
government(s) News and Events

  • African Green Revolution Forum roars to life

    All roads this week lead to Accra, Ghana which hosts the African Green Revolution Forum 2019 under the theme, “ Grow digital: Leveraging digital transformation to drive sustainable food systems in Africa ” The Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) is a platform for global and African leaders to develop actionable plans that will move African agriculture forward. Initially established as an annual “African Green Revolution Conference” by Yara International ASA in Norway in 2006, the conference moved to the African continent in 2010 with the championing of the late Kofi Annan to take an African...
  • Scale Up Sourcebook

    Scaling up innovations and solutions in agriculture was discussed in the September 2018 conference, Innovations in Agriculture: Scaling Up to Reach Millions , organized by Purdue University, in partnership with the African Development Bank. The Scale Up Sourcebook is a collection of contributions at the said conference and also aims to capture methodologies for leveraging globally the technology and innovations designed to improve food security, nutrition, and livelihoods in the developing world. The publication distils the expertise, ground-breaking innovations, and examples of successful...
  • e-Agriculture Survey 2019

    The e-Agriculture team is launching a user survey to obtain feedback from the Community of Practice and interested users to better understand their needs, interaction on the platform and how content can be designed to meet their needs. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete and it will be open until the August 31, 2019. The e-Agriculture Community of Practice and the platform is in the process of being studied with a view to a redesigned solution that closely meet the needs of the community. Technology also provides a potential to better achieve the reach and needs of our...
  • African Green Revolution Forum

    The AGRF is considered the world’s most important and impactful forum for African agriculture, pulling together stakeholders in the agricultural landscape to take practical actions and share lessons that will move African agriculture forward. First established in 2010, following a three-year series...
  • Big Data in Agriculture Convention 2019

    CGIAR and partners are holding the Big Data in Agriculture Convention 201 9 , under the theme, TRUST: Humans, Machines & Ecosystems. This year’s Convention will be hosted by The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ( ICRISAT ) and held at their campus in Hyderabad,...
  • Egypt turns to FAO for digital transformation in agriculture

    The following news was published by Watani International and is shared for information purposes. CAIRO, 22 July 2019. The Food and Agriculture organization of the UN has launched in Egypt a digital model of agricultural extension to enhance agricultural productivity. The move comes within the programme signed between FAO and the Egyptian Government to boost information exchange and technology transfer in agriculture for the period 2018 – 2022. Ezz El-Din Abu-Steit, Egypt’s Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, stressed that digital technology had the potential of facing threats of...
  • Read the Digital Technologies in Agriculture and Rural Areas Report

    A new publication by FAO that maps the adoption and use of digital innovations and technologies in agriculture has been published. The full report can be downloaded in the following links The full status report in English, link http://www.fao.org/3/ca4985en/ca4985en.pdf , The briefing paper in six UN languages through links below: http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887zh/ca4887zh.pdf (Chinese): http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887es/ca4887es.pdf (Spanish): http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887ru/ca4887ru.pdf (Russian) http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887fr/ca4887fr.pdf (French) http://www.fao.org/3/ca4887ar/ca4887ar.pdf (Arabic)...
  • The Third African Union - European Union Agriculture Ministerial Conference

    FAO welcomes the 3rd AU-EU Agriculture Ministerial Conference in FAO HQ, Rome on the 21st of June 2019. The conference is co-hosted by the African Union Commission and the European Commission. The AU Commissioner for Agriculture and rural economy, Ms Josefa Sacko and her counterpart the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and rural development, Mr. Phil Hogan are expected to attend. The African Union (AU) – European Union (EU) ministerial meetings take place on an ad hoc basis to monitor the progress achieved between summits, and to advance cooperation between both continents in certain fields...