic, social, and ethical challenges, with particular regard to the responsible use of data. Governments can play a critical role in creating the...
  • eCommerce Week 2022: Data and Digitalization for Development

    The eCommerce Week will take place simultaneously in Geneva and online from 25 to 29 April 2022 , organized by UNCTAD in collaboration with eTrade for all and other partners. The 2022 edition will be held under the theme “Data and Digitalization for Development”, putting a special emphasis on data...
  • Reflections from the "Impact of digital technologies and innovation on smallholders farming: Stories from the field" at the ICTforAg Session

    In Zimbabwe, the poultry farmer Mr. Tafadzwa Charumbira, who is associated with Welthungerhilfe IPVC project, was interviewed in the Social Session at the ICTforAg 2022 Conference . He spoke at length about how an App he uses on his mobile phone has changed and improved his poultry business. He can upload data about mortality rates, food consumption, and the costs of production and the app calculates his profit margin, showing data and graphs. This enables him to plan accordingly. In addition, the app is a market platform which allows him to sell and advertise his bids and find new customers...
  • 2021 Digital Public Goods Alliance Report

    The Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA) recently published its 2021 Annual Report that surmise both the contribution from over 20 organizations working in the digital public goods ecosystem and the work of the DPGA itself. The report highlights these activities, and details some examples of the work done under the DPGA. The DPGA divides its work into 3 streams – (i) core activities which are driven wholly by the DPGA Secretariat, (ii) coordinated activities driven by stakeholders in partnership or close coordination with the DPGA Secretariat, and (iii) aligned activities driven by...
  • How Smart Agriculture Competition is helping young agricultural talent in China to shine

    08/12/2021. For agricultural entrepreneur Xu Dan, one big hurdle he had to cross in his career in farming was transitioning from lab-based research work to practical application in a commercial setting. To make the jump, the master’s degree holder in organic agriculture from Holland’s Wageningen University & Research worked for an agricultural company to gain practical experience growing tomatoes. He returned to China in 2016 and founded a high-tech greenhouse startup. Together with his team of mostly Wageningen students and alumni, Xu is taking part in the Smart Agriculture Competition,...
  • Webinar : Data Governance In Agriculture: Including Farmers

    “Putting farmers at the center of a sustainable and equitable digital transformation of agriculture” is the core objective of the GFAR Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture. The initial partners in the Action, facilitated by GFAR, are: the Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technology Development ( FORAGRO ), the Confederation of Family Producers Organizations of the Expanded Mercosur ( COPROFAM ), Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition ( GODAN ) and AgGateway . In the context of this Action, GODAN is hosting a webinar that addresses...
  • 2021 Innovation Award winners announced

    FAO and Switzerland celebrate annual awards at World Food Forum [ As published on FAO News ] 1 October 2021, Rome – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Federal Government of Switzerland have announced the winners of the 2021 edition of the annual International Innovation Award for Sustainable Food Systems, a joint initiative designed to encourage and celebrate innovation and entrepreneurs who successfully implement outstanding projects in the agriculture sector. The awards were announced in a virtual ceremony with the participation of FAO Director-General...