
partners News and Events

  • Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

    Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop Date 8 May, 2017. 09:00-16:00 Location Sida Headquarters, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm, Sweden Description The aim of this workshop organized jointly by SIANI and SLU Global is to develop ideas and tools to engage the african...
  • Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

    By the year 2050, the world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion: demand for food will grow dramatically. Following a present trend, 2/3 of this population will be concetrated in big cities. In sub-saharan Africa, the number of 15-24 year olds will dramatically increase. The challenge at this point is to engage the youth in Africa to work in agriculture and develop its potential. The problem is that young generations living in rural areas prefer to migrate to big cities in search for a stable job instead of trying to develop the rural areas in which they grew up. The aim of this...
  • Fisher folk in Ghana to benefit from 'Tigo Fishers Network Initiative'

    The USAID’s Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP) signed a partnership agreement with the Ghana Fisheries Commission and Tigo Ghana called "Tigo Fishers Network Initiative." which aims to provide fisher folk with tailored mobile solutions using Tigo platform. In Ghana, 10 per cent of the population work directly or indirectly in the fishing sector, which generates over one billion dollars in revenue annually and accounts for at least 4.5 per cent of Ghana's GDP. Photo Credits: stopillegalfishing.com Tigo Fisheries Network will provide fisher folk information access on best...
  • Remote sensing: monitoring the Cash for Work Programme. Information factsheet

    In order to enhance its capacity to observe large swathes of territory on a regular basis, as well as viewing otherwise inaccessible areas, SWALIM developed a remote monitoring system using remotely sensed data. Remote Sensing (RS) is the ability to capture and analyse information from the earth’s surface from a distance. The system was developed in large part to address the issue of lack of access due to insecurity. The initial objective was to ensure accountability for FAO’s programme beneficiaries after the 2011 famine, following which FAO provided cash to communities in return for...
  • The new ICT Update is now online: Open data benefits for agriculture and nutrition

    The CTA ICT Update 84th issue is now online. The new issue focuses entirely on open data for agriculture and nutrition. Open data is data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone. There is an enormous amount of data and open data but its potential and opportunities are not yet fully exploited. This issue of ICT Update will explore different ways of using open data for agricultural or nutritional purposes. Discover this issue entirely online on the ICT Update website . Here is an overview of the different topics covered in this issue. Enjoy the reading! Actions to turn the...
  • 2017 EFITA WCCA Congress

    2017 EFITA WCCA Congress Date July 2nd - 6th, 2017 Location Montpellier Supagro school Description Many initiatives such as invited workshops and sessions and internal meetings come together within EFITA conference to make Montpellier the place to go in July when it comes to ICT for agri-food,...
  • Vodacom partners with Nigeria's Kaduna State over ICT development project

    Vodacom is leading a three-part ICT development initiative in Kaduna State in Nigeria focused on education, health and agriculture. Kaduna State and Nigeria are only a part of wider plan of similar initiatives throughout the whole of Africa. Similar initiatives have already started in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, and other countries will be reached during 2017. The first part of the project is centered on education and will be implemented in 4 000 schools across Kaduna State by June 2017. It is a solution that allows the State to monitor feeding programmes mobile phone and tablets...
  • In Trinidad, a regional model for how apps can help farmers

    One of the main issues farmers face is the lack of data on their land and crops, and the same thing could be said of the national level. One solution for this are ICT toold which provide cheap, fast and reliable information on crops and yelds both to farmers and researchers or governements. AgriNeTT is an e-agriculture project that focuses on empowering the agriculture sector through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). AgriNeTT built an Agriculture Open Data Repository that houses different data sets from institutions and associations, including farm level production...
  • Can technological innovations help improve agricultural micro-insurance?

    Agricultural insurance is essential for smallholder farmers, as plots of land are small and the consequences of crop diseases and climate change effects can be disastrous. Yeld loss and damage monitoring and verification can be long and laborious task, causing huge delays in settlements. Although new technologies have been applied, drones, micro-satellites, digital photography can help improve the monitoring of crops and yelds for smallholders and insurance companies. Remote sensing can be a key tool for farmers to prove their crop and harvest loss to insurance companies. At the same time,...
  • Is your 'ICT in Agriculture' event on e-Agriculture Platform?

    The e-Agriculture is a platform of choice where individuals interested in ICTs and agriculture visit regualrly. Are you have a non-commercial workshop, conference or seminar in the areas of ICTs in agriculture? Do you target farmers, practitioners, and other stakeholders in agriculture? If yes, we can list your event in e-Agriculture events section. We are building a 2017 catalog of such events and we welcome your submission. These events could be in English, French and Spanish primarily or in any of the FAO/UN languages. Events Details To be included the event should have the following...