
researchers News and Events

  • FAO Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Africa nominated for WSIS Prize 2018

    The FAO Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Africa has been nominated to the WSIS Prizes 2018 . We are inviting your vote for the project to win. The selection of the projects will be done on the 19th to the 23rd of February and then announced during the WSIS Forum 2018. To vote one needs to first register here and thereafter vote for the project. The deadline for voting is 18 February 2018 at cut off time is 23:00 CEST. ©WSIS About FAO Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Africa © FAO, 2017 download brochure here WSIS Prizes 2018 timelines The following timeline will be...
  • African Union embraces drones technology for agriculture

    African Union publishes a Decision EX . CL/Dec. 986-1007 (XXXII), the Executive Council of the African Union (AU), requests the AU and Member States to harness drones for agriculture as one of three emerging technologies of relevance for African development. The recently held African Union saw its Executive Council of the African Union requesting the AU and Member States to harness drones for agriculture. Drones or the Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been in existence for decades and initially used in the military. Today drones have permeated the development world and has been applied in...
  • Invitation to young leaders within ICT4Ag

    European Commission is inviting young people to participate and play an active role in this year’s EDD 2018 Young Leaders Programme . The programme is looking for 15 extraordinary young people aged 21-26 who can represent the powerful impact that youth are having in the development field. Are you a young person within the ICT4Ag and you have outstanding ideas within ICTs and Agriculture? Do you have achievement within SDGs and Agriculture? Requirements need If you are aged max 26 years old this year, you may be interested in this. Applications close on 2 March 2018 . Application Guidelines...
  • e-service to support agriculture in the Republic of Latvia

    Does your agricultural ministry still use paper for filing documents and submissions? How can technology help? The e-service support to farmers in Latvia is a good example of how technology can help in these situations. The Electronic Application System (EAS) of the Rural Support Service of the Republic of Latvia was created to electronically submit different types of applications for EU and Latvia’s state support for agriculture, fisheries, forestry, rural areas development, fishermen and rural entrepreneurs. The EAS system held in administration of the ministry and the implementation of...
  • Can ICTs be used to fight pests’ outbreaks (for example Fall Armyworm?)

    Agriculture has always been affected by plant pests and diseases, outbreaks can cause huge losses to crops and pastures and threatening the livelihoods of vulnerable smallholder farmers. The following are some of the known pests that have caused in agriculture include, locusts, armyworm, fruit flies, banana diseases, cassava diseases and wheat rusts. Currently, the Fall Armyworm (FAW) has ravaged many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. FAO has already offered a briefing note on FAW which can be read here . The following map shows the countries in Africa affected by the FAW ICTs and pests...
  • UN Broadband Commission aims to bring online the world’s 3.8 billion not connected to the Internet

    UN Broadband Commission sets global broadband targets to bring online the world’s 3.8 billion not connected to the Internet. This is designed to bring the unconnected online so that they also can benefit from Internet as a resource. Therefore, in response the United Nations’ Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development launches 2025 targets to support “Connecting the Other Half ”. This announcement and targets were launched today at the joint meeting of the Commission and the World Economic Forum. Read the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development 2025 Targets here The press...
  • FAO is using drones to help end hunger

    FAO is using drones to fight hunger, improve nutrition and counter the effects of climate change and extreme weather events. A documentary from Asia and the Pacific Office of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization shows collaboration with countries to leverage the used of ICTs using drones. Philippines is a country prone to typhoons, aerial drones are used to map out the risk areas of agricultural land to mitigate the risk. This ensures that once a disaster strikes farmers affected can get assistance quicker. Drones have an advantage of wider coverage and since they are remotely...

    The curtain of 2018 came down, and as we begin the year e-Agriculture is hopeful to main the 2017 momentum in facilitating the dialogue, information exchange and sharing ideas related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agriculture and rural development. We are looking forward, first and foremost, to the launch of a newly improved and redesigned platform under the FAO Domain. This will provide the community with a corporate look at feel and while maintaining the core- services, such as News , Blogs , Forum Discussions and other capacity development activities,...
  • Emerging Opportunities for Blockchain in Development

    Highlights Blockchain and ICT4D Blockchain use cases in ICT4D Opportunities for blockchain In the past month within the ICT4D, blockchain is probably the most popular topic. The question that l feel resonates with many colleagues in the agricultural sector (and ICT4D) is that, what is this technology, and does it offer any value in international development work? It is with this self-inquisitiveness that l read the GSMA report entitled, ‘ Blockchain for Development: Emerging Opportunities for Mobile, Identity and Aid ”. My initial interest was to get practical applications and use cases of...
  • ICTs Supports Agricultural Development in Indonesia

    The Palawija Forum article reports on the implementation of ICTs to support agriculture in Indonesia. Agriculture is a key sector which accounts for 31.7% the country’s labour-force. Therefore, the investment in ICT in the agricultural sector supports the economic development and poverty reduction as well as a strategy for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The article notes that ICTs play a role in crop production within the following stages, (i) pre-cultivation; (ii) crop cultivation and harvesting; and (iii) post-harvest. This is particularly important for Indonesian...