
researchers News and Events

  • Drones and Fly week

    International Data Week (IDW) will be co-located with SciDataCon, CODATA and Research Data Alliance’s (RDA) 12th Plenary in Gaborone, Botswana, November 5-8, 2018. IDW is set to be a unique gathering of data professionals from all corners of the earth. Since many have begun to use drones/RPAS/sUAS1...
  • Funding call : Development Innovation ventures

    Do you have an idea that can solve peoples’ problems, such as end hunger, malnutrition and poverty eradication? Are you willing to transform those bright ideas into global solutions? If yes, the opportunity has arisen with the Development Innovation Ventures (DIV), the USAID’s open innovation program that tests and scales creative solutions to any global development challenge. DIV recognized that innovative solutions come in many forms - whether a product, technology, service, or application of a creative business and delivery model. DIV is an open door to USAID - anyone, anywhere can apply...
  • The latest UN Innovation Quartely Update available

    The UNIN ‘Innovation in the UN’ Update #03/2018 has been published and it highlights the innovation activities of the UNIN members . In the lead story, UNIN reports that it was tasked to lead the development of an innovation toolkit to promote more innovation in the UN. The toolkit, which is being developed in collaboration with Deloitte, will contain an innovation self-assessment tool and modules on Strategy, Architectures, Partnerships, Culture and Monitoring & Evaluation. The Food and Agriculture Organization joins other 17 agencies with contributions of its innovations, which include...
  • Funding sources for ICT4D Research

    The UNESCO Chair in ICT4D has published a page that provides a catalog of funding for ICT4D research. This page comes in handy as funding information is haphazardly littered on newsletters, funders’ websites, social media and many other diverse sources. Once can constantly check their page and also contact them for additions. For our e-Agriculture community, we reproduce the list below (we are however not responsible for the up datedness of the information) UK funding agencies EPSRC (physical sciences) – current funding calls Cross-ICT priorities 2017-20 ICT strategy ICT theme ESRC (social...
  • AgroPad: A real-time on location and chemical analysis of the soil or water using AI

    The IBM Research, Brazil announced the AgroPad loT prototype that is AI-powered technology that will help farmers’ health check soil and water. This technology comes at a time when farmers have to send their soil and water samples to a lab for environmental and other chemical analysis. This is often expensive and time-consuming and in most cases out of reach for smallholder farmers. The advantage of empowering farmers with soil and water analysis is that they can perform environmental analysis on their farm and with the results they obtain make decisions that can help increase their crop...
  • ICT4D Webinar :ICT4D at Scale

    Tuesday, September 11,2018 7-8a.m PT|10-11 am ET| 3-4 pm GMT|4-5 pm CET Scale is a big topic when discussing ICT4D, M4D, mHealth, ICT4Ag, ICT4E, etc. Reaching scale can be approached from different angles—by focusing on simple, turnkey solutions, or within a program. Either way, the aim is to apply...
  • ICT Update focuses on Blockchain applications for Agriculture

    Blockchain or distributed ledger technologies are relatively new technologies and have been adopted in a number of sectors. The recent ICT update explains what blockchains are and their applications in agriculture. The most appealing aspect of this technology is its focus on trust, transparency of transactions, immutability and incorruptibility of transactions, low operating and transactional costs and distributed governance in a large network. In light of these reasons, one of the article cites the following applications in agriculture Value Chain Blockchains can allow consumers to track and...
  • New Publication: Emerging Opportunities for the Application of Blockchain in the Agri-food Industry

    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) have published a new book on the application of Blockchain in the Agri-food industry. The publication comes after the spread of Blockchains application in a number of industries and sectors. Distributed ledger Technologies (DLTs) are poised to transform the global food industry and also the humanitarian work in food and agriculture. Some low hanging gains on the use of blockchain technology are efficiency gains along value chains, and improving trust, transparency and...
  • Call for bloggers on e-Agriculture platform

    Did you know that you can blog on e-Agriculture? Why not share your opinions and experiences in the use of Information Communication and Technology issues in agriculture? The e-Agriculture blog has the following objectives ;- Raise awareness of Information Communication and Technology (ICTs) issues in agriculture see the e-Agriculture themes of topics already covered already in e-Agriculture; Collect news and stories from the e-Agriculture Community on various projects they are working on related to ICTs in Agriculture; Provide space for third party content by registered e-Agriculture members...
  • Highlights of the e-consultation on "Ethical, legal and policy aspects of data sharing affecting farmers"

    The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative (GODAN), the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (KTBL) held an e-consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting smallholder farmers. The forum took place on the e-Agriculture platform from 4th till 8th of June 2018.The purpose of the e-consultation was to solicit views from the community on issues affecting smallholder farmers in developing countries...