
Contribute to D4Ag Study – Digital Agriculture Platform Owners.


Contribute to D4Ag Study – Digital Agriculture Platform Owners.

This news item is reproduced for the benefit of e-Agriculture CoP members on behalf of the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

In collaboration with Dalberg Advisors, the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has launched a sector-defining research on the state of Digitalisation for Agriculture (D4Ag) in Africa. This research will explore the commercial potential of D4Ag, the progress made towards that potential to date, enablers and barriers along the pathway leading to D4Ags’ success in the next decade.

To gather data on Digital Deployments for Agriculture in particular, we are launching an online survey. This is where CTA requests your contribution.

Do you offer a digital agricultural platform/solution/innovation/product/service that serves any segment of the agricultural value chain? Did you develop such a solution? If your answer is a yes to both questions, we do need you!

We will launch the survey in the next few days. The instrument includes questions concerning your solution/platform/innovation, its users (demographics), uptake of the service, pilot/scale, output/outcome/impact figures, funding, enablers, barriers, growth objectives, etc. hence some homework may need to be done before start competing it.

Do not miss this opportunity!

Complete the survey and win full support to attend CTA’s 2019 international D4Ag Conference (to be announced soon).

Out of the (hopefully) many, 15 respondents who will have completed the questionnaire will benefit from CTA support in attending the D4Ag Conference where the report will be officially launched. Support will include international travel, accommodation and per diem, according to CTA rules and regulations.

If you plan to take part in the survey, please send the following details

  • Name of your company
  • Name of the platform/solution/innovation/product/service
  • Name of a member of your team best placed to provide the required information
  • Position of respondent within company
  • Email address of the respondent

to [email protected]

You will receive a personalized invitation to access the survey. If your company is one of the lucky winners, it will be up to you to decide who will attend the D4Ag international conference.

On behalf of CTA.



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