
Technologies News and Events

  • New partnership between ITU and FAO to bolster ICT innovation in agriculture

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will strenghten their partnership to boost the the usage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in agricultural development and by doing so, supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals . FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and ITU Secretary General Houlin Zhao signed on September 18th in New York a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote the development of e-Agriculture policies...
  • EQUALS Partners call for the empowerment of women and girls through digital technology

    "Empower women and girls through digital technology" was the call to action in the high-level multi-stakeholder meeting of EQUALS Partners that took place on 16 September in New York City on the eve of United Nations General Assembly meetings. EQUALS is a global initiative founded by a network partnership of businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, foundations, academia, media and individuals around the world working together to bridge the digital gender divide. The main areas of work of EQUALS are: Addressing the divide between men and women’s access to digital tech resources...
  • Practicing the principles for digital development

    Practicing the principles for digital development Date Thu, October 12, 2017 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM EAT Location Hyatt Regency, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Desciption The Principles for Digital Development are the distilled knowledge of hundreds of professionals and thousands of projects into nine best...
  • U.S. Data-Driven Farming Prize Awards $300,000 for Innovative Agricultural Solutions in Nepal

    Four international companies were awarded with the Global Data-Driven Farming Prize by the US government’s Feed the Future Initiative on Thursday, September 7th, 2017, for their innovative solutions in using information and communications technology to improve agricultural productivity. The solutions will be tested in Nepal, as the competition aims to give the opportunity to find innovations from around the world and link them to less developed economies, where these solutions have not yet arrived. The four winners were two Nepali firms and a German and a Candian company. Db2Map and PEAT won...
  • Introducing Wikifarmer: the Wikipedia of Farming

    Wikifarmer is the greatest user generated online farming library. Its mission is to help all farmers across the globe to find valuable information regarding their existing or potential crops and livestock. Through the information it provides, Wikifarmer aims to give practical solutions to farmers. Contributions can be provided from professional or amateur farmers, beekepers, gardeners and professors sharing their knowledge and best practices. Users can submit a new article, edit an existing article, add pictures or videos, request a new article, ask a question about a related issue, or just...
  • Next week - Online course on Human-Centered Design by IDEO.org

    On the 12th of September, two free courses on Human-centered Design will start hosted by IDEO.org. This is a great opportunity to learn from IDEO.org how to use human-centered design for social innovation. The courses have an intensive programme to enable the participants to really understand what human-centered design is about and how to apply it to overcome challenges and find innovative solutions. Both courses are free. Students are encouraged to form their own teams to work through the content. You can enroll using the following links. Introduction to human-centered design - 4 weeks -...
  • e-learning Africa International Conference on ICT for Development, Education & Training

    eLearning Africa 2017, which will take place in Mauritius from 27 to 29 of September, is Africa's largest and most comprehensive knowledge sharing event on ICTs for development, education and training. Attendees will be able to learn about the latest trends in technology education and training and meet the most important ICT related decision-makers and practicioners. eLearning Africa will host African participants working in education, technology and development. This year, eLearning Africa will partner with UNESCO to celebrate the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI...
  • How can ICT support farmers and the institutions that serve them?

    The question, " How can ICT support farmers and the institutions that serve them ?" will be debated on FHI360 Facebook Live on the 16th of August 2017 at 10:00 AM ET or 3:00 PM GMT. The debate will be hosted by the World Bank's Jeehye Kim and FHI 360's Berhane Gebru. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) presents an opportunity for farmers to boost productivity and food security and also to improve farmers' livelihoods. Join the debate on Facebook
  • "...mobile Apps alone as a tool don’t mean much, but coupled with essential information they can be a good innovation.." an Interview with Mr. Cezar Alvarez Santos

    e-Agricu lture team interviewed Cesar Santos Alvarez, Senior Information Technology Officer at FAO after his attendance to the WSIS 2017 and he shares his experiences and also sheds light on the on the Agricultural Services and Digital inclusion project in Africa. A proj ect that is piloting 4 new apps. "...mobile apps alone as a tool don’t mean much, but coupled with essential information they can be a good innovation.." an Interview with Mr. Cezar Alvarez Santos Tell us briefly about your recent work in ICTs for agriculture What I call ICTs for agriculture are agricultural digital services...
  • Summary of Discussions: Week 3 of the e-Forum on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition

    The third week of the e-forum discussion on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition continued with participants sharing tips on different investments that are needed to reap open data benefits. The question for week 3 was: What investments are needed to reap open data benefits and what precautions are needed to prevent damage to vulnerable farmers from opening data for agriculture and nutrition? Summary of contributions In this section a number of interesting contributions were made to the forum. Dr Muchiri opened the address with a powerful contribution that steered much debate from...