
stakeholders News and Events

  • GSMA Mobile World Congress

    Mobile World Congress 2018 Mobile is creating a better future, and we want you to be a part of it. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about the event, and discover ways you can get involved with #MWC18 Source https://www.mobileworldcongress.com/about /
  • Nairobi Mapathon

    On 3rd March, 2018 is 7th International Open Data Day. In cities around the world, citizens will come together to discuss issues and find ways they can help by building applications and data visualizations using open data. KALRO through the CODATA ATG team have organized an “Open Mapathon
  • East Africa Digital Conference & Exhibition

    Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization and partners are organizing the East African Digital Farmers Conference. The conference will run from the 25 -27th of April 2018, at the Kenya Agriculture & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) grounds in Nairobi, Kenya . Image credit...
  • Check out the latest “ICT Update” on Precision Agriculture

    ICT Update is a regular newsletter from CTA that focuses on topical issues in ICT for agriculture. The latest issue focuses on Precision Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers. This issue is hinged on the estimates that it is projected that by 2050 the population growth will have outgrown food production . The issue centers on this theme through the Market-led, User-owned ICT4Ag Enabled Information Service (MUIIS) a project funded by the Netherlands Space Office and implemented by CTA with partners. The goals of this project are to increase crop yield, farmers’ income, the use of agri-inputs and...
  • How Technology can help end hunger? IFAD’s Position

    Evidence have shown that technology has the potential to improve agricultural productivity. Specifically ICTs can help governments and developmental organizations to enhance food security and improve rural livelihoods through both knowledge and skills transfer. In most cases also improve the capacities of communities in agricultural productivity, pests control and easier access to markets. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) adopts innovations in information and communication technology (ICT) for agriculture and rural development. In a recent article by its President,...
  • FAO Podcast: How UAVs offer new perspectives on agriculture

    FAO podcast published two podcasts that focus on what drones have to offer for agriculture. This part of Episode 7 of TARGET: Zero hunger . The Philippines Drone Pilot program In this first podcast, details the experience of FAO in using drones to gather detailed land and crop images for disaster preparedness. In this program about 25 FAO and government technical experts were deployed in the country to support drone missions and assess areas where farmlands were at risk from natural disasters. Click below and listen to the podcast or download transcript Interview with Brian McCornack- Kansas...
  • Focus on #HackAgainstHunger

    ©FAO #HackAgainstHunger is organized by The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) with a goal to identify and support innovative solutions to address challenges around food and agriculture. The #HackAgainstHunger is a tripartite event with two regional hackathons in Kigali, Rwanda (Africa) and two simultaneous events in Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago and the two respective events happening in February 2018. The winners in the regional events will be selected to attend the WSIS Forum 2018 – Special Track Hackathon. To support...
  • FAO Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Africa nominated for WSIS Prize 2018

    The FAO Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Africa has been nominated to the WSIS Prizes 2018 . We are inviting your vote for the project to win. The selection of the projects will be done on the 19th to the 23rd of February and then announced during the WSIS Forum 2018. To vote one needs to first register here and thereafter vote for the project. The deadline for voting is 18 February 2018 at cut off time is 23:00 CEST. ©WSIS About FAO Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Africa © FAO, 2017 download brochure here WSIS Prizes 2018 timelines The following timeline will be...
  • The role of ICTs in sustaining capacity development of African youths in agriculture

    There is a growing momentum to encourage the participation of youths in agriculture in Africa. Migration – both rural to urban and intercontinental - seemed to have sparked this debate. In any case, agriculture is poised to be a major path to eradicate hunger and poverty in Africa. The theme of youth, ICTs and agriculture arose during the online discussion forum held by FAO and partners (on FSN Forum Africa ) from 25 October to 17 November 2017. The debate was aimed at soliciting opinions on capacity development sustainability for young agripreneurs in Africa and to contribute to identifying...
  • UN Broadband Commission aims to bring online the world’s 3.8 billion not connected to the Internet

    UN Broadband Commission sets global broadband targets to bring online the world’s 3.8 billion not connected to the Internet. This is designed to bring the unconnected online so that they also can benefit from Internet as a resource. Therefore, in response the United Nations’ Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development launches 2025 targets to support “Connecting the Other Half ”. This announcement and targets were launched today at the joint meeting of the Commission and the World Economic Forum. Read the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development 2025 Targets here The press...