
News and Events

News and Events

The e-Agriculture is a platform of choice for many as they receive news related to ICTs for agriculture. Furthermore, daily around the world a number of events related to ICTs for agriculture are taking place. These may be trainings, meetings, workshops related to the use and upscale of technologies in agriculture. 

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  • Africa Open Data Conference 2017

    Africa Open Data Conference 2017 Date 17-21 July 2017 Location Accra, Ghana Description The 2017 Africa Open Data Conference in Accra, Ghana is set to attract over 600 delegates drawn from all over Africa and the world at large. This auspicious event will push the leadership role of the private...
  • EU Project aims to bring 'Internet of Things' to agriculture

    The Internet of Food & Farm 2020 (IoF2020) project investigates and fosters a large-scale implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) in the European farming and food sector. With a €30 million budget co-funded by the European Union, the project has the potential to bring a paradigm shift in this domain, by drastically improving productivity and sustainability - source . It will demonstrate the added value of smart webs of connected objects, that are context-sensitive and can be identified, sensed and controlled remotely in the agri-food sector. The project has started on January 1st 2017...
  • Webinar: The use of drones in the humanitarian and development sectors

    Learn about how drones can be used in the humanitarian and development sectors by joining the webinar below. Drones have been used in agriculture and other fields, drones play an important role in mapping activities, damages assessment and facilitate the search and rescue operations. Date & Time Wednesday, February 22, 2017 18:00 CET Duration 1 hour 30 minutes Description How to use drones in the humanitarian sector? Mapping aereas of natural disasters and assess the damage on facilities is an essential part of the emergency response and it can be done thanks to drones. These tools can...
  • GODAN launches the Soil Data Working Group

    The Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition ( GODAN ), has launched a new working group on Soil Data Working Group, in cooperation with the Research Data Alliance and the Global Soil Partnership . The working group was initially conceptualized during GODAN Summit 2016.The working group will closely interact with other initiatives related to the development of open soil standards promoting the exchange of digital soil data (OGC, ISO), and support and utilize these. This Soil Data Working Group joins other existing working groups within the GODAN. The objectives of the Soil Data Working...
  • Webinar: The use of drones in the humanitarian and development sectors

    Webinar: The use of drones in the humanitarian and development sectors Date February 22, 2017, 18:00 CET Description How to use drones in the humanitarian sector? Mapping aereas of natural disasters and assess the damage on facilities is an essential part of the emergency response and it can be...
  • Youth and Technology: The Missing Link in Agriculture

    Photo credits: Young Africa Works This is the title of a blog post by Brian Bosire, founder of UjuziKilimo , an agricultural technology company that brings affordable precision farming to smallholder farmers in Kenya, faces the issue of technology adoption among smallholders in Kenya. Although the vast majority of the population in the country is young (60% of the population is under 30), the average age among farmers is 60. The article points out that at such an old age, farmers are much less likely to adopt new technologies for their farming practices. At the same time, young people are...
  • GSMA Mobile Economy Africa 2016 Report

    Rural mobile connectivity is still poor in Africa, according to the GSMA Mobile Economy Africa 2016 Report. Mobile connectivity can help smallholders get access to relevant market information and financial services, which are essential for their development. Affordability is another key issue, as the report states that in countries such as Chad and Niger, for example, "mobile broadband represents around 200% of the annual income of the bottom 20% of the population." Nevertheless, mobile financial services are hugely important in sub-saharan Africa, with the region representing 63% of active...
  • World Radio Day 2017: Radio is You

    Today, the 13th of February is World Radio Day? What is this day all about? World Radio Day is about celebrating radio, a day to remember the unique power of radio to touch lives and bring together people from all over the world. This day was proclaimed by the UNESCO’s 36th General Conference in 2011 and has been celebrated in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 by the UN Member States . World Radio Day: 2017 Celebrations The theme of World Radio Day 2017 is Radio is You , highlighting the importance of listener dialogue and feedback to good radio. UNESCO has issued a statement from its Director-...
  • Bringing Coconut Farmers into the 21st Century through Mobile Agriculture

    Can technology help family famers in the developing world? The story of Coconut farmers in the Philippines does offer answers to this question. Philippines has more than 3.5 million coconut farmers and most of them are communal farmers. Most abject poverty in the world is concentrated in farming communities, and technology can open up new opportunities for family farmers . While more than 90% of farms are run by an individual or a family and they produce about 80% of the world's food occupying around 70-80% of farm land. In the Philippines, where mobile penetration is 50 percent and...