Application for Pitch Agrihack 2019 are open

Pitch AgriHack, the annual competition that awards young entrepreneurs in ICTs for agriculture (ICT4Ag) is open for applications.
Now in its fourth year, Pitch AgriHack is an initiative by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) that supports ICT4Ag entrepreneurs through capacity building and funding to accelerate youth employment and agricultural transformation.
Pitch AgriHack 2019 involves:
- a competition followed by a pitching session in Accra
- a partnership and investment readiness training boot camp for finalist start-ups;
- grants and facilitation of access to investments, capacity building and promotional opportunities.
More information here
In addition to cash prizes, finalists of the competition benefit from a financial management and investment readiness bootcamp, grants and access to investments, capacity building and promotional opportunities. Selected finalists will pitch their innovations to ICT4Ag and business experts at the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) in Accra, 3-7 September.
Welcoming the partnership with CTA for 2019’s competition Karim Lofti Senhadji CEO of OCP Africa: “OCP firmly believes that the agricultural sector will play a vital role in enabling young people's access to employment in Africa.
As such, the group has integrated the promotion of youth agribusiness into its strategy. In this spirit, OCP also partners with organistions thriving to accelerate entrepreneurial initiatives in agriculture, especially those promoting women like CTA’s AgriHack."
Up to €15,000 will be awarded to seven start-ups in different categories including three new special prize categories: data analytics services, public choice and the Greentec Prize.
Interested parties are encouraged to apply by the closing date of May 24, 2019. 50% of finalists are planned to be women and this year the competition is open to North Africa for the first time.
Read more:
The above information is circulated as published by CTA on [email protected] .
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