
partners News and Events

  • ICTs for development: the good intentions of the mobile phone

    The role of the mobile phone in accelerating Africa’s social and economic development was reflectedby the UCT Vice-Chancellor’s Inaugural Lecture , titled “ ICTs for development: the good intentions of the mobile phone ”. This lecture was delivered by Professor Rivett is the first woman to be appointed as a full professor at her department. While this address was academic, it provides an insight into the history and uptake of technology within the development and in the African context, in various fields. Some key excepts from the lecture :- “ One of the things the mobile phone allowed for...
  • Update e-Agriculture Learning Activity on drones - week 1

    Beginning Monday the 16th of October, e-Agriculture received 670 participants of the e-Agriculture learning activity on the use of drones in agriculture. On each respective day of this activity content is added and made available and can be accessed here . You can download the full programme for a global overview here . In review so far On Monday, October 16th we opened the activity with a general introduction and a live opening webinar, which was meant to give more information on how the activity is organized. The recording of the live webinar is available here . An experience capitalization...
  • Research4Life Stories of Change: How information access is changing the biggest academic library in Myanmar

    This blog is shared as published on AGORA website Research4Life programmes has recently launched its new “ Stories of Change campaign”! The first story is about the role of AGORA in the Universities’ Central Library (UCL) at the University of Yangon. Interested in getting more involved or telling the AGORA story from your own organization? Contact AGORA at [email protected] Research4Life is the collective name for the four programmes – Hinari , AGORA , OARE and ARDI – that provide developing countries with free or low cost access ( for free to institutions in group A countries and for a small fee...
  • CTA workshop on perspectives for ICT and Agribusiness in ACP countries: Start-up financing, 3D printing and blockchain

    This workshop, which will take place from 9 to 11 October 2017 in Rhenen, Netherlands, will discuss and identify key issues to improve access to capital for youth-led e-agriculture businesses and develop a better understanding of the perspectives of 3D printing and blockchain technology for the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) agricultural development sector. Three specific topics have been selected for this workshop. On the one hand, e-agriculture entrepreneurship has emerged as an important area of social entrepreneurship and agribusiness. Access to finance for...
  • New app diagnoses crop diseases in the field and alerts rural farmers

    A team under the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) has developed a mobile app that uses artificial intelligence to accurately diagnose crop diseases in the field. The team has won a $US100,000 award to help expand their project to help millions of small-scale farmers across Africa. The app provides advice on all major diseases and pests of root, tuber and banana crops, sends SMS alerts to farmers about potential diseases for their crops and pinpoints the location of the nearest agricultural extension support for farmers. “Smartphones are becoming more and more common...
  • SMS market information pilot project in Cambodia builds interest

    Electronic Marketing Communication System (EMCS) is an sms service designed to improve communication and exchange for Maize, Soya Bean and Cassava in Cambodia. The service was designed to facilitate communication and exchange between farmers and traders in remote regions of the country. The EMS provided information on market price, pricing trends, potential buyers, product quantity and product quality useful to farmers and traders. The EMCS workflows The Electronic Marketing Communication System (EMCS) workflows were was described as shown below EMCS Workshop-Cambodia from STEM Education...
  • Making ICTs work for farmers: Seven Case studies

    ICTs have a huge potential in imporving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the developing world, especially in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP). ICTs can give access to market and weather information, allow farmers to transfer money and negotiate prices with traders. Moreover, the use of mobile phones is rapidly incresing. But some obstacles remain, such as poor network connectivity in rural areas, non-existing information, or lack of technology knowledge by potential users. This article summarizes seven ICT4Ag projects developed in the context of CTA's ICT4Ag...
  • Stories from the field: Going to scale with ICTs for agriculture

    ICTs in agriculture have a huge potential: they can increase agricultural yields or help farmers get a fairer price for their produce. Farmers now have access to farm mapping, weather data, marketing tools, financial credit, advice from extension workers, and social networks thanks to SMS applications, mobile banking and satellite data. However, there are some limits to the reach of ICTs in rural areas: poor internet connectivity, high illiteracy rates and the inability of pilot projects to go to scale due to the lack of long-term funding or not having measures for their sustainability. This...
  • Spore Magazine issue no. 186: Big data and climate insurance: Redusing risks and maximizing revenues

    The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has recently published the issue Number 186 of Spore magazine , which focuses on Big data and climate insurance: Redusing risks and maximizing revenues. Spore Magazine aims to give the reader a global perspective on agribusiness and agricultural development. The topics covered in this issue include the role of ICTs in enhancing agricultural productivity, creating jobs and increasing incomes for young farmers, and the role of ICTs in climate smart agriculture and early warning systems. The following articles are of interest:...