
family farmers News and Events

  • FAO and Pennsylvania State University launch innovative app to fight fast-spreading pest

    News Release as published on FAO Website 25 June 2018, Rome - The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization and Pennsylvania State University joined forces to develop and launch an innovative, talking app - Nuru - to help African farmers recognize Fall Armyworm, a new and fast-spreading crop pest in sub-Saharan Africa, so that they can take immediate steps to destroy it and curb its spread. Fall Armyworm first appeared in Africa in 2016, in West Africa, and then rapidly spread across all countries in sub-Saharan Africa in 2017, infecting millions of hectares of maize, and threatening...
  • 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture

    The 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture is being held in Montreal, QC Canada and is organised by the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) which is a non-profit professional scientific organization. The final Oral and Poster programs are posted on the 14th ICPA...
  • KARLO launches 14 mobile apps to transform agriculture

    During the East African Farmers Digital Conference , Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KARLO) launched 14 agribusiness apps to help farmers in making farming choices and decisions. This development comes as agricultural industry in Africa is experiencing a growth in technology driven applications – from drones, apps, GIS and many others. These digitization efforts in agriculture allows farmers to access markets, improve their farming practices as well as to predict weather accurately. KARLO seeks to give farmers research based information they need, and the organization...
  • OpenPD – An App to help urban farmers and others

    From the balcony of their apartments, to the backyards, and also small plots most urban dwellers grow crops and other plants. Urban and Peri-urban agriculture is instrumental in providing food products such as grains, root crops, vegetables, mushrooms and also small animals like rabbits, goats, fish etc. as well as non-food items such as herbs, ornamental plants. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) does support urban and peri-urban agriculture. Most urbanites farmers are perplexed when the crops they love fall prey to pests and diseases, for example caterpillars...
  • Learn about the Drone European Platform

    Drone European Platform (DEP) is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union which realises that the use of drones offer a variety of interesting opportunities in the field of agriculture. The project focuses on the technical competences of students by strengthening current educational courses and develops strategies to support educational providers, educational managers and educational trainers. The objectives of the projects are : To include innovative technology in VET specifically in agriculture curriculum.- To develop a Drone Course at the European level. To...
  • Invitation to the e-Agriculture Webinar on Talking Books for Audio-Based Agriculture Extension

    The e-Agriculture Team in conjuction with AMPLIO would like to invite interested persons to the e-Agriculture webinar on Talking Books for Audio-Based Agriculture Extension . Details of the webinar The webinar is scheduled on the Date : 5th of June 2018 Time : 16:00 hrs (Rome Time) Registration : Click here Abstract Knowledge empowers farmers to grow enough food to feed and provide for their families, but millions who live in remote areas and lack literacy do not have access to this knowledge. The Talking Book is an audio device designed to share knowledge on-demand with people who are cut...
  • Hackathon to improve African Smallholder Farmers access to tractors

    Do you know talented African web developers? As part of the ICT4D conference, John Deere is hosting a hackathon that seeks to improve African smallholder farmers' access to tractors. This application development competition is an opportunity for developers from across the continent to showcase their skills, connect with tech leaders from around the world, and develop tools to serve others. The winning teams will receive USD$2,000, USD$1,000, & USD$500 for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place respectively at the ICT4DConference , attended by technology leaders from around the world To learn more and...
  • 'Data Driven Services for Farmer Led Business" Webinar by GFAR/CTA/GODAN

    GFAR/CTA/GODAN invites interested persons to a webinar "Data Driven Services for Farmer led Business" to be held on Thursday the 5th of April, 2018 This webinar is part of the work on farmers’ rights to data and following up on the face-to-face course on Farmers’ Access to Data organized in Centurion in November 2017, GFAR continues its collaboration with the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative (GODAN) and the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperarion (CTA) on a series of webinars on data-driven agriculture, its opportunities and its challenges. More...
  • e-service to support agriculture in the Republic of Latvia

    Does your agricultural ministry still use paper for filing documents and submissions? How can technology help? The e-service support to farmers in Latvia is a good example of how technology can help in these situations. The Electronic Application System (EAS) of the Rural Support Service of the Republic of Latvia was created to electronically submit different types of applications for EU and Latvia’s state support for agriculture, fisheries, forestry, rural areas development, fishermen and rural entrepreneurs. The EAS system held in administration of the ministry and the implementation of...
  • ICTs Supports Agricultural Development in Indonesia

    The Palawija Forum article reports on the implementation of ICTs to support agriculture in Indonesia. Agriculture is a key sector which accounts for 31.7% the country’s labour-force. Therefore, the investment in ICT in the agricultural sector supports the economic development and poverty reduction as well as a strategy for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The article notes that ICTs play a role in crop production within the following stages, (i) pre-cultivation; (ii) crop cultivation and harvesting; and (iii) post-harvest. This is particularly important for Indonesian...