
Technologies News and Events

  • Does the answer to future of farming lie with Robot farmers?

    Tiny automated machines could soon take care of the entire growing process (Source: The Guardian) The Guardian reports that in the rural Hampshire, a robot called Rachel is pootling around an overgrown field. Rachel has four USB ports, a disc-like GPS receiver and the nuts and bolts of a system called Lidar, through which she can move and orient herself using laser beams. As she moves she is taking close-up photograph of the plants and soils around her which is sent to a central database. The data she collects will be used into a forensic map of the field and the wider farm beyond. Rachel was...
  • Digital Inclusion through mobile connectivity

    Can mobile money transform women's lives? The digital revolution has spread in many developing countries and mobile telephony is readily available and has penetrated areas not yet reached by other prior inventions. In Africa for example, the mobile adaption has grown in recent years and in 2017 overall subscriber penetration was recorded at 44% . However, women still face a challenge or ‘triple divide’ –that is digital, rural and gender divide ( FAO, 2018:5 ). The Mobile Gender Gap Report of 2018 established that mobile connectivity is not spreading its gains equally across gender. Some...
  • WFP and Alibaba enter into a partnership towards a World with Zero Hunger

    The partnership will support efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 – a world with zero hunger . Alibaba and The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) have entered into a strategic partnership to achieve a world with zero hunger – which is Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2. Under the framework agreement, Alibaba will provide its leading technology and resources to support the digital transformation of WFP’s operations. Alibaba operates the Alibaba Cloud and will avail this infrastructure and collaborate with WFP to develop a digital ‘World Hunger Map’ to monitor...
  • South-South cooperation on agriculture a key ingredient for Zero Hunger

    The full item of this news appeared on the FAO News , we reproduce just the first part for our readers and we direct them to the original source : e-Agriculture Editor. 2 November 2018, Changsha CHINA - Government representatives attending the Ministerial Forum on South-South Cooperation in Agriculture have today committed to greater South-South cooperation on agriculture and rural development to increase momentum towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of ending poverty and hunger. The Changsha Declaration, formalized at the end of today's forum, sets out plans to include South-...
  • Digital Inclusion and a Trusted Internet

    As development programmes increasingly deploy digital tools and invest in increasing access, we need to engage with issues of data security and cybersecurity in a more informed and comprehensive way. The report Digital Inclusion and a Trusted Internet: The Role of the International Development...
  • Drones for Precision Agriculture

    A presentation made at the ICT4D Conference by Abdelaziz Lawani Drones have grown to be widely accepted in agriculture. Current evidence shows that UAVs are effective in evaluating land use, land cover, assessing the impacts of disasters, securing property rights and have great potential for increasing agricultural productivity. At the last ICT4D 2018 Conference , Abdelaziz Lawani made a presentation on the use of drones in agriculture. An interesting focus of this presentation was; Does the adoption of UAVs or drones in agricultural practices make the farming activities more efficient or...
  • Climate change and variability underscore need for innovation in farming

    The original post was published by FAO Rwanda , reproduced for e-Agriculture Community for news purposes The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have taken steps to boost the capacity of extension workers and farmers to respond to climate change and variability in agricultural practice. Under the lead of FAO’s Digital Innovation Unit, the renewed cooperation, “Agro-meteorological and Agro-climatological Services in Developing Countries: Digital Innovation to tackle climate change,” was initiated in Rwanda in December 2017...
  • A glimpse into the Digital Technologies for Resilience Workshop Agenda

    The Digital Technologies for Resilience Workshop , which FHI 360 is organizing with support from the Rockefeller Foundation , will take place in Bangkok on November 27-28, 2018. This workshop follows the first similar workshop held in 2017. The workshop was set up as a space where participants within the developmental field can share with and learn from like-minded practitioners about how to sustainably scale digital technologies to enhance resilience. The workshop is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and is organized by FHI 360 and Digital Impact Alliance (Dial) is a resource partner...
  • Call for Speakers to the 11th ICT4D Conference

    The ICT4D Conference organising committee is pleased to announce the "Call for Speakers" to the 11th ICT4D conference which will take place on April 30th to May 3rd 2019 in Kampala, Uganda. ICT4D conference is a yearly gathering that bring together public, private and civil society organizations from across the humanitarian and international development community. Participants share how they have used innovations in technology to solve today's humanitarian and developmental issues and also how ICTs increase impact of their work. Conference themes for 2019 Agriculture Digital Financial...
  • e-Agriculture webinar on PestSmart Diagnostics e-Learning course

    FAO e-Agriculture team and CABI are inviting interested persons to attend this webinar to be presented on the 31st of October 2018 at 11:00 (CET) Rome Time [ Check your times ] To attend kindly register here to receive attendance information and also to get the details of the recording after the event. About the webinar The PestSmart e-Learning Course : Diagnostic eLearning course that guides learners through identifying symptoms and causes of both biotic and abiotic plant health problems, and introduces a methodology for field-based diagnosis. CABI trains extension workers on plant...