
farmers News and Events

  • Invitation to e-Agriculture webinar "FarmerLink in the Philippines: Digital Innovation for Agriculture"

    The e-Agriculture Team in conjunction with Grameen Foundation are pleased to invite interested persons to the ' FarmerLink in the Philippines : Digital Innovation for Agriculture ' Webinar on the 25th of April 2018 at 3 p.m Rome Time. This webinar is part of Call for Good and Promising Practices where the FarmerLink was part of the nominated good practices. About this webinar Grameen Foundation, in collaboration with the Philippine Coconut Authority, Franklin Baker, and People’s Bank of Caraga launched FarmerLink to increase farming households’ incomes and resilience by improving their...
  • Hackathon to improve African Smallholder Farmers access to tractors

    Do you know talented African web developers? As part of the ICT4D conference, John Deere is hosting a hackathon that seeks to improve African smallholder farmers' access to tractors. This application development competition is an opportunity for developers from across the continent to showcase their skills, connect with tech leaders from around the world, and develop tools to serve others. The winning teams will receive USD$2,000, USD$1,000, & USD$500 for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place respectively at the ICT4DConference , attended by technology leaders from around the world To learn more and...
  • Article Review: Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Monitoring

    A recently published pre-print article details the usage of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for environmental monitoring. While the article was written within the specific armpit of a project, it raises interesting issues on the use of drones for data collection, ecosystems and river monitoring. The usage of drones, UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) continues to be widespread within agriculture. Drones are used in cropping, monitoring plants, pests control and many other areas including forest and environmental monitoring. A recently published pre-print article by a group of scholars...
  • Apply for WomenConnect Challenge

    The WomenConnect Challenge is open for applications, which can be submitted until the 4th of May 2018. We invite all eligible e-Agriculture CoP members to apply. Those seeking to apply should take notice of the following timelines March 28th, 2018 at 12:00 pm ET: RFA Question Submissions due April 2, 2018 at 10:00 am ET: Join the WomenConnect Questions Webinar or download recording May 4th, 2018 at 12:00 pm ET: Applications due This challenge comes amidst the discussion of the digital gender divide. It is accepted that technology is changing the world in a number of ways, for example...
  • 'Data Driven Services for Farmer Led Business" Webinar by GFAR/CTA/GODAN

    GFAR/CTA/GODAN invites interested persons to a webinar "Data Driven Services for Farmer led Business" to be held on Thursday the 5th of April, 2018 This webinar is part of the work on farmers’ rights to data and following up on the face-to-face course on Farmers’ Access to Data organized in Centurion in November 2017, GFAR continues its collaboration with the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative (GODAN) and the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperarion (CTA) on a series of webinars on data-driven agriculture, its opportunities and its challenges. More...
  • Invitation for submissions to the ‘Fall Armyworm Tech Prize”

    The Feed the Future initiative and the Challenge Prize Centre and partners , launched the Fall Armyworm Tech Prize , to stimulate usage of digital tools and approaches to provide solutions to help combat the fall armyworm The Fall Armyworm has ravaged the crops in sub-Saharan Africa and mostly affected maize, although it can feed on other crops such as rice, sorghum, millet, sugarcane, cotton and vegetable crops. The Food and Agriculture Organization launched a guide that seeks to guide efforts in tackling the FAW in Africa and also a dedicated portal to support the fight against the FAW...
  • Discover AI and Machine Learning for Aid and Development

    It is widely believed that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will change the world, but how much are those innovations already contributing to improving the world? This webinar (part of an ongoing series around ICT4D) will explore how AI and machine learning tools can be applied and...
  • Drones in Agriculture, Free eBook Available

    ©CTA Agriculture has been one of the fastest adopters of drones and they are being implemented in the various agricultural practices. One of our colleagues discovered a free publication entitled, “ Drones in Agriculture: The Ultimate Guide to Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm ” which we share with all of you Title : Drones in Agriculture: The Ultimate Guide to Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm Author : DroneDeploy Publisher : TradePub.com Brief Review This publication offers practical help to farmers to implement drone solutions in their farms. Drone solutions have been used by...
  • Blockchain for Development, feedback from a webinar

    In January, l attended the webinar on Blockchain for Development, which was hosted by NETHOPE solutions. With the cryptocurrency buzz and the bitcoin bullish behavior l was curious to learn about this new technology and how it is applied in development and also how it can be assimilated within food and agriculture. The webinar title was “ Blockchain for Development: Moving from Hype to Reality ”. This was the fifth of the ongoing ICT4D webinar series by the NetHope community What is blockchain? It is a shared ledger that records the history of transactions -It cannot be altered without...
  • International Day of Forests 2018 : Forests and Sustainable Cities

    The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests (IDF) in 2012. The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns. The theme for 2018 is Forests and Sustainable Cities. ©FAO Selected news on e-Agriculture related to Forestry and ICTs Application of ICTs in Forestry Management Can drones help reforest our forests? In...